Such benefits fall on his head, Luo Jingbo is also uneasy. "Grandfather, is this not good? My sister is suffering too much."

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"This is the best way to deal with these things. I don't care about them, so don't worry about them. If you really feel guilty about them, they will be better for me in the future." Jingwan said with a smile.

What else can Luo Jingbo say, of course, is to make sure again and again that he has the momentum to shed blood for jingwan.

In this way, things will be decided. Other people can only hide their envy or jealousy in their hearts. They can't say a word outside.

And Luo Peishan is also a flower maniac. What he cares more is, "three girls, these two books are the two of these Fangpu?"

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"There are eighteen completed books, and some unfinished ones."

Luo Peishan didn't think jingwan had given him less. "Others borrow my grandfather to have a look. I'll have someone copy it. Don't want yours."

"I'll have it delivered when I go back. It doesn't matter if my grandfather keeps it. I'll do something else. It was meant to be given to my grandfather, just because there were many, heavy ones that I couldn't take at one time. Besides, if my grandfather didn't like it, I didn't bring them all. " In jingwan's view, it's not a one-off thing. You can do it without yourself.

Don't like it? How can we not like or say that those who love flowers, but those who study, are afraid that there is nothing we do not like. Luo Peishan thought about it. These Qunfang genealogies may be of great use, so he didn't refuse them. However, he can't take so many good things from his granddaughter for nothing, and he has to get her some more treasures. Let him think, which famous treasures?

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Ruan Ruizhong, the chief assistant of the cabinet, claimed to have collected all kinds of chrysanthemums in the world. However, the chrysanthemums from the annual chrysanthemum feast are indeed coveted. However, the old man is unprofitable and can't get up early. It's a little difficult to catch things from him.

The fifth Taiqing of Dali temple has the most Camellia in his old lady's house, but he always protects his famous products tightly. It's hard for others to have a look. If you want to see his camellia, you have to use another famous product to exchange it.

There is also the Minister of the Ministry of works, who is in a high position within 40 years. The most plum trees have been planted in his home. There are more kinds than those in Erzi's yard. There are even a few rare treasures. Unfortunately, it's a smiling face tiger. It's difficult to dig one of his plum trees.

There's sun Yilin in Dingguo mansion. He seems to have four famous peonies in his hand. What does Dingguo mansion want? So as the kid's heart treasure, no matter what the condition is, the other side won't change. That's the most difficult thing to get. But there are many other famous peonies in his hand. Maybe we can find a way.

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Luo Peishan thought, while enjoying the orchid picture, the better he looked at it, the more lifelike and dreamlike it was. However, "three girls, how does grandfather look at this orchid?"

"Grandfather just gave it to me a few days ago, so I don't know him?"

"The Pearl Mulan? It's blossoming! " No wonder luopeishan didn't recognize it. The main reason is that the background is too confusing. No one in this room has ever seen the basin of Mulan, but no one has recognized it.

However, jingwan said that it looked like everywhere.

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"When I ask people to send qunfangpu, I'll bring it to you to have a look?"

"Good." It's not a long time since the Pearl Orchid came to luopeishan. As far as he knows, the flower bud had been in his hand for a long time, but it just didn't bloom, because it was the first time for this plant to bloom, and the people who planted it didn't know what it was.

Then, jingwan began to popularize science to luopeishan, from the varieties, habits and cultivation methods of orchids, including what kind of soil to use, how to change pots and plants, as well as their florescence, and even some small ways to extend the florescence.

Of course, these are not all the knowledge accumulation of previous generations. After all, they are two totally different dynasties. The time line may have thousands of years of differences, even different worlds, and it is also related to the optimization of species. What Jing Wan said is a combination of this world. After turning over many books, she summarized them, which will never be inapplicable.

The people in the study were stunned. If you do it according to jingwan's words, even if you don't understand orchids at all, you can become a little expert in cultivating orchids in a flash.

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