So, who will be the mastermind of this drama tonight?

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Just in consideration of this question, Jing Wan also asked Does Ayan have any doubts? "

"Yes, it is. If the speculation is true, then things may be interesting."

Interesting? What's the fun of dying a lot of people? Or is the "interest" of a certain population different from that of ordinary people? It seems that the latter is more likely than his usual behavior.

Jing Wan thinks that she should be ready to give someone some wax.

This matter has not been mentioned for the time being. "If Princess Su turns over, she will not be safe and secure, and I don't know what will happen." She was repeatedly targeted by Princess su. Although she failed to succeed every time, she was unharmed. Jing Wan still felt quite bored. That is, wearing a mask for a long time and depressing it for a long time. When it broke out, it twisted and twisted.

"Su's chips are almost gone. She's just trapped in the harem. She can't turn over any waves. Li Hongming went down once. At least half of the people who thought highly of him had left. At this time, even if those people look back, Li Hongming would accept them again regardless of the previous suspicion. However, there is a word called" counting after autumn ". Those people are not stupid I can't think of it, so even if I feel that I'm wrong, I will continue to walk with my teeth clenched, and I will try my best to help the new owner and kill Li Hongming completely. No one will like the Betrayer. We don't have to do anything. For a while, Li Hongming will still be in a mess. "

So, this mother and son, even if they get up again, are far from the original threat?!

The eunuch in charge of lechengdi's side went back soon. This time, when facing Li Hongyuan, he seemed more nervous. He faltered in his mouth and couldn't express clearly for a long time. After all, he also knew that the prince of Jin and the concubine had completely broken off. So now the concubine wants to see the prince of Jin. In case that the prince of Jin gets annoyed, the messenger is angry and killed by the prince of Jin on the spot, which is also a white death.

So, he really dare not say.

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Why does such a hard job always fall on him? The emperor is not alone. Sitting in the position of the manager and gaining trust, it's hard not to say that the scenery is boundless? He's probably the saddest steward ever.

It's said that he is like a tiger. He's not the king, but he can be more terrible than the king. At this moment, the eunuch in charge had some inexplicable admiration for the "colleagues" who had been serving the prince of Jin. That's really a man of ability. After so many years, he could still live well. He was clearly the chief of the emperor's side, and he could not get up when facing him. So, should he not care about this, but go to get lessons from him?

Li Hongyuan tried to restrain his temper as much as possible, but the road he chose also made him more bold and unrestrained, so he tolerated the event. In addition, all his patience and good temper were given to Jing Wan, the general manager beside Lecheng emperor, because he had been waiting for a long time, the tea cup had fallen on his head accurately.

There was a scream, but the voice was swallowed by him in a very short time, and the hand covering his forehead subconsciously was then quickly taken away. The position above the eyes, that is, a bloody fingerprint, the blood was still gurgling out, soon blurred the eyes, the body could not help shivering, because of pain, also because of fear.

At this time, I dare not hesitate any more, just like pouring beans, without gasping, to make things clear.

Li Hongyuan's face was expressionless. "What is Su's role as the king, a cat and a dog who calls and calls? The king and she have written off each other. Take this back to the king. Anyone who dares to come for this matter again will surely make him never return. " Li Hongyuan slaps the small square table at hand, and the square table splits directly.

The eunuch in charge was only blindfolded. Fortunately, his legs and stomach trembled even more. If he clapped his hands on himself, he would die. "Yes, my maidservant, leave."

He is even more willing to face the anger of the Emperor than the living one.

In the palace of jade essence, it seems that the former popularity has been restored. However, Su Guifei lies on the couch and feels as if she is breathing like a silk. That knife, however, directly pierces her heart. Moreover, because of the poisonous relationship, the blood can't be stopped. She presses it with a white cloth and dyes it red one by one.

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When the chief eunuch came back for his order, Princess Su might have heard the voice, so she tried to open her eyes, and her consciousness was a little fuzzy. After a while, she couldn't find the figure she wanted to find. The tears in the corner of her eyes rolled down at once. "Is it true that the emperor, yuan'er and yuan'er won't see the concubines, even the last one?"

"No, no, yuan'er is a good and filial child. I will send someone to..."

Princess Su smiled miserably. "Yes, yuan'er is a good child, a concubine, a concubine can't deal with him, and it's all his concubine's fault." it seems that her vitality is being consumed when she speaks, so the face of Princess Su is more and more bleak. "But I'm just jealous. I love the emperor so much, the emperor, and the emperor has only his sister in mind I want to treat yuan'er wholeheartedly, but the longer he looks like his younger sister, the more my heart is like being eaten by thousands of ants and fried by fire, day and night. I always tell myself that yuan'er is innocent, and he is the only one left by my younger sister to the emperor, so I can't, can't... "

Princess Su reveals her inner feelings, and at this moment she no longer conceals her ugly inner feelings.

However, this man has a bad nature root. A woman, no matter how ugly she is in her heart, but if everything is based on her true feelings, then their vanity will be greatly satisfied. So, it seems that no matter how wrong this woman has done, she can be forgiven. Lechengdi is almost out of this state now. All the imperial concubines and other things are completely forgiven Forget it.

What's more, as the saying goes, it's good to say when a person is about to die. Princess Su still blocks the sword for him. When he thinks about the injury, Emperor Lecheng's psychology can't help shivering. Looking at the injury, he just gives up his life. So at this moment, it's basically what Princess Su says. He just needs to nod "OK, OK".

However, Princess Su is obviously a smart person, and she will not ask for anything at this time. Even if she can't escape this disaster, she will never open her mouth. What she asks for is to erase her kindness. What she wants is that emperor Lecheng is willing to give it voluntarily. What she asks for may only be the same. What the emperor gives voluntarily may be infinite.

In order to turn over, Princess Su really gambled her life. Instead of being humiliated and died in the Yujing palace, she should remember to die. Just like Pei's bitch, Princess Su can be sure that if she is still alive, the emperor will not be as precious as the first one. If she is used properly, she may have lowered her relationship with the emperor to freezing point, but she died in the palace At that moment, he left the deepest trace in the emperor's heart, so that the emperor could not forget her for decades, and he also favored the lowly species she left.

It's a pity that Princess Su realized this a little later. Otherwise, in the early morning, she didn't calculate so hard. At least don't let that bitch die.

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Now hold this point and gamble with your life. If you can survive, it's the best. If you can't survive, your son will have no problems in the future. After going through all the things in front, I believe that his mind will be more mature, his work will be more careful, he will not make mistakes easily, and he will not be caught.

The throne is due!

"The emperor and his concubines know that yuan'er will never see them again. The emperor doesn't have to force him. I just regret why I lost my heart and went to anger him. Yuan'er is the most pitiful and innocent. He won't see them and won't forgive them. That's right, right..."

Su Guifei said, her voice became weaker and weaker, as if she could no longer speak.

"I'll bring that bastard here myself."

Emperor Lecheng has been doting on Princess Su for so many years. There are many factors, but there are still some truths in it. After all, Princess Su is a woman who can attract many men in all aspects. It's only because Princess Su stepped on the scales of emperor Lecheng that she was disgusted. Once she got the chance, it's not difficult to recover. In essence, Emperor Lecheng It's a person who remembers his old love, but the imperial concubine is too special for him to be reflected in others.

Su Guifei grabbed Le chengdi's sleeve, which could be flicked away with a light touch, but le chengdi did not dare to exert herself.

"No, the emperor does not want to go, do not want the concubine to die, Yuan son still hates me."

Does Princess Su want to see Li Hongyuan? No, the adopted son she didn't know at all. If she did come, the situation she created would probably be broken by him. She expected that Li Hongyuan would not see her. She wanted to see her very much. Now she is suffering for each other's sake. Her image is more stable, and at the same time, she also blacked the base one.

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"Well, it depends on you. Don't talk anymore."

Princess Su closed her eyes, as if she would not wake up.

Emperor Lecheng is still trying his best to rescue him. But for a while, he is not sure what kind of poison it is. He can only use the most conventional method, which is obviously useless.

Seeing that the blood was still flowing, Emperor Lecheng scolded the quack, kicked people away, and almost killed them.

Li Hongming entered the palace at a fast speed. It was clear that he would be informed later, but he went to the jade palace one step ahead of Gong Jiu.

Because I was so worried about my mother and concubine, I couldn't care about anything. I went into the palace quickly and didn't dismount. It seems that there's nothing wrong. "Princess, Princess..." Li Hongming rushes in, ignoring his manners.

He seems to have only princess Su in his heart. He pounced on Princess Su's side and even emperor Lecheng couldn't care about it. "How are you, princess?" Carefully reach out, as if to touch her, but dare not, afraid of a little touch will make her pain. "It's my son, princess. Can you see me? Mother and concubine... "

The tears of the big man rolled down in a flash.

It's said that men have tears, not to mention princes. But at this time, no one will blame him.

Emperor Lecheng looked at them, they were extremely sour,

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