In fact, Jiang Wanli has heard about the horror of the black guards. I want to know that few people who are going to enter the official arena do not know about it at all, especially the existence of the black guards, which makes some people feel scared.

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Just because he knows something, even if Jiang Wanli is fearless, he is still a little uncertain. Because when he enters this place, he doesn't seem to be interrogated first, but tortured first. In recent years, although he has been running with his teacher from all over the world, he was born there in the end. Even though he occasionally had a poor diet, he has never suffered from the torture of the black guards It's not just the pain of flesh and skin.

Jiang Wanli shook his fist a little uneasily.

The prison of heiyiwei occupies a small area, because there are no long-term residents here, and no one can come in. Therefore, when Jiang Wanli stepped in, he was a little surprised by the bad environment. In his expectation, it should be humid and dark, full of unpleasant smell, but in fact, it's spacious, full of light, clean enough, not to be seen everywhere People think that all kinds of gloomy torture tools, of course, do not see, does not mean that they do not exist. After all, at the other end, there are houses in the shadow, that place

Jiang Wanli looks away, and his nose moves gently. It seems that there is a faint smell of blood. Or, this is the only thing that can feel fear in his current position. What kind of way can make the smell of blood last for a long time?

Just when Jiang Wanli thought he would go through the corridor in the middle of the cell and enter the shadow opposite, the person in front of him opened the cell directly and stood respectfully.

"If there is any need for Jiang's compilation, you can speak directly with me." Li Suyan's eyes are still sharp, with a hidden evil spirit.

Such a person, as anyone knows, is not easy to get along with. In fact, what Li Suyan really said is not a person who is easy to get along with. He is cold-blooded and ruthless. He doesn't even have a friend. He always comes alone in his private time.

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When Jiang Wanli heard this, his thoughts turned and some uncertain words came out, "I guess I will stay here for some time. Can I find some books?" This is an obvious temptation.

Li Suyan nodded, then left decisively, holding the hilt of the waist knife, his back straight.

The remaining black guard made a gesture of "please" to Jiang Wanli.

Jiang Wanli tries to find out, and this left gentleman also gives him a "clear" answer, so that heart completely falls back to its original place, enters the cell, and even is a little safe.

There was nothing in the cell. Jiang Wanli stood there, thinking about the whole thing, and went to the prison of the black guards. Not only did he not receive a little torture, but his treatment seemed good. So it seems that for him, being arrested by the black guards is not so much "custody" as "protection".

The word "protection" turns on the tip of Jiang Wanli's tongue.

Soon, there was a movement behind him. Jiang Wanli turned around. Then, he was always in a good mood and few people were in a violent mood. Now, his face flashed with consternation. He thought that there was no torture, no dirty cell, or even two books. It was a very good treatment, but now

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The things brought in are not only a bed, but also the bedding and quilt on it. Although the materials are not very good, they are clean and soft. In addition, the book case and the four treasures of the study, and the books brought in are not two, but a large pile.

In addition, the screen is used to separate a place for the bucket.

The man in black is quick and quick. After finishing it, he doesn't say much. He turns around and leaves.

Jiang Wanli wants to doubt that he is in the cell? Fake, right?

The prison in black clothes is not a place where people eat and don't spit. When did it become so humane?

However, after being stunned, Jiang Wanli began to think about more things in his heart. Now, the main person of heiyiwei is Zuo Jinshi, Li Suyan. Although he has a common understanding above, all people actually follow his orders. The black clothes Wei originally belonged to the emperor directly. His business was deeply trusted by Lecheng emperor. He could be called the right arm of his left hand. He was a 100% pure minister. Lecheng's absolute claws and teeth were people who would never be bribed.

Jiang Wanli didn't think that emperor Lecheng would give him such preferential treatment. The emperor, because he was a rare Sanyuan and Lecheng also had a headache, handed the matter over to the black guards for investigation. After several days, there was no result. Naturally, he called Li Suyan to inquire about the situation.

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"The emperor, it's almost been found out. In fact, it's true that, as we said at the beginning, nine out of ten people are playing tricks on the devil. Now we only need to catch the behind the scenes black hand. It's two or three days at most, which is enough to let the truth out."

Emperor Lecheng nodded, "it's hard for me. All in all, get this thing over as soon as possible. "


So, he didn't move Luo's family, but "caught" Jiang Wanli. One is to protect him, and the other is to calm people's hearts. Now, those scholars make trouble again and again. Emperor Lecheng is also angry and easily incited. It can be seen that there is no subjective opinion. How can such a person become a good official? Emperor Lecheng directly asked people to find out the people who made the most trouble, and didn't take away their fame. Without saying anything, he banned the examination for 30 years.

Thirty years, not everyone can hold on. Thirty years, some people may have been buried in the earth.

The effect is very remarkable. The troublemaker stopped all of a sudden.

What are they reading for? It's not that you want to be an official, whether it's for the interests of rights, for the glory of your ancestors, or really for the sake of the world. In a word, you need to enter the official arena first. If all the roads are cut off, all the ideas will be empty. Therefore, no matter how angry you are, you can only shrink.

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Most of the officials finally thought that lechengdi had done a good job.

However, in the evening, Prince Rui met with the present Minister of rites. This Su adult was very open-minded and asked Prince Rui to close his hand quickly. He was very determined to say that this event would never succeed. If it continued, Prince Rui would only expose himself in front of emperor Lecheng. If it was decided, it would be broken. The scapegoat prepared before would just be sent out.

"Lord Su, please give me an explanation." Prince Rui was not angry, but now he has much dependence on him, so he should give some face.

"Lord, Luo Peishan is too quiet in this matter. It's not only him, but also other loyal officials of the court, even the emperor. It's obvious that there may be something we don't know between them. It's even possible that the layout from the beginning was perceived.

I said to the LORD before that Prince Jin should not be underestimated. Although we can't find anything, the most unusual thing is that a person like Prince Jin can't have no ambition at all. So we would rather believe that he is hiding too deep, and don't be hoodwinked by his face now. If we have more precautions, nothing is natural, it's best if What is there, will not be caught by surprise.

At this time, to some extent, we can also test Prince Jin. "

Prince Rui is not willing to listen. After two days, he is very glad to listen.

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