No matter why the Baiyi people regard their most precious Kexing as a sacred thing, it has nothing to do with jingwan's people.

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Some problems, Li Hongyuan also want to understand, so, you are not polite to return to the Buddha beads jingwan wrist.

Li Hongyuan can take all the good things in the world for granted. Jing Wan's face is not good. Although she doesn't deny that she really wants this thing. If she owns it at the beginning, then there will be no later series of things. However, there is a contradiction in this. If she gives it to Jing Wan early, then she will There is no capital for revenge.

The premise of Furong's betrayal is that she can ensure jingwan's safety. After reaching her goal, she didn't hesitate to give jingwan the treasure. She may have thought about it in the past, but at that time, jingwan was protected by Li Hongyuan, and placed the sacred things of the Yi nationality, as if it could only add flowers to the brocade, while Furong's unprovoked donation of treasure had not been trusted, I'm afraid it's more suspicious.

So, even if it's a treasure offering, it depends on the timing.

As for Li Hongyuan, to be honest, his weight in Furong's heart is really low. His identity as a prince may not match that of jingwan's husband. What he was praised most by Furong is his deep love for jingwan, and his body and mind are the same.

Because it has no weight, it's not polite to use it. I don't hesitate for a moment.

Jingwan fiddles with the Buddha beads and doesn't take them down. First, her husband won't allow it. Second, why does she want to be hypocritical.

Now the question is, how to deal with Furong, take her things, plus her essence is not to betray herself. It is reasonable that the previous things should be written off. However, it is really because of the hypnosis that her husband will be led out of the capital and fall into a series of dangerous situations. Furong's action is the cause of all things. To say in Dali, how to She can't deal with her too much. It can't be offset by a jewel. She has the heart to punish and admonish. Her husband won't take it lightly even after he knows it has been put together. The dignity of some people is often more unforgivable than the real betrayal and the real big crime.

"For the sake of your understanding, this capital crime can be avoided, and the living crime can't escape..."

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"Ah yuan, let flurong make up for it. You said it was up to me. " Jing Wan said.

Li Hongyuan looks at Jing Wan. Jing Wan's eyes are firm. It's obvious that he has a plan in mind. Li Hongyuan's light hum is tacit.

"Furong, it's sun Yilin who contacted you in Bailong temple, and we're all the way..." Except for a few of them, all the others were probably dead. "We want them to believe that you are still not exposed, and then send some news to them." To put it bluntly, it's a counter plot. "What do you think? However, there is no small danger in this matter, so you can refuse it. " There is not only one way to atone.

Furong is a very intelligent person, not only reflected in her fast learning. In fact, if she is given enough conditions, she will never be inferior to several women in the palace. Moreover, she has more advantages in some aspects. For example, after all, she has been in the land of fireworks for many years. When she really wants to please someone, it is very easy, especially for men; For example, she has a bad fortune and looks at her life lightly. Moreover, even after so many experiences, her heart has not degenerated. She also has human nature and knows how to be grateful. For the present Minister of rites, Mr. Su, he is a man with a dark heart. He doesn't really like the same person as him, because he knows the most about his kind of person. Can he achieve his goal Some things can be done by yourself, but the following people can't do it.

Therefore, if all kinds of advantages are used properly, they may play an unexpected role.

Fluffing face quiet Listen, eyes slightly flicker, "princess, maidservant is willing, if you can, maidservant also want to revenge." She tricked Jing Wan and made use of Li Hongyuan. Her purpose was not long because of her unwillingness and resentment. She used other people's power to achieve her goal. She could not do it by herself and participate in it in person.

It has to be said that Furong is really unexpected again and again. There is a big gap between the things hidden in the bone and the things on the face.

However, in the final analysis, the main culprit for her today is the royal family of the former Wei Dynasty. It's no doubt that she was defeated by a weak woman.

"Do you think about it? It's not a joke. "

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"Princess, the maidservant thought that all the things before were bad, but it's not bad enough to meet the princess. If you can serve the princess all your life, it's also a wonderful thing. However, someone came out and told the maidservant that it's all man-made, and the maidservant should serve for life, but the bones of the maidservant haven't completely softened, so treat each other, The total return is the return. It's good to have two or three points. If it's five or six points, it's better. Of course, if it's ten points, it's better. "

The bone hasn't become soft yet. It's made of iron. On the outside, it looks soft and easy to handle. If you really take a bite, you will lose a tooth.

Talent ah, put around as a servant girl, that is absolutely buried.

However, considering the detailed works sent to Qiyuan by other countries, the top ones are all women. However, they are basically unable to be clean and innocent. No matter they are really dissolute or forced, there will be no good end in the end. Jingwan doesn't want flurong to come to this step. Moreover, she hasn't been trained

"Wan Wan doesn't need to worry. There are men in the former Wei Dynasty. Then I will send someone to help her (of course, the so-called help is also surveillance. Here, Li Hongyuan has stains on her. It's easy to wash her). Besides, Qi Yuan still has something to deal with. It will take a lot of time to arrange her to go to the former Wei Dynasty, but I'm not in a hurry. During this period, I can let her go again You don't have to be proficient in learning something. Special cultivation of fine work, and general fine work, have their own purposes, the former may not be better than the latter, many times, depending on how to use Li Hongyuan looks at Furong's face. At the beginning, Su Guifei asked her to make a room for Li Hongyuan, and she resolutely destroyed her face. "It's destroyed anyway, and it's better to be uglier if you get another one. At that time, probably no man will think about it."

No need to guess, Li Hongyuan knew that in her daughter-in-law's heart, the most worried thing was the last point.

Jingwan is silent. There are so-called beauties and demagogues, and there are ugly people and demagogues. In a word, the former is all made up of beautiful young women, while the latter is far less exaggerated. Jingwan suspects that sun Yilin is similar to Gu, which seems to be more than just making people ugly.

Moreover, Jing Wan is deeply antagonistic to Gu, no matter what its nature.

However, when some things are not used in your own person, you must admit that they are actually very useful and effective. Compared with his disgust, it is true that his husband is more likely to succeed.

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This man is really selfish. Even if he is selfless, it is only relative. At any time, there are only saints who are selfless in any position.

As for where the poisonous insects come from, do you know their origins and are afraid not to get them? Moreover, Gong Jiu is in a rather strange state now. Maybe at some time, all the means of breeding insects come out of his mind. Regardless of whether he wants to raise it or not, as long as Li Hongyuan has a word, he will certainly try his best.

"It's better to see how flurong chooses." Jing Wan said. I also took a special look at someone. Is it necessary to be so ugly.

For most women, chastity is important, as is appearance.

"The princess and the maidservant are willing to listen to the opinions of the Lord. The beauty of a lady is withered. Depending on her beauty, it may be easier and also fragile. From other aspects, things may be more difficult. However, once she succeeds, she will be more stable. Moreover, those who are in a high position of power will never lack the confidant of a lady, who will not be a lady. Maybe it is better to be the counselor behind that lady than directly It's easier to get close to the right person. You don't need to inquire about many things yourself. In this way, your own risk will be reduced. "

At this moment, jingwan may need to admit the fact that those who regard flurong as a chess piece actually open up some dangerous attributes of her, and who opens up who understands.

Jing Wan looks forward to the future.

"You go down. It's not peaceful tonight. Eat something and keep your spirits up."

Since she hasn't been exposed here, she should be treated like Hei Mei. It's just the so-called "prepare for the future". Even if it's not available for a while, it's necessary to pay attention to the details from now on and try to make it as seamless as possible.

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"Yes, my maidservant, leave." Furong squatted and crouched, retreated two steps, as if thinking of something, "princess, your maid has changed a Buddha bead for you, master liaochen should know that." The implication is that we can rest assured overseas. Otherwise, we can go back to ask Master Chen for evidence.

Jing Wan didn't really doubt anything. Her suspicion was not so serious. She just glanced at someone who was still calm.

Mammy Gong has been waiting at the door. She knew that when she was betrayed, she was not angry. However, she was used to being cautious and steady, and her mood was not exposed easily. So far, her view has become a little complicated. She has taken the same step with some previous ideas of Jing Wan. It's a pity to be a servant girl. It's a good choice to arrange to go to the former Wei Dynasty.

However, Mammy Gong takes Jing Wan seriously. No matter what she does now, in Mammy Gong's mind, she will never be able to clean up. Of course, she is different from Li Hongyuan. What Li Hongyuan looks at is whether she is trustworthy. What she looks at is the possibility that she can keep close to Jing Wan.

She never denies what she has done, and she doesn't feel guilty, so no matter who she is, she is open-minded.

When Furong goes away, "Gong Jiu, if there is any injury on Furong, take some medicine and ask Heimei to help her with the medicine. And sun Yilin's side, try to reduce the burden tonight." Jing Wan said, anyway, she didn't believe the two men were really intact.

"Yes." Gong jiuying said that he didn't even look at Li Hongyuan's expression. With a princess, the prince can only yield to jingwan and feel the sticky underfoot. In the absence of rain and snow, I want to know that it must be blood soaked.

The brightness of the torch is limited. At one time, jingwan stepped on a soft and hard object and stumbled a little. Jingwan's "Princess Jin is here!" I don't know who shouted.

It's just that this direction is obviously different from jingwan's side, and

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