Of course, whether it's reasonable or not, they can't ask questions. The only thing they need to do is to execute orders.

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When the "Little Prince" was in the palace, he completely put down his body and learned from the children. Now when he was out of the palace, he was more like a runaway wild horse, having fun everywhere. The place jingwan took him to is a busy street. He didn't stop him from "running around", just let black sister follow him all the time. Of course, she knew that in the dark There are still people in the palace. How can we say that although she went out of the palace in secret, as long as someone wanted to, there would be no secret in the palace. Especially when he went out of the palace, he couldn't be unaware of it. So Jing Wan didn't worry about the safety at all.

What's uncertain now is just how long you can stay outside the palace. The length of time will mean

Jingwan looks at her son with excitement and curiosity. She looks here and there. However, she always looks back from time to time. She always needs to determine her position, show a big smile, and then go to see those things. Sometimes when she sees something funny or feels something new, she waves, "Mom, come and have a look." I also adapt to the new identity very well.

Jingwan often works well with him, and she is obviously familiar with many small things, so she tells him in a whisper.

At first sight, they are lively and lovely sons, gentle and loving mothers, and their clothes are not vulgar and their bearing is extraordinary. They must be rich or not, which attracts many people's attention.

The little prince's appearance is more like Li Hongyuan's. when he was young, he looked particularly beautiful, jade and snow were lovely. Although jingwan was not the top beauty, he was definitely stand out from the crowd in this street.

Jingwan took his son out of the palace, but there was no special low-key. If he met someone familiar with him, he would recognize it immediately. However, it is obvious that jingwan didn't care. As for whether he would be impeached by his subjects after being found out? Ah, jingwan thinks it's more possible for them to open one eye and close one eye as if they don't know, because in their opinion, it must be allowed by the emperor. At that time, if it doesn't play a role, it may offend the empress. Even if the emperor comes back, the Empress is still not only able to deal with affairs. It's clear that she is in charge of the whole country with the emperor, and some new policies are basically It's all the empress's ideas. Although the emperor certainly plays a huge role in it, his attitude is very obvious when the emperor pushes the empress out for implementation. Moreover, in the folk and even the scholars, the empress's reputation is very high, and her authority and prestige are not lacking. How can such a person easily provoke?

"It's said that the capital is famous for its outstanding people and places. The beauty lies in the skin and the God." At the window of the second floor of a teahouse, a young man looked out at the street and said.

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"Well, I'll see what kind of beauty my brother can praise so much." Another man stretched out his head and found out who the good brother was looking at, needless to say, "Tut, it's really unusual, but unfortunately, the famous flowers are in charge and even have become a mother."

"Where? Let me have a look." The third person moved two steps to the window directly, with a glass of wine in his hand. He just drank half of it, and then spit it out with a puff. Then he coughed heartbreaking, but he couldn't care. He grabbed two friends and pushed them inside hard to make sure that they would never be seen by the outside people. "Shut up, you two bastards, that's the Emperor "Cough, cough, cough", slowly, "in a word, the other party's status is noble, which can not be joked about."

While saying, this heart is still crazy jump, how can empress Niang be outside the palace? He wanted to lie to himself. Maybe it was just a person who looked like him. But it's not strange that people look like him. They look like his temperament is similar. How many can they have? There must be a guard around the empress. Since she is on patrol in micro clothes, the guard must also be disguised. Anyone outside may be. Who knows if they have noticed them? If they are heard of their disrespectful words, I can't imagine what the consequences will be.

Now I can only hope I think too much.

The other two were almost turned over by his sudden action. However, hearing his words and looking at his bitter face, I knew that it was really unusual, "why, it's so big?"

"Very large." The whole world belongs to their family. The empress is still in real power. According to Qi Yuan's current national strength, no one dares to steal the edge. The most honorable woman in the world is absolutely real. It's just that they are bored for a while and come out for a drink of tea. I don't think they would set foot in such a place at ordinary times. Originally, they don't have anything to do with it, but they are used to being "cheap" at ordinary times. In fact, it's OK to change anyone else, but Think of here, mercilessly give oneself a slap in the mouth.

The other two know that things may be a little bad when they see him. The other side may be better or worse than they expected. After all, my brother, at least, is a son of a top-ranking family. Although, because he is ignorant and incompetent, some of them are disliked by the family. However, what's the matter? The family won't care. So, the other side is actually that kind I have to bow when I meet you? I can't help shivering when I think about it.

He opened his mouth to ask about the specific identity of the other party, but after thinking about it, he still stopped thinking. It's called "the ignorant are fearless". He really knows it, even worse. "In fact, what, what we just said, should not be heard?"

"I may not have heard it. What about the others?"

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So what can we do now? Pray!

Necking for a while, and then quietly Mimi looked out, people have disappeared, Hu, it seems to be OK.

However, although to some extent, it's too small to be small, but after this battle, these people have changed their minds. At least, they don't dare to casually eat flowers. They can't help being reserved in the places where they go to fireworks.

Jingwan probably didn't think of such a thing.

It's said that the child is full of energy, which changes into an adult core, but he is particularly curious. To some extent, it's a disaster.

According to jingwan's constitution, he was a little too late at the end of the day. Except for the lunch and rest time, the rest of the day didn't stop. Jingwan wanted to let him go, but obviously he couldn't. this kid didn't give him any restrictions. It was too frustrating. "Tianlin, find a restaurant, have a rest for one night, and play tomorrow." The name of the little prince has not been announced to the world, and there are not many people who know about it. Therefore, it is not taboo.

Jingwan said, "Little Prince" stopped at once, and then he realized later that he seemed to be crazy today, and his mother followed her all the time At the same time, I felt guilty. I wish I could slap myself twice. I hurried forward and held jingwan's hand. "Mother, I'm sorry, it's all my son's fault. It's hurting mother. Otherwise, let's go back."

Jing Wan smiled and touched his head. His son was so considerate. "It's OK. My mother is not as weak as you think. Let's play. When we're out, we'll go back when we've had enough. We won't have a chance in the future. But it's not early now. We can't continue playing. "

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"Listen to my mother." "Little Prince" is holding jingwan's hand.

When Jing Wan said he was looking for a place to live, someone had gone to do it quickly.

Then, after stopping, the "Little Prince" also found that he seemed to have pain in his feet, which showed how much he went too far today.

Although these naive children think of themselves as children, they are still a little embarrassed at this time. They should make a good review. Especially when they are tired of their mother, they should not be totally indulged. Therefore, they still need to be restrained when they should be restrained.

"Little Prince" knows more than a few things, but they are basically from books. He is very strange to places outside the palace. When he was a child, he couldn't go out of the palace. Later, his curiosity became weak. No, it's not light. It's just hidden, because it shouldn't exist. He probably didn't want to go back to the present, so he really forgot his shape.

"Little Prince" was a little distracted when his body suddenly emptied, and he just saw his mother's face when he came back, so jingwan picked him up.

"Mother." The next meaning of the ring around jingwan's neck, and then, "mom put me down, you must be tired today."

"It's OK," jingwan said with a smile and scraped his nose. "My mother hasn't held you for a day now. Can I hold you?"

"But they are not three years old." "Little prince," said a book in a positive tone.

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"Yes, our little man is five years old." Jingwan's smile is more obvious.

"Little Prince" is cheeky. At this time, he can't help but want to cover his face. It's too humiliating. He holds jingwan and puts his chin on jingwan's shoulder.

In the evening, although she lived in a restaurant, Mammy Gong and Hei Mei were attentive. They specially suffered from the lack of medicine, got a brand-new bath tub, and made a comfortable bubble. Then, Mammy Gong gave a full body massage to ensure that she would not get up in pain tomorrow.

In fact, jingwan wanted to wash his son himself, but he was shy and had to stop.

Is "Little Prince" shy? In fact, on the one hand, he didn't think that he could hide from his father all the time. So at that time, he was afraid that he would not be killed by his father because he occupied his body, but because he let his mother bathe him. The father would not really treat himself as a child because he was a child's body. So, some things still need to be prevented.

Jingwan's room is naturally separate from the little prince. He dare not sleep with his mother. The reason is the same as above.

No, jingwan is still sitting on the bedside of the "Little Prince". The "Little Prince" is sleeping near the outer edge, and his feet are on jingwan's legs. Jingwan gently pinches them. At first, the "Little Prince" wanted to take his feet back, but jingwan suppressed them.

Jingwan pinches his feet and tells him bedtime stories. Her voice is gentle and her eyes are soft. At this time, she is not the empress who is in charge of the world with her father and emperor, but just a mother who loves her children.

Most of the face of the "Little Prince" is in the shadow of the curtain. Maybe because other people can't see his expression, he looks at jingwan so undisguised. The tears have slipped down unconsciously, "mother

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