However, the little prince took two bites and put the cake back. He began to pick up other things. The seal was collected, the money string was collected, the books were collected, the bow and sword were collected. In a word, everything within his reach was taken back by him. During this period, no matter what he caught, the minister praised him. Anyway, there was nothing bad.

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The little prince hugged happily, stood up tremblingly, twisted his little head, found jingwan's position, grinned, and walked unsteadily. He walked all the way, fell all the way and hit his little foot. It was a little painful, so he stopped, looked down, but the things on his hand blocked his vision, and saw nothing. So, he looked The doubt of, shake small foot, result, center of gravity one side, whole person fell again.

Many people subconsciously want to reach out and hug, but jingwan is not happy. She laughs directly, claps her hands and opens her arms. "Tianlin, come here, mother and empress."

The little prince who didn't cry or make trouble stood up again, still smiling happily, trotted up, and then the whole man rushed into jingwan's arms, "mother and empress."

Jing Wan perfumes his face and touches his little head. The little prince laughs more happily.

"Well, after the week, put everything away. You can walk around the imperial garden. ——Mammy, cut some flowers and give them to ladies and aunts to enjoy. "

Mother Gong answered, accompanied by other people's "thank you Niang".

Jingwan returns to Kunyi palace with her son. Both mother and son are reborn and changed their clothes. After loving each other for a long time, jingwan takes people to the imperial garden again.

Since jingwan intends to choose some playmates for her son, she will not be unprepared. No, she has opened up a special place and built an amusement park.

We should know that the same group of people, even though they are bigger and more complex now, have established a similar state in Chuang Tzu. It's hard for those craftsmen to work quickly.

Using ordinary slide connection to build hide and seek small buildings, high tower swivels, seesaws, big "rattan ball", "ocean ball", trampoline, two foot self-control bumper car, wooden track small train, carousel, "pirate ship", "small rowboat", sand piles with various models, some game games and set up good prizes, etc Although there is no electricity, the large toys that need to be moved can also achieve the desired effect with mechanism technology and certain manpower.

Jingwan didn't say much either. In the past, other people naturally have palace people to lead the way.

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This kind of novel thing naturally attracts people's attention. Although it was built on the Chuang Tzu in the early days, there were also people who met it, and some people imitated it, but the pattern at that time can't be compared with that at present. In addition, jingwan was for the younger daughter of her sister and eldest princess. Now he is a person headed by the prince, who is a prince. When he was young, he shouldn't be taught Is it really good to build a place for fun? Don't you fear that he will lose his mind? Although it's still small now, these and things can't be torn down after playing several times, can they?

Jingwan puts the little prince in there. The little guy's eyes are bright. He doesn't need jingwan to say what to do. He pours on him. Because he's a little fast, he turns around a little bit and falls on the ground. But because the ground is covered with strong cloth and there's cotton under it, it won't hurt at all. However, the little guy is too lazy to stand up, so he climbs Quickly, he grabbed the nearest "rattan ball", stood up, and the whole body jumped on it. As a result, because of the change of the center of gravity, he rolled with the rattan ball, and the whole person fell to the ground, turning into hands and feet to the sky, then he got up with a giggle, and went on to the next toy.

The ground and "toys" are basically protected, so you don't need to worry about injuries.

Jing Wan smiled for a while, looked back, saw other eyes full of eager children, smiled, "you all go in to play, shoes off can be put here."

The Queen's mother has spoken. Can other people keep their children from playing?

No matter what kind of mentality, in the face of children's eager eyes, they only choose to nod their heads. However, only boys under the age of five are allowed to go in. After a little thought, Jing Wan understands the problem, "you can go in without restriction, girl..."

Men and women have different seats when they are seven years old. Although not every family obeys this way, outsiders are sure to do so. The older boys, after jingwan's words fall, "rush in" and the oldest one is close to ten years old. The older ones, on the other hand, probably don't want to have fun. Even if they want to have fun, they are constrained. Girls can't go in. Look With those kids, just like the monkeys jumping up and down, some of them just bump into each other.

Looking at those little girls who still don't understand anything want to break away from the hands of the people around them, and a little older girls who have learned how to avoid suspicion, their eyes show disappointment.

"Girls can play, too. There's another one nearby." Jingwan took a little girl nearby and walked straight to the other side. "It's good for children to move more. Even if it's a little lady, it doesn't need to be quiet all the time. When we were young, we had fun everywhere." I blinked at the little girl who was a little confused.

The little girl forgot to worry, subconsciously showed a sweet smile to Jing Wan.

Ah, the children of others are little angels.

Jingwan's words are not so much for the little girls around her as for their elders.

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Girls are always taught to be chaste and virtuous. They play like wild girls. The elders will be unhappy and blame subconsciously. However, jingwan "sets an example". Even if they are on the lips, they have to swallow it. On the contrary, they may think about jingwan's preferences and prepare to teach their girls in this way.

All kinds of things built for girls are different from the pattern. They are a little "gentle".

Although she got the consent, these little ladies still can't let go like those skin monkeys after entering, but after a while, they won't be so restrained.

Jingwan stood outside for a while, looked back, and told the palace people who were guarding the side, "look at them, don't let them sweat their clothes, and there, don't fight."

"Yes, empress."

Jingwan turned around. "If you don't feel at ease, you can look around. For the rest, you can have a cup of tea with our palace."

The prince's highness is so small, the Queen's mother is relieved to put people here. Do they dare to say that they are not relieved? A prince is more expensive than all the other children.

"The empress is joking. You can't worry about it. You've arranged it properly. It's absolutely safe."

Jing Wan smiled, and she knew what their mentality was, but she would not say anything more. To be honest, even if they accidentally bump into each other, they can not only blame her, but also plead guilty, disturb peace and betray her feelings. This is the absolute status that identity brings.

Anyway, Jing Wan has arranged for the most noisy group of children to go back for tea.

All the family members also left their own attendants and went with Jing Wan.

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In March, the whole imperial garden is also colorful. The current pattern is the same as before. Jingwan is busy with other things and has no time to plan again. Naturally, those craftsmen have to continue to take care of it as it is, let alone transform it according to their own ideas. Without the master's order, they can't even let any kind of flowers and trees show bad signs, but Any problem should be replaced as soon as possible.

Palace people are still cutting flowers according to jingwan's instructions before. In all kinds of words, they put them in order.

Jing Wan beckoned to a nearby palace man, "scissors for me."

They were busy serving them.

Jing Wan takes it, looks at it, cuts a peony, holds it in her hand, and trims it carefully. She holds it in her beautiful hand. The flowers are more beautiful and the flowers are more delicate.

Jingwan glanced at the side of his head slightly, and saw the Yu yaoweng master with a gloomy face. It was obviously because he was detained by his mother. Let alone go to the "amusement park". Other places were not allowed to go.

In sum, Lord Yu yaoweng is thirteen or four years old. She is a big girl. Although she is "the eldest" in the eldest princess's mansion, she is more delicate and charming. Compared with those girls who are more calm and precocious, her mind and temperament still keep up with those of ten years old.

"Yuyao come here." Jing Wan beckons.

Yu Yao's eyes are slightly bright. She immediately "gets rid of" her mother and quickly moves forward. Anyway, her mother can't compare with Wan's sister. "Wan Empress. " Yuyao changed her name in time. She would be picked up by her mother when she went back.

Jing Wan looks at it. She puts the flowers in her hands on Yu Yao's head. They are in the right place and look very beautiful. "Very nice."

"Thank you, empress." Yuyao smiles like a flower.

Later, jingwan cut several more and gave them to several girls, including the two sisters of the Luo family.

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"Well, you all have to be stubborn. It's so boring to be with us. Peers should be with their peers." Jing Wan smiles and waves.

"The empress is not a few years older than us, so she is not the same age." Yu Yao simply said that he did not understand.

Jing Wan chuckles, reaches out and pinches Yu Yao's face. "Ah, wait a few years, when you get married and have a baby, you can talk to me."

Yu Yao didn't understand. She made a big red face, and the women around her all laughed kindly.

"The queen will tease me and ignore you." One foot, red face ran.

"The empress made atonement for her sins. I spoiled her and she didn't understand the rules any more." The eldest princess came out to plead guilty.

"My adoptive mother is very serious. I am very clear about Yuyao's temperament. She is so rare."

Although not obvious, to a certain extent, this has demonstrated some of Jing Wan's preferences.

Jingwan gossips and drinks tea with all the ladies, because it has nothing to do with politics, so naturally she won't talk to the ministers.

However, near the luncheon, there was a little problem in the playground. Two boys were playing too crazy. They accidentally hit the little prince. The palace people who were guarding the side had no time to stop them. The little prince cried and his forehead was still a little green.

This time, can be big and small under a choking, came to jingwan, a group of people kneeling to plead guilty.

Jingwan holds the little prince, who has not cried. Look, it's nothing. Basically, he can't see it. After coaxing twice, the little prince laughs again

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