"Emperor, it's better to go back to the Palace first." Jing Wan said softly.

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Li Hongyuan moves his eyes back to jingwan from his son. His eyes become tender in seconds, but there is a danger of losing them. "I came back on horseback."

It's said that Jing Wan almost knelt down. It's embarrassing to pick up words at this time. But, OK, Jing Wan must admit that someone was intentional. Because she tried to rescue her son, she made him upset. Jing Wan felt that he was also very sad. His son was not even four years old. He was still a baby when you left Inside, how to say it's all your blood, can't you give a little bit of gentleness?

It's only a few months to go. It's not three years old. Please, don't be so naive.

However, Jing Wan is afraid to say it. She is under great pressure under someone's eyes. She just can't keep such a stalemate all the time. Isn't that to make so many people laugh? "Emperor, it's freezing. It's very cold."

This excuse is still clumsy. Li Hongyuan has been holding jingwan's hand. It's warm. However, Li Hongyuan's expression is still loose. He holds jingwan's shoulder and goes back to the palace

Jingwan still has a big killer to deal with someone, that is herself. As long as she talks with herself, even if she just installs it casually, he will basically compromise. However, jingwan doesn't want to be protected in the palm of her hand. She feels more like a dish sent to someone's mouth. What's more tragic?

Jingwan looks back at her shoulders. How can she look at her poor son? She can only say sorry in silence. The more she can do it, the worse you will be. The worse she can do it herself. She can't help it. Who let your father fight for three years and come back? Her momentum is more terrible. One look can make people tremble. All of them The subjects only counseled him. When he was serious with his mother, she could only counseled him.

Li Hongyuan took Jing Wan to the imperial chariot, and the little prince looked at him with eyes, which was very painful. At last, he bulged his cheeks and helped himself to climb up the Phoenix chariot. The people who were not allowed to wait on him helped him. When he went out of the palace with his mother, he had the fragrant and soft arms of her mother. When he went back, he was alone. From there, he looked at the jade cabbage on the water and the big one, and it became withered Cabbage, nobody loves it at all.

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The big phoenix chariot, just a little Douding, seemed to be empty. The little prince was sulking, and he didn't know what he was talking about. However, obviously, there must be no good words, and his eyes were also turning around, and he didn't know what bad idea he was making.

After entering the city, the people on both sides welcomed and cheered. The emperor spent three years swallowing a big country equivalent to his own country. What does it mean? It means that Qiyuan is powerful. It means that the emperor is powerful. It means that now Qiyuan stands at the top. There is no comparable existence. How can people in such a country be unhappy? That is to say, I totally forgot how much I hated when Li Hongyuan was still prince. Moreover, according to the current situation, even if someone mentioned it secretly, it would probably be attacked by the crowd. That's just to spread false information. Otherwise, several ordinary people have seen the emperor's bullying with their own eyes? No,

However, the chariot was covered so tightly that people who wanted to see the holy face were defeated.

Can you ask the emperor to open the chariot? Definitely not.

To say what kind of way can best express the enthusiasm of the people, it is natural that - long live the emperor - one after another.

In the imperial chariot, Jing Wan is held tightly by Li Hongyuan. She is too close to breathe. They all say that xiaobiesheng is a new marriage. They are not xiaobies. They have been for more than three years. The most direct contact of their bodies is the most direct way to express each other's deep feelings. It is not only Li Hongyuan that releases their desires. Jingwan is also the same. However, now is not a good time, let alone a bad time It's a good place, although I know it won't be found by the outside people, jingwan is still extremely nervous. Because of the tension, the senses become more acute, so that the emotions become more active and the body wants more intimacy. However, the remaining reason clamors to stop, which is almost fatal.

When Li Hongyuan is getting too hot, Jing Wan finally grabs his hand, bows his head, buries his face in his neck and shoulders. The man with strong blood looks as if his heat is emitting from the blood. He is warm all over. Jing Wan can't stop breathing. The breath is sprayed on Li Hongyuan's neck, which is quite fatal. His eyes become very dark, and the action of Weidun continues.

"Ah yuan, stop it." Jing Wan said weakly.

Although it can't be seen outside, it's too fierce. It's sure to be detected. Besides, the yuan Qi emperor was supposed to accept the congratulations of the people. It's so tightly covered that people would not think about it. They would know that jingwan is on it. The content of the brain tonic would be more and more beautiful. What they don't know is that they would only doubt whether the yuan Qi emperor was seriously injured. If the former, even if Without being broken by humanity, it would be embarrassing enough. In public, the emperor and empress did such a disorganized thing. What was their majesty? In the latter case, when Li Hongyuan's Tianwei climbs to the top, it may cause people's hearts to move and panic.

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Li Hongyuan naturally knows how powerful he is. However, he is still quite unhappy. Besides, as for his virtue, it's not easy to give up, especially the benefits from jingwan, which can't be let go. "Wan Wan doesn't want me?" Press the voice very low very low, but also with a bit of emotional hoarseness, hand is also very dishonest in jingwan body ignition.

Jingwan murmured. Such a foul is really fatal. "Don't make any noise. When you go back, you can do whatever you want."

After the land cutting and compensation, Li Hongyuan's action slowed down. With his self-control, he really wanted to restrain. He could do it completely. Sometimes he couldn't control it. That's his indulgence in essence.

When Jing Wan calmed down and straightened his clothes, he sat next to Li Hongyuan with dignity, but his lips were a little too red, and his eyes were covered with spring, but he couldn't see the rest. The curtain in front of the imperial chariot and left and right was hung up, and the situation inside was completely presented to the public.

At that moment, it was so overwhelming that people couldn't hear the specific things. Jingwan once doubted whether the whole capital could be covered by the surrounding voice. Well, it's exaggeration. If so, how small is the capital of Qiyuan.

Li Hongyuan is calm, meaning to turn around, where his eyes reach, the voice of "long live the emperor" is countless decibels higher than other places.

At this moment, jingwan has a subtle feeling of thousands of fans facing top idols.

In addition to the background dress are a little antique, really, the subtle feeling is very strong.

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However, Jing Wan found that someone seemed not very happy, but for a while he would not guess what he was unhappy about. Until, long live seems to be mixed with a thousand years old, the emperor mixed with the queen, and more and more clear, someone's face expression just slightly eased a little bit.

Jing Wan loses his smile, saying, as for you, Jing Wan sometimes feels that this man has a little childish temper.

Li Hongyuan seemed to know what Jing Wan was thinking. He turned his head and held her hand. "You and I are one, sharing weal and woe."

At this moment, jingwan felt that his heart was being pulled. He just cared about what kind of kid's temper, because he cared about it, he would haggle over it. In her opinion, as long as his confidant knew it, how other people didn't care about it, his ideas were different. He couldn't think he was naive because some of his ideas were different from him It's very important to see it, but it's just the same way. You shouldn't deny it because it's different.

"Ah yuan, you are right." Therefore, jingwan waved to the outside and brushed a wave of existence feeling. As expected, the "Queen Millennium" became more and more obvious.

Just after the imperial chariot, the voice of "Prince Millennium" in the back is higher and higher. It must be what the boy did.

Jing Wan called for a person and inquired about it. He learned that the little guy was behind, just like a monkey, running from one side of the Phoenix chariot to the other side. That's very exciting. Don't mention it.

"The empress taught the prince lively." Li Hongyuan said in a cool voice.

It seems that something has been destroyed by her son again. Jingwan's scalp is a little bit numb and a little regretful. If Zao knows, don't ask.

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Besides, she thinks her son is smart, but she seems to have been fooling all the time.

"Well, children, by nature, are all the same." Jingwan said with a dry smile.

"How can it be the same? Whether he is a prince or your son, he is naturally smarter than anyone else. Even if he is naughty, he is better than others."

Jingwan has found out that as long as someone thinks about it, he's still a cool guy. He can stop you from speaking at all. Let's just say that. How do you answer him? Obviously, we can't boast or belittle, boast that he's unhappy, and belittle that he'll still be unhappy. So, isn't a kid's temper really an injustice to him? Jingwan quietly chooses to shut up.

Eyes still fall on someone, because even if you shut up, she may not be as you wish.

Fortunately, Li Hongyuan didn't stop jingwan. Otherwise, she would have lost something that she didn't want him to come back. She told her son that you are so good at fighting, so go on fighting.

After returning to the palace, Li Hongyuan didn't take care of the ministers behind him at all. He went back to the palace directly, leaving only one sentence for a banquet in the Palace tomorrow.

It should be said that such an attitude is probably expected by all the courtiers. Therefore, after the "ministers and other officials comply with the order", they went to work on their own. It is necessary to know that their emperor brought back not only generals and soldiers, but also more than 10000 other good people, who must be dealt with. How to arrange them, how to arrange them, and don't expect the emperor to give specific instructions, Looking for the queen? Ha ha, you go to find one to try and see what the emperor's reaction will be.

As for the generals who come back, they naturally go back to their own homes. Take advantage of this time to get together with their families. Think of those who want to come back and fail to come back, just like Fu Yunting. They are not local officials. They are inexplicably targeted by the emperor. Others still stay away. Otherwise, they will be wiped out by the typhoon.

In other words, Fu Yunting is also used to Li Hongyuan's way of doing things. Although he still doesn't know why the emperor has never had a good face with him, he was given everything by the emperor of the Jin Dynasty several years earlier

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