Jingwan doesn't know and doesn't need to know how many people's minds are active. However, for the only child, even if his father doesn't see him or even looks at him, he still prevents her from getting close too much. However, she, as a mother, can't ignore her. She's less close, and in other aspects, she will only do more.

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What's more, first of all, the attendants have to be carefully selected. From the palace maids, eunuchs, and mammies, the number of attendants is definitely more complete than jingwan's own. In fact, jingwan's own people have never been chosen by her. She is very confident about the people Gong and her nanny choose. This time, she also holds the palm of her hand, not because she no longer believes in the people around her Ren, but the natural mentality of being a mother.

Anyway, according to jingwan's meaning, there can be no less than four people around his son at any time. Even if he is only a little older and doesn't know anything, it's absolutely forbidden for someone to whisper in his ear. Anyway, he is worried that someone will affect her son, not to mention that aspect. The same is true for the nanny. The four nannies will come in turn, and no one is allowed to be too close.

Although jingwan did all these things behind Li Hongyuan's back, didn't Li Hongyuan know?

Li Hongyuan really doesn't want to see her son, but it's impossible for jingwan to ignore her son at all. It's good that she can make some concessions. If she asks too much, the relationship between the husband and the wife is going to go wrong. Li Hongyuan is not stupid. Besides, jingwan does a little good job in her absence. During the period of confinement, the house No, it's really boring.

"Look at" jingwan's things, Li Hongyuan has been watching coldly. It seems that jingwan is getting older and over heated. If he goes down in this way, there may be no one to follow him. So, when a little thing is around her, no one will report back. When jingwan sees Li Hongyuan, his subconscious is frozen, and then he recovers As if nothing had happened, "I'm back." Give a wink to the people on the side, and quickly carry them away.

However, Li Hongyuan went straight to the cradle, and the baby's nanny did not dare to move.

Li Hongyuan looked down, and his eyes flashed with surprise. However, in the past ten days, it was totally different from the vague impression he had seen at the beginning. They all said that the child saw the sky, which seemed to be the same thing.

Jing Wan looked at his face and moved her mind. She thought that she might have done something wrong before. She shouldn't let her son appear on his eyelids because he didn't like it. In the long run, it's estimated that she will really give strangers almost as much as possible. Her feelings are all out of place. How could she make such a mistake? Her husband's main heart knot is that her son makes her suffer It's still the death of "previous life", but isn't she good now. After a long time, she forgets it. So she should brush the sense of existence from time to time. In the long run, if she is used to it, she may accept it.

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Thinking about this, Jing Wan waved to the servants to let them all go down, leaving three members of his family.

After Li Hongyuan sat down, Jing Wan leaned up. "Ah yuan, is our son cute? I think he looks more like you. What do you think? "

Jingwan thought carefully, and Li Hongyuan saw through at a glance, "Wan Wan, don't waste time on this. What you want is impossible." Li Hongyuan also raised his feet and stepped on the cradle. The strength was not heavy, but the shaking degree was far greater than that of the palace people.

It's like leaning to the ground. Jing Wan is scared and reaches for it quickly.

However, he was held by Li Hongyuan. How can he play? The cradle is back.

"Hey, what are you doing? What if you fall?" Give him a bad look.

Li Hongyuan looked at her. "How could I not let him die easily if you were so offended for him?" Tone and eyes are a little cold.

Jing Wan is a little accosted by him. What? Think about it. He controls his strength. He is overreacting. Just follow his attitude. He is just trying to hate his son. He also wants a harmonious family. Dream.

Jing Wan hurriedly gave it to shun Mao, but it was obvious that Li Hongyuan didn't pay much.

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However, it's impossible for him to tell Jing Wan, "OK, I don't see that you are so cute and good-natured."

"Can that be the same? Usually there is no purpose. Now there is a purpose." Jingwan is quite upright.

Li Hongyuan was angry and smiled, "come, take the prince away."

Although the little guy hasn't been officially conferred, since the imperial edict has been issued, then he is the prince. No one can threaten his position, at least for a short time. Of course, it's just the idea of some people. In a word, I still can't believe that Li Hongyuan will keep jingwan for a lifetime, or that when Li Hongyuan takes the throne, no one thinks that he's around There will be no other women. When the second prince is born, the position of the little prince may be shaken.

And those who are active will not bet at this time. If they wait for a few years or even longer, the situation will be more clear. It will not be too late to make a decision at that time. As for now, they are just preparing in advance. If they do, they will not worry about no bottom card.

The palace people's movements are very fast. Looking at that, it seems that Li Hongyuan will treat his relatives and sons as if they were afraid of slowing down a step. Their attitudes towards Li Hongyuan are clear and clear as those who are close to him, so they are not confused by the superficial things like outsiders.

Li Hongyuan's face is a little dark. His daughter-in-law's attitude towards him is the same. But other people, especially palace people, are looking for death, or for death, or for death? That's his son. What he wants to do is not to be judged by outsiders, let alone a mere servant.

Jingwan Snickers, but he dare not show it too clearly. In case he gets annoyed, there will be bloodshed. Those who serve him will be innocent.

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Jingwan quickly takes the topic away and relaxes the relationship between father and son. It's really urgent. We have to take it slow.

Li Hongyuan took a look at her, but he also followed her idea and didn't say much.

Just to talk about later, Li Hongyuan felt that, even for his own sake, he should still be the "stupid" daughter-in-law.

"Wan Wan thinks that, according to your current cultivation method, at the end of the cultivation is a dragon or a worm?"

This problem came too soon. Jing Wan's response came back after a half beat. The smile on her face disappeared and she frowned slightly. In fact, she also knew that she had taken care of her son or protected him a little too much. Mingming "What does Ayan want to say?"

"That girl of your three raised well. At that time, you seemed to give back your opinions. It's not the same with you."

Jingwan frowned tighter. "Our son is different after all, involving too many things. The people around him are doomed to be simple. And he's still so small. "

"Wan Wan, small is not the reason. If you protect him tightly and form a habit in the beginning, it will be difficult to change in the future. As long as he is not a fool, he is destined to be an emperor. Then, the people around him can not be completely harmless. If they are all the same, how can he distinguish between the loyal and the traitor in the process of growing up? Some things, you can tell him no matter how much, will not help. Only through his own experience, will he be sharp. Moreover, if he can't even understand the people around him, how can he face those old people in the future How can the treacherous courtiers face the world? He won't have other brothers to fight with him for the throne and the legitimate power. Although it's bloody, it's not a process of training and growing up. If he can get along with the wind and water again, there will be no ups and downs. What will he look like? Have you thought about it? If it's just an ordinary rich childe, but he's a prince, doomed not to be raised like an ordinary child. You also said that the people around him can't be simple. Do you think you can control people's hearts by controlling like this? Control those ambitions? On the contrary, the closer you control, the deeper you will only let those people hide, which means that the hidden dangers will become more and more imperceptible. By the time of discovery, I'm afraid that some consequences have been caused, and it's OK to be able to recover. If it can't be recovered? "

Jing Wan is horrified. Yes, Chu Jun can't be a flower in the greenhouse, or he will only be a puppet in the hands of others in the future. In fact, the puppet is still good. If he meets some ambitious people, his life will have to be matched. What's more, no matter what kind of thoughts the people around him have, one thing is for sure. That's 100% dare not hurt him. So, as long as we pay attention to it, we can get rid of those things that can't be used at the right time. Moreover, only when there is competition, they will perform better. If no matter how much we do or how little we do, it's the same, who will do it wholeheartedly ? "I see."

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Although Li Hongyuan doesn't want to have no successor, he still feels that Jing Wan has paid too much attention to him, which makes him unhappy. By the way, he will make trouble for him in the future. How can he balance his mind with Lao Tzu, who has been bothering about the throne? Now, the goal is achieved.

Jing Wan looked at his indifferent expression, and suddenly narrowed his eyes. "So, in fact, ah yuan still cares about our son, right? No duplicity. "

"You think so?" Li Hongyuan's expression is still light.

"Is that you are really jealous again?" Jing Wan raises eyebrows.

"You think so?" The expression remains the same and the words you say remain the same.

Jingwan Tut, he is really too tender. Compared with this man, he is far away. He pinches his face angrily. "In a word, no matter what it is, your motivation is not simple. I know all that you said, but it's a long time ago. He's only ten days old. Take your time. "

It doesn't matter if Li Hongyuan is stabbed, but he thinks his daughter-in-law is not so easy to fool.

However, jingwan didn't really grasp it so tightly. After a long time, she even had a little bit of breeding in it. There was a trend of development from one extreme to the other. When it was time to see the wind, it was time to blow the wind. When it was time to bask in the sun, it was time to bask in the sun. Occasionally crying would make him howl. It was time to exercise the vocal cords.

In this way, jingwan's body is completely clean, and the confinement like moon is over. Although she scrubbed every day during the confinement, she washed her body severely again and again, and walked out of the gate and saw the sun.

Today is also the full moon of the prince and his canonization

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