Li Hongyuan opened his eyes. However, it was as dark as a secluded pool, not deep as the bottom. However, when he heard jingwan, he should naturally show his warmth. If Jing Wan suddenly stands in front of him, he may think he has changed his core.

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The people around Li Hongyuan are in a state of extreme tension from morning to night. That kind of depression seems to suffocate people at any time. Even if the master doesn't say or do anything, just look at you, you will be stripped away and then put in the ice and snow. The feeling of freezing from inside to outside will even lose all thinking ability and behavior He is a lamb that can be slaughtered.

Before their master and son married the princess, they were also horrible, vicious, violent and uncertain, but at least they made people feel like individuals. Now people are really not like a person, but a real merciless demon.

It's human. No matter how terrible it is, he is normal and reasonable most of the time. They are dark guards and dead men. Everything belongs to the master. When facing the master, there is no fear. No matter what he does, they can accept it in their eyes. It's the most normal thing. But now, it's not the same thing. It's always on the edge of death Fate is not the death of doing wrong, but the death of suffering with fear that even the soul is shaking.

No time like this short time, I hope the princess is here.

However, they are worried. Is Princess Wang really fit to see the present prince?

Although the princess has an unparalleled position in the heart of the prince, the whole world can not be compared with it. The princess occupies the whole mind of the prince, but what if the prince has no heart? Does it mean that in the eyes of the prince, the princess is just like other people?

The princess and the prince are deeply in love with each other because there is no life and death in the absence of any major event. However, they are very clear in their mind that at that time, it must have been up and down the yellow spring till death. It can be seen that if the prince breaks his love for the princess and breaks his heart, how much will he hit her? The princess is now in a special situation, and can't be said under great stimulation

However, they still hold hope in their hearts. Even now, the princess is special in the prince's heart.

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The Lord is a lock love Gu, the lock is another female Gu's master who matches with the king's Gu. Under normal circumstances, if the king is hit by such a Gu, he will only be the master of another Gu, who is obedient to her and indifferent to people outside her. However, the king's current situation is that he treats all people equally, and there is no such special situation The only one, lock love Gu is really just "lock love".

The owner of the female Gu wanted to get close to him, but he almost died. If the female Gu didn't have absolute control over the male Gu, if the male Gu owner wanted to hurt the female Gu, he would immediately backfire. Because the backfire, the woman escaped from the Lord's hands.

And they can't do anything to the woman, let alone the male Gu can control the master to protect the female Gu, which is more powerful than the lock love. It's not absolutely ineffective on the master and the son, and it works occasionally. In addition, it's said that there's a kind of double Gu on the woman, which is the female Gu, and the carrier of the child Gu will take the place of her to bear the external damage, while the child Gu is on the princess.

Although they are skeptical of this statement, these days, they have seen the eerieness of Gu and would rather believe that they have it or not, so they are actually quite passive now.

However, things are not completely passive. At least, they all know about the situation of the princess, rather than knowing nothing as some people think.

You should also know that according to the prince's loyalty to the princess, even if you believe in master Chen, you can't have no security protection at all. However, these people are hidden in the dark. On the one hand, they are protecting, on the other hand, they are monitoring. They want to find out the thief. So Jing Wan wakes up and the news can't be spread. This kind of thing is a big joke. Maybe we can't know where Li Hongyuan is, but there are always special channels for delivering messages.

The development of things is just following the trend.

"How is it?" It's cold. It's like asking a common thing.

Recently, people frowned and looked down. They gave a brief account of what happened before.

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I don't need to look. I basically know his expression.

In the past, if you heard that there were other men near the princess, they were still in a bad mood. The prince would definitely break people to pieces immediately, but now he didn't respond at all. It can be seen how abnormal it is.

Usually, a man, even if he has no feelings for his wife, will have a possessive desire and won't tolerate other people's fingering. How can he just be unresponsive?

Is it because I don't care? If this is the case, he should have ordered to kill the owner of the lock love Gu and the female Gu Long ago. The male Gu is absolutely loyal to the female Gu and absolutely defends the female Gu, but there is no such situation as the female Gu dies, and the male Gu also dies with him. This is probably the woman who developed the lock love Gu. What he wants is a man's absolute feelings, and because he loves the other party and doesn't want to pull the other party to die together.

As long as he doesn't start by himself, it's OK. According to the life of the living king of hell, how can he be willing to be controlled by others? He's just locked up, not changed his temperament. In fact, without the shackles of "emotion", he'll only be more unscrupulous, but he doesn't. except when the female demagogue owner wants to get close at first, he doesn't do anything else.

Is it because of the influence of the lock love bug or the princess's safety?

Li Hongyuan closed his eyes again. "Get ready, and tomorrow we will solve the problem."

"Yes, Lord."

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"Turn off the lights, get out."

Three people did not make a sound again, quietly put out the light, go out, close the door.

Li Hongyuan is trapped in the dark. His condition is not so good. He is affected by suoeqing Gu more seriously than his subordinates predicted. The reason why he is completely cold is that he can't easily affect his emotions. Once there is mood fluctuation, the influence of suoeqing Gu will be aggravated. It means that he may be inexplicably influenced by the females The Lord has feelings, which is something Li Hongyuan resists very much.

He was just locked in love, not lost his memory. Maybe he didn't feel his love for jingwan, but the little things he got along with jingwan were the most clear memories. He couldn't be completely indifferent to those memories without feeling. On the contrary, maybe he wanted to lock jingwan up because he locked in love and didn't have feeling to restrain his abnormal possessiveness, For those who dare to peep at jingwan, they don't care.

It's just that for the first time, his emotions were out of control and he was almost controlled by suoeqing Gu. Therefore, he has been suppressing himself and all aspects of his emotions, which is quite different from the previous situation when jingwan fell into a deep sleep. It's tight to the extreme.

That kind of feeling is absolutely not easy, willpower is not strong to the extreme, it is absolutely impossible. ——It should be noted that according to the history of the Baiyi nationality, suoeqing Gu has been born for thousands of years, and there has never been a precedent of failure, among which there are some big people with firm will who have never escaped, which is like the instinct of irrational beasts.

Li Hongyuan slept very little at night, less than before he married jingwan, and was very shallow. Even if he slept, he was only half asleep and half awake, because he is easy to dream now, and the mood in his dream is very big.

It's too hard to suppress. Li Hongyuan looks like an iceberg on the surface. Under the ice, it's like a volcano spewing to the extreme. The ice outside is very hard, but in fact it's also very fragile. Generally, it can't be broken by knocking. But if the opportunity is right, it can be broken by clicking lightly.

What is the result of the eruption? ——Life sucks!

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Although jingwan has a pretty good sleeping environment, she doesn't sleep very well. In addition to the intentional noise outside the simple hut, it's also because she always dreams. Naturally, the things in her dream are not so beautiful. She has been wandering like sleeping or not. She can be aware of her uneasiness outside.

Jingwan woke up completely at last, but he didn't make any noise or plan to get up. In the dark, with his eyes open, even if outsiders can't see it, he can't change the fact that there is no blank and godless.

The child in the stomach suddenly moved. Jing Wan was so absorbed that she reached out and touched her stomach gently.

And Li Hongyuan is also not easy to suffer. The dream that almost disappeared in the past few days comes again at this time, and it's very fierce. It's like he's swept by mercilessly. The situation in the dream makes him unable to wake up for a while, and the violent mood ups and downs make the originally quiet lock emotions and insects move violently, which affects Li Hongyuan's mood It's a vicious circle.

How could the male Gu not react to such obvious movements? How could the female Gu not be aware of its reaction. So, the other end of the room, the door was opened, a gorgeous, dressed in foreign costumes of women, graceful across the threshold, tingtingtingcurl to Li Hongyuan.

However, this woman's walking posture seems to contradict her own temperament. She is obviously that kind of bright publicity. Her dress is also warm and exposed, but her posture is introverted and quiet.

The woman was stopped by Li Hongyuan's men, but she didn't mind. She raised a shallow smile, and the whole person was alive in a flash. The flying eyes, the upturned red lips, without any intentional seduction, can also make people charming and sentimental. The whole person is like a burning flame, hot and intense, which makes people sink unconsciously. It's just that Li Hongyuan's men People, just like a puppet without soul, ignore her completely.

The first time a woman encounters this situation, she may be annoyed. How can anyone escape her beauty and charm? She is used to it again and again. All her spirits are on Li Hongyuan. The men who can't lock their emotions and demagogues are worthy of her strong desire to conquer and let her put other people aside.

As far as she knows, suoxianggu did not succeed in the first place, so when Li Hongyuan did not fall in love with her for the first time, she was not surprised. If she did succeed immediately, she would be disappointed. She would like to have challenges. These days, she never gave up. On the one hand, she used various means to influence him, on the other hand, she did not give up She thought that the best chance would be when the Jin Princess appeared. To be honest, let the woman who seemed to be in the honey pot watch her husband holding other women and telling sweet words. It was a broken, helpless and unbelievable look, which made people feel extraordinarily happy.

Just don't want the chance

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