The imperial forest army also obeyed Yu Zhongqing's order and detained the relevant personnel. Of course, there were only three people on the spot, two princes and one minister.

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Prince Rui stares at Zhongqing and resents him. Even if there is no room for recovery, he is still reluctant to do so. "Yu Zhongqing, don't you claim to be absolutely loyal to his father? How did you become Li Hongyuan's dog again? What can he give you that the king can't afford? "

"Is it enough that the prince's brother-in-law, in collusion with others, spoils and kills his fiancee? The so-called injustice has the head debt has the Lord, the minister also does not want to others how, but, the Lord you do not fall, how can the minister move your brother-in-law? What's more, the prince should not be involved in the relationship with the former Wei's su adult. He killed the culprit of my family. If not for these reasons, the minister would not be involved in the battle of seizing the legitimate. However, the prince of Jin is a good master, and he would be a Ming king. "

Prince Rui was oppressed and gasped. It was such a reason. The Liu family was indeed his disaster star! And Su's, Su's

Obviously, this surname Su refers to not only the Minister of rites, but also his mother. Of course, if you know that Su Mingzhang betrayed him early in the morning, you will be mad.

Prince Rui is taken away. Yu Zhongqing looks back and stares at the book of rites. The other side suddenly smiles. It is clear that he has a stronger bearing than Prince Rui in this kind of thing. Maybe he has such psychological preparation for a long time. "At that time, there was a fish that missed the net at home? It also makes you climb to the position of commander of the royal forest army, which is unexpected. Your father knows something about me. In case of emergency, he can only cut the grass and root. "

Yu Zhongqing's face, which was calm at first, was finally tense. He clenched his teeth and grasped the handle of the knife tightly, so he didn't directly pull out the knife and kill the other side. "In prison, the corporal will treat the adults well." This sentence is almost squeezed out of the teeth.

"Well, I'm waiting." The smile of the Minister of rites remained unchanged, obviously stimulating Zhongqing deliberately.

However, Yu Zhongqing's tenacity is beyond expectation, and he has not been stimulated. He is very clear that this man has value and cannot be cut directly.

But when Emperor Lecheng was sent back to the palace, all the Royal doctors arrived. Today's affairs can't be completely concealed if you want to. However, the specific situation that happened in the palace is told separately. Even if Li Hongyuan didn't order to seal it, some things may not be told.

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Now, the important officials of the court gather together and wait for emperor Lecheng to wake up. Of course, if he does not wake up, it will be another set of regulations.

It doesn't matter to see that emperor Lecheng won't wake up for a while. It doesn't prevent him from dealing with other things. However, he won't wait for three days at most. If emperor Lecheng doesn't wake up, they will jointly ask Prince Jin to ascend the throne. After all, the country can't be a monarch for a day.

Jingwan was surprised to see Li Hongyuan go back. "How can I come back so soon?" She even thought that he would not go back to the palace again.

"Wan Wan, suddenly I don't seem to want to be emperor." Li Hongyuan gives Jing Wan a surprise.

The expression on Jing Wan's face froze, and then cracked little by little, "are you kidding?"

Because he will be the emperor, she will sit in the Queen's seat, and then she will accept the Queen's rights, which is the right cause and effect, rather than that she wants to be the queen, and then fully supports her husband to fight for the throne, so the latter position is for her, only collateral, there are, rights and responsibilities she continues, there is no and not much, but he does not want to be the emperor now? Those who have worked hard to help him with his work, with great risk, have come to this step now, and see that they are going to take the fruits of victory. He, as the eldest, suddenly doesn't want to, will they agree? I'm afraid that all the rage is light. I'm in a hurry. I'm not sure that I'll be hanged at the gate of the palace!

Besides, jingwan never thought about the possibility that he was not the emperor. He had been planning some things for a long time. Only by sitting in that position and with his full support can he do things conveniently. He also knew that if he was not the emperor, her hard work would not be in vain? Well, it's not intolerable. After all, it's not really hard. But

"You didn't say that even if you don't have a qualified successor, you can easily destroy it. Now you have to give it up to others?"

"The other people in that position are puppets."

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"So it's up to you to decide. Why bother? What's more, have you ever thought that if our children are good enough, but they are not princes and daughters, if they want to sit in that position, their names will not be right and they will be criticized by others. When we are here, I will not worry about it, but when we leave, will our descendants be the target of the puppet emperor's firm eradication? And the descendants of your ministers who are now fully assisting you, don't underestimate the power of accounting after autumn; and the Royal clans, who can do anything for their own benefit. There's a lot to do with it, so don't think about it. Is it good to be arbitrary? " Jing Wan is really powerless and helpless, and can't help but poke his face with his hand.

Can't we just do a little crazy stuff?

Li Hongyuan grabs Jing Wan's hand, nibbles at her lush white fingers and smiles without saying a word.

"Well, what do you mean, I'll give you a definite word." Jingwan thinks that he should be joking, but this bastard can do anything. If he "starts to get sick", she can't understand his idea.

Jingwan's worries about his future suddenly grow strong. When his husband holds the right to speak completely in his hands, he will let the whole world play with him. He sometimes has a whim to play. It's a rhythm that drives people crazy in minutes. So don't be emperor at all? However, if you think about it carefully, it seems that his ability to engage in affairs will not be weakened because he can't sit in that position. Moreover, when he is an emperor, he can barely be confined to the Imperial Palace and the capital city. If he is not an emperor, there is no restriction on it. How many things will happen when he runs around the world? How to think is a headache!

Li Hongyuan saw his daughter-in-law's anxious face, and he was always thinking about things. He couldn't help it. Holding it in my arms, I've got a good kiss.

Jing Wan can't resist. He's allowed to be a good parent of himself. When he's released, his lips are red with water color, which makes him look particularly confused.

Li Hongyuan's thumb gently rubbed on her lips, smiling, looking at the most gentle but, plus the beauty of the prosperous times, seconds can make people dizzy.

However, jingwan's immunity now is absolutely a bar. He gave him a white eye and slapped open his hand.

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Li Hongyuan is not angry and laughs happily.

Jing Wan looks at him and wonders, it seems that the more someone looks at him, the more wrong he is. How can he feel a little nervous? Although there was no such situation before when he was ill, the fact that there was no such situation does not mean that there would be no such situation in him.

Li Hongyuan covers jingwan's eyes with one hand and kisses her on jingwan's nose tip. Her daughter-in-law is so painful and amusing. She is so funny.

Li Hongyuan turns around and holds Jing Wan in his arms. He rubs his face against her sideburns. Things will not change any more. The only Li Hongyuan caresses Jing Wan's stomach for a while, his eyes are a little dim.

Jingwan nest in his arms, looking back at him, "how is the situation in the palace? Originally, the Royal Palace was still waiting for people to come. As a result, there was not a single figure. " Jing Wan said that she was not disappointed. Really, not at all.

According to the expectation, in the normal process of pressing the palace, the emperor's ministers are controlled in the palace, and the houses are surrounded by bread outside the palace. If they are in the opposite houses, there is probably another killing order. As a public enemy, Jin's Royal Palace must be the number one target attacked. It is not only that Jin's Royal Palace attracts firepower, but also countless wealth. Only when you grab it can you count yourself.

As a result, ha ha

Li Hongyuan gave a general account of the situation in the palace.

"So we despise Prince Rui." Jing Wan said plainly.

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However, even if you look down on it, it's still like that. For example, I thought he had only 60 points, and he achieved 80 points. In front of 200 points, he was properly crushed.

As for whether he really didn't want to be emperor, Jing Wan didn't get a clear answer and didn't ask again.

In the next two days, Mingming experienced a series of twists and turns, but jingwan felt that it was no different from the past. For a while, she doubted whether there was a fake palace change. Well, that's true. There are not a few people who want to find Jing Wan to walk away. However, if the gate of Jin's Prince's residence is not opened, it's shameful he Zhihai who has been thrown out, and no one dares to come back.

Li Hongyuan should be very busy. However, things are not like this. Things in his hands are even less than ever before, and it seems that he is going to grow hair. Jing Wan hesitated to look at him for several times. When he left the hands of the shopkeeper, he should be so smooth. It can be predicted that the distress of the officials in the future will be felt.

What jingwan didn't know was that it wasn't just her subjects who were distressed, but herself.

Moreover, the minister's grief and urging have already begun. There are many things after the palace change. The emperor doesn't wake up. In the future, the emperor doesn't care about things. Some things, the minister has the right to suggest, but has no right to decide, so he can only delay. However, those who participated in the palace reform were found out one by one. As the main offenders, they were basically put into the prison of the black guards. The rest, as well as many family members, were also put into the prison of the Ministry of punishment.

Even if there are so many people involved, there is no one who is kind-hearted and willing to uproot some people.

In just two or three days, although there was no bloody rush, the whole capital was in panic. Even those who didn't participate in it could not bring two happy colors. Those who were close to each other were all running around as far as possible, trying to make a contribution to the people in prison, and the Luo family was the first to bear the brunt.

No way. Li Hongyuan doesn't have a foreign family. The closest relationship with him is his wife's Luo family. Moreover, Li Hongyuan's emphasis on jingwan has basically become a consensus. So, it's normal to find Luo family. In this case, even if the Luo family wants to close the door and thank the guests, it's very difficult. Someone can always find a relationship with him, just like Those people who are related to Luo's family and in laws are not easy to be too stiff.

And we need this

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