When the arrows came, Li Hongyuan took Jing Wan to one side, and the rest, including mother Gong, had pulled off her coat in an instant. After shaking and copying in the air, most of the arrows came. The rest were skilfully avoided. In addition, the speed of the soldiers' arrows had its own sequence. Now Jing Wan was not afraid of any poison, and Li Hongyuan was always with her Gong Jiu doesn't have so many scruples. He doesn't want to spend money on poisons. Of course, because the scope of the sacred objects of the Bai Yi nationality is one Zhang. In order to ensure the effect, he left jingwan alone and other people tried to be within jingwan one Zhang. However, while avoiding hurting his own people by mistake, the soldiers within jingwan one Zhang were also "sheltered". They It can only be solved by its dark guard.

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At the same time, Li Hongyuan, who didn't do much before, also killed a lot at this moment.

However, because he has to protect jingwan from time to time, his actions will be greatly hindered and his lethality will be weakened. If jingwan is not pregnant, he can still tie jingwan to his back, but now he can't. however, for Li Hongyuan, it's not too big a problem. On the left, he just doesn't need to open and close a lot. His actions are relatively small. He has a knife in his hand and goes down one knife at a time , blood spattered.

Jing Wan sees in the eye, the heart beats very fast, but does not panic. The ending that I thought would die was reversed again. If I could live well, it would be the best thing. I was close to Li Hongyuan, and I always cooperated with his movements. The dagger was also tightly held in my hand. When I needed it, she would come out at any time.

Despite the fact that there are so many people on the other side and the battle goes on, they still don't win much. However, no one will give up or think so much.

With more and more blood on his body, his clothes and clothes have changed color, and his face and hands are not too much. The smell of blood is very clear, but jingwan is more calm. During this period, he took two shots from behind Li Hongyuan and retreated with one stroke. As long as the other Party saw the blood, it would be enough. Because Gong Jiu poisoned the dagger two days ago, which directly caused the wound, it is more effective than Gong Jiu, Second, the third life disappeared from jingwan's hands, but she couldn't make waves in her heart again.

In Li Hongyuan's eyes, after he found jingwan was very cautious and never rash forward, he also allowed her to behave. In his eyes, jingwan was also changing rapidly, more and more coincident with the one in his previous life. Sure enough, even if the external environment is different, her bones are consistent.

The scuffle has become a group, but even if there are many people on the other side, it has its disadvantages, because these people can't all flock together.

But I don't know when sun Yilin has retreated outside. In fact, this situation is beyond his expectation. Some things have never been touched. I don't know that these soldiers will be so wasteful. More than 300 people are killed by more than ten people. If Qi Yuan's army is like this, then there is no need to do anything To open the gate directly, meet the enemy, and surrender the mountains and rivers to others.

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Obviously, it is a winning situation. However, there is no fluctuation in his mind. Maybe it is because of the increased understanding of Li Hongyuan. In his opinion, it is not strange that any dangerous situation can be reversed by Li Hongyuan.

However, he still doesn't worry about it. With a population advantage of 30 times, burying people can bury each other and look fierce. However, they have already started to get hurt. This person, when facing death, will have infinite potential. In addition, "go up, all go up, and they will point people, kill them, each with a reward. If they don't die, they will die It's you. " Sun shoubei's encouragement obviously played a role.

Sun Yilin's eyes always fall on jingwan's body, which is the appearance he has never seen before. Even if he is inconvenient, he is still resolute, resolute and sensitive. He cooperates with Li Hongyuan tacitly. Moreover, Li Hongyuan's movements are more and more smooth and tacit. There is no room for others to interfere.

Sun Yilin looks as if he is in the spirit, abruptly takes back his eyes, lowers his head and shakes his body. However, he can't see the expression on his face and doesn't know why.

Suddenly he raised his head again, and the trembling disappeared. He turned his head and looked at the direction they had come before, as if there were movement. Sun Yilin looked at the scene that was still in chaos. He was going to cross the forest to see the situation. Now it is not suitable for an accident.

However, sun Yilin stopped at a small half. No need to look at it. The number of horse hoofs is definitely not in the minority, but the speed of driving a horse in such a place is not slow. It's strange that there are so many people, even one or two.

The safest way is to leave at once. No matter who is coming, it has nothing to do with himself. However, sun Yilin doesn't think so. If he wants to live a hidden life, it's definitely not the life he wants. In fact, what will happen in the future, he didn't think about it at all. He probably has no so-called future.

Sun shoubei was controlled by puppet Gu to cooperate with him. Sometimes, he always wanted to use dangerous moves.

Sun Yilin picks up a bow from the ground and pulls out an arrow from a nearby person. As a son of a family, the six skills of a gentleman are indispensable. In fact, sun Yilin's archery has always been good. However, he doesn't need this to add to his beauty. Therefore, there are not many people who practice it in private.

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Aiming, the target is jingwan and Li Hongyuan, but there is no specific target. Anyway, it's their position. It doesn't matter whether they shoot or not. Anyway, his goal is not to hurt people.

Whew, Li Hongyuan and Jing Wan found it almost at the same time. Jing Wan saw it, but Li Hongyuan didn't even think about it. Jing Wan was in front of Li Hongyuan. However, Jing Wan "did a bad thing" this time, because this arrow didn't threaten Li Hongyuan at all. It's not difficult for him to take it for granted, On the contrary, it hinders his hand. It's too late for him to do anything more. Li Hongyuan pushes away the end of the talk, and then sidesteps and avoids the past perfectly.

Things didn't end, and Jing Wan was pushed out of her mind. She rushed forward two steps and cared about Li Hongyuan's situation. She turned around in a hurry and didn't pay attention to the situation in front of her. At this moment, she put one hand around her neck and a short blade on her neck.

Relying on her kidnapper, Jing Wan stands still, sips her lips and looks at Li Hongyuan, who has stopped completely, without saying anything.

"Stop it." Li Hongyuan didn't come forward and gave an order in a cold voice.

And his people are also forbidden. In fact, because they are close to each other, even if they didn't notice what happened at the first time, they can see it really. Even one of them is only a little more than one meal away from jingwan. However, when sun shoubei touched jingwan, he could see clearly and quickly back with jingwan. The blood beads on jingwan's neck are full of blood Points of the description, a little wrong, he will definitely kill immediately.

Jingwan always looked at Li Hongyuan and said, "don't worry about me." he would not export it, because even if he said it, he would not listen. Suddenly turned to look at Sun Yilin, eyes stained with a deep hatred, really, she has never hated a person so much, even if Ruan Fangfei once calculated that her Luo family was full.

Sun Yilin's heart pricked fiercely to let Jing Wan get emotional with him. Compared with being completely indifferent, it may be happy. However, deep hatred will still make people heartache.

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Because of the confusion, because Li Hongyuan's people have already killed red eyes, they will only mercilessly attack the enemies nearby, and their attention to the outside will naturally weaken. The only one or two points of attention can be divided is Li Hongyuan, because he is protected, and because he wants to protect jingwan, the former creates the conditions for him to be distracted, and the latter forces him to be distracted It's hard to say whether Li can succeed or not. However, it will succeed.

"What are you doing? Don't kill them!" Sun shoubei's assassin is very excited, very excited. As long as Prince Jin is dead, as long as he is dead

However, before they had any movement, there was a scream outside.

The sound of the horse's hoof, the sound of the arrow cutting through the air, and the sound of "there is no mercy for killing", more and more soldiers fell to the ground. At this time, Li Hongyuan's dark guard once again shot.

This time, it was purposeful, with Li Hongyuan protruding out, and the outside also tore a hole. The two wings joined, and Li Hongyuan was completely safe.

The garrison, however, was still being ruthlessly hanged, with no resistance, and the ground was soon cleared.

However, those who came to rescue did not dare to make a sound, and they were still fighting. At this time, it was a dead silence.

During this period, jingwan has been taken away for quite a distance. Sun shoubei is leaning against a tree. Jingwan is right in front of him, looking at the left and right cautiously. Anyone who comes forward to jingwan's neck will have a deep cut of the short blade.

At the beginning, sun Yilin also relied on the past. So now, there are three people facing each other and more than 300 people facing this side. This situation is somewhat similar to that of the initial confrontation. However, it is obvious that there is a huge difference. Even though Li Hongyuan was in a weak position before, they are still calm. Now, of the three, sun Shou is the only one An unstoppable shiver.

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It's just that his trembling hand makes the blade continue to penetrate jingwan's flesh and blood little by little.

Li Hongyuan saw it in his eyes and felt pain in his heart, but he didn't look at it easily. He Shihai, who came to the rescue, couldn't help swallowing his mouth because of the anger and the terrible breath. He was one of the people who was not afraid of Li Hongyuan. Now he couldn't help but want to stay away.

However, things are troublesome. He Zhihai grabs the head and scolds his mother in his heart. Who are these guys? They dare to pull their teeth out of a tiger's mouth. It's just that longevity is too long.

It was Sun Yilin who suddenly took sun shoubei's hand and let it move away.

Jingwan didn't put the tingling in her heart, just like Li Hongyuan most of the time, as if she couldn't feel the pain at all. In her eyes, Li Hongyuan was the only one she cared about right now.

Li Hongyuan knows what sun Yilin wants, but it seems that he is not sure. He didn't speak for a while.

Sun Yilin's mind is still at rest, and he has no intention of speaking. It's very difficult and easy to deal with Li Hongyuan. It's because he is very difficult to chew, and he has caught the soft spot. It's very easy to deal with it. After this battle, it will probably become the consensus of the whole world.

Finally, Li

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