Li Hongyuan looks a little bad.

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There is no trace but Sun Yilin and min Xiaoyuan. No matter sun Yilin's boy or the people around min Xiaoyuan, they are still in control.

At this time, it is no longer a secret stalking, but a direct trial of the remaining people.

But it turned out that Min Xiaoyuan had a big fight with sun Yilin after she knew that sun Yilin was going to take her home, and frankly, she had been removed from the clan and had nothing to do with min clan. ——In fact, it's just plain that it doesn't matter. Her parents love her in the end, at least in money, they never treat her badly.

Sun Yilin's face darkened for a few days, and min Xiaoyuan seemed to be in a cold war with him, but she never left.

Then, I woke up one morning and found that sun Yilin and min Xiaoyuan were gone. No one knew where they had gone.

And the person in charge of the stalking said that on the night of the disappearance, they met another wave of people, and the purpose of the other party was very clear, that is to hold them, obviously to create opportunities for the other side.

Sun Yilin's change was a little unusual. As expected, he should be killed directly.

Li Hongyuan looks at the map. The place where sun Yilin is missing is a county town with four connections and eight reaches. So there are many roads to leave, which means there are many places to go. When he doesn't know the identity of those who help him behind, it can be said that it's very difficult to speculate on his trend.

Later, Li Hongyuan directly issued a killing order to people all over the place. No need to look for it deliberately. However, anyone who meets it and kills it on the spot will be rewarded for completing the task.

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Li Hongyuan wants sun Yilin to die at this time, not only because of Jing Wan, but also because he has seen sun Yilin's wisdom in his previous life, and he knows that sun Yilin is not an ordinary person. Moreover, sun Yilin's experience is quite different from that in his previous life. A person who grows up in the same water and in the same water may make a decision with Tianyuan Otherwise, if sun Yilin had thought about the world in his previous life, it would be hard for him to say now. It's not impossible for him to join the enemy and destroy Qi Yuan. Just like Li Hongyuan himself, he doesn't care about Qi Yuan so much.

Although sun Yijia should be a hindrance of sun Yilin, it is not a weakness. He has the ability to help other countries destroy Qiyuan. Then, some people who can protect sun Yijia and even Dingguo mansion afterwards are just small things. No one on the top will be too stingy for the great meritorious officials.

And sun Yijia is jingwan's first sister-in-law. Naturally, Li Hongyuan won't take her for granted. So, sun Yilin has no fear, and he knows something about Li Hongyuan.

It may be difficult to notice what Li Hongyuan did behind the scenes when no one knew. However, once it is clear that someone has made great efforts to investigate Li Hongyuan's affairs, many things will emerge little by little. Whether externally or internally, Li Hongyuan will be completely exposed soon.

Now, sun Yilin is likely to be the one who gives clear information.

Li Hongyuan's face is expressionless. Sooner or later, it will be like this. Anyway, it's almost over. Why not expose now.

And the most intolerable thing for Li Hongyuan is that if sun Yilin really chooses such a path, then he doesn't need to think about it. In the interest exchange, one of them must be Jing Wan.

The memory of the previous life is of no help to the next things, because many things have become totally different. However, Li Hongyuan's work and the memory of the previous life are just a reference. If all of them are based on those, what is the change, let alone the change of life against the sky.

Next, let him see if sun Yilin, the pillar of his previous life, who is known as the youngest cabinet elder and praised by many people, can bear to let him capsize.

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We need to know that even without the advantage of "prophet", Li Hongyuan also holds a good brand of high quality. After all, after all, he has laid out so long, how can all these things be possessed by sun Yilin? What sun Yilin relies on is probably his brain. If he wants to compete with him, he has to borrow the power of other countries.

Moreover, in Li Hongyuan's opinion, it is far from enough to borrow only one country, but once more than one country, it means that there is a conflict of interests between countries. No one likes to share the delicious fat. Everyone wants to eat it alone, but he wants to gain the right to speak by himself. It is even more difficult to become a chess piece, which will be abandoned afterwards It's a very important thing to give up or become the next chess player.

Li Hongyuan was inexplicably excited. He could only say that after his rebirth, although he had to restrain his temper, other things were smooth sailing. There was no opponent, and he would feel a little too high to be cold.

In his previous life, he was able to turn over the set in such a desperate situation. How could he lose in this life when the overall situation was in hand? I really want to lose. Li Hongyuan also knows that he will take Jing Wan to huangquan.

He can lose everything, and it's not that he can't afford to lose, but jingwan is the only one who can't let go.

Only in jingwan's case, he will not lose to anyone.

Li Hongyuan estimated that the following people happened to meet sun Yilin, who was so unlucky that the chance of hitting the blade was very low. So, Li Hongyuan was waiting more, waiting for sun Yilin to start, now he just needed to stop.

Jingwan felt that her husband seemed a little strange recently, and seemed to be in a kind of excitement. Every time she inquired, the other party always said nothing. When Jing Wan was in a hurry, Li Hongyuan said that some things might be coming to an end, but more specifically, Li Hongyuan refused to say.

Jing Wan only thinks that if he is ready to take the initiative to end the internal battle of seizing the legitimate power in Qiyuan, even if he is not on the throne now, he should also confirm his first and only position.

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Jing Wan also knows that she is in a special situation. If she can't help her, she may drag her back. So she doesn't ask what to do. She just does what a pregnant woman should do.

It's just that it's October. She's a little pregnant. Jingwan hasn't seen anything about him. It's no different from the past. Jingwan wonders. What medicine does he sell in this gourd?

I don't know that Li Hongyuan is also waiting. However, it's true that someone has been checking him when he was reported below before Mingming. However, all kinds of signs are that it seems that at a certain point, there is nothing more. What the other party wants is not his specific strength, but just a general understanding, or just a confirmation.

Li Hongyuan even waited for someone to poke things into his good father's Royal case, but it didn't happen, and even the things that broke his plans and arrangements didn't happen, which was really puzzling.

In other words, my guess may be wrong. The person who helps sun Yilin is actually someone in Qiyuan, or even someone in the capital who controls the overall situation remotely?

It's not a big possibility. However, Li Hongyuan has increased the control of the capital city, and once again made a thorough investigation. If he was shaded by someone with his eyes lowered, Li Hongyuan can slap himself a few times. And this check, still really touched some small fish and shrimp.

Now these small fish and shrimps, obviously, have no need to keep them. They are all pulled out and crushed to death.

It's just that a little accident has been found. There's a very important line. It's broken. It's not someone else. It's enchanting. At the beginning, jingwan was sent by Prince Kang to Li Hongyuan, who called directly to the door. The one who suffered directly was the woman who had made Prince Kang's brain trust. However, the enchanting woman was not to be underestimated. She was intelligent and had a very good skill of changing face. The situation that she would die made her golden cicada go out of her shell and hide. Li Hongyuan's people found her real body, however, because It is clear that enchanting is a detailed work. Li Hongyuan still knows her identity and keeps her. At the critical moment, he may be able to make use of her. However, he thought that this person had been in control all the time. This time, he found out that he did not know when to change another person. This is just a person with two layers of human skin mask.

The next two kneel down to plead guilty. It's really their dereliction of duty. Even if people slip away, they don't know when they did, which can't be forgiven.

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But now is not the time for liquidation.

Enchanting was originally a person of the Southern Qi Dynasty. She had both talents and good looks. She was sought after by many young talents. Such a woman would have a good future if she had no accident. But the bad thing is that she is a daughter of the marquis. Such a woman, naturally, is a thorn in the flesh in the eyes of the legitimate mother and the legitimate sisters. It is absolutely intolerable. What will happen next I don't need to think about the opportunity, and I will be persecuted again. When I was driven to the brink of despair, I made an appointment to elope with a young man who loved her very much. As a result, the other side broke faith and got tangled up with a large group of people to see her jokes, ridicule and ridicule, saying that she was a toad who wanted to eat swan meat, and pursuing her was just fun. After all, except for her birth, she was barely able to take it out, and was not worthy of being a wife, It's good to add fragrance or play with the back sleeve.

Enchanting almost died. By chance, she was saved. The one who saved her was the brother of the emperor of the Southern Qi Dynasty, an ambitious man who coveted the throne.

The prince of Nanqi, a man of all means to achieve his goal, has domesticated many spies. Most of these spies are beautiful women. As a man, it is very clear that a beautiful woman can often accomplish many things that a man can't easily accomplish. Obviously, she is completely enchanting and wants to revenge and kill all deceptions Those who humiliated her became the best of the scouts.

And enchanting also has a little different from others, that is, she not only wants revenge, she also wants rights, she wants to be a human being, she wants to treat those men as playthings.

And the ambitious Wang Ye is also a treacherous man, promising to enchant her. When she is done, she will be made a marquis.

When enchanting came to Qiyuan, it was obvious that she must have the contact line of Nanqi in her hand. She had to do many things, whether sending messages or receiving instructions from Nanqi.

However, enchanting is just a person in the hands of the king of ambition. It's the emperor's job to go deep into the enemy's country. The power hasn't been reached yet. How can we assign people to other countries?

In fact, when Li Hongyuan lived in the past, she was only seen when she attacked Nanqi later. The place where she was shining and hot has always been Nanqi, and she appeared in Li Hongyuan

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