The Queen's wife, who is "always on", has never stopped. It's one thing after another. The law has been revised almost. It has started to regulate all aspects of the city. Several main roads are drawn out, which are accessible by people, by carriages, by sedans, which can't be accessed by carriages, and which places and periods of time can't be accessed by pedestrians. Then a special line has been set up Although it is not so convenient to use carriage in some places, on the whole, it seems more orderly, the frequency of accidents is greatly reduced, and after getting used to it, it is not inconvenient. On the contrary, there are more convenient places.

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However, everything is done step by step and orderly.

Then, invisibly, the personal cultivation of many officials is also included in the scope of evaluation, including the upbringing of their children, including various problems of the house. In the past, it may be necessary to be impeached before it can play a role, while local officials are more reckless, and it is more customary to send each other beautiful women.

However, now, although there is no possibility of promotion if we do not repair the house, under the same circumstances, the problem of the house is a little worse, and the opportunity must be someone else's.

For a long time, some people have gradually figured out the taste. Obviously, it has something to do with the likes and dislikes of the empress. Most obviously, the brothers of the empress's wife's family have no concubines. It is said that there are no connected rooms around, including the Luo's son-in-law. They are also clean around.

At this point, if you can't see anything, it's really elm head.

To this day, no one will talk about the empress's political affairs. To be honest, most of the world's affairs are handled by the empress's mother. If the Emperor didn't worry about the empress's hard work, he might have let go of it completely. For this, the courtiers are quite helpless, but it's impossible to say. If any courtiers say it, even if it's just mentioned in a very obscure way, the emperor For a long time, Xanadu was like a wayward child, but he was the ninth five-year-old. After the Southern Qi Dynasty, the former Wei Dynasty was basically beaten to pieces. Many small countries around him even owned the territory of Qiyuan. Now, Qiyuan is really powerful. The real kingdom of heaven, his emperor, is worthy of his name, and no one can threaten him King, so he can do whatever he wants.

In such a situation, who can ignore the likes and dislikes of the empress? You should know that empress has always been rational, self-discipline and self-control. When she is in power, she never does the things of cronyism and exclusion. Although she knows that she likes flowers and grass, she has also issued strict orders. Who dares to make contributions, has had no merit, has been punished or not rewarded.

In the only place where she shows likes and dislikes, it can only be said that she is quite concerned about this point. In this way, whether she is a future or a beauty, she will do it by herself. Don't say that you have great ability and are fond of sex. However, now Qiyuan has a population of more than ten thousand people. We have vigorously carried out education, a large number of talents and officials. In this way, there are too many people who can take your place. Some people can always restrain themselves.

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In order to have a future, I want to marry a noble girl, and then I will take my childhood sweetheart as a concubine. Tiantianmi doesn't take zhengwife seriously. Zhengwife has been holding back and bending for various reasons. In this case, it's ok if I don't know. If I know, I won't say anything about the future. Don't think that you can "shut" a woman in the back house for a lifetime. Jing Wan has "assigned" a task to the wife of the highest official in various places. She "condoles" the women in the back house of other officials from time to time. Their husbands work for the country, and they also have great contributions.

Jingwan's practice is generally appreciated by all the ladies. To some extent, it can be said that she is the first one to look forward to it. As for other people who are poisoned by three obedience and four virtues and think jingwan is not virtuous, who will take care of her? Even if they take the initiative to carry people to their husband's house, men may not accept this "good intention". After all, their good intentions will only attract the emperor The viciousness of the empress.

In a word, Jing Wan has lived a stable life under such circumstances.

Time is in a hurry, time flies. In another five years, our little prince has grown into a handsome young man. Well, in fact, it's a little rough.

For five years, I have been outside. I have never stepped into the capital. I have been to the most remote and poverty-stricken places. Naturally, there are also the most prosperous and prosperous places. I have met with people who are haggard and ragged. I have also met people who are full-bodied and spendthrift. I have eaten delicacies like mountains, precious sea food, wild vegetables and the most beautiful scenery in the world, I have also seen the most desolate and dilapidated place in the world. There are many kinds of people, not only the beautiful and ugly appearance, but also the good and evil inside. There are brothers who share weal and woe, as well as the shameless villain who has a knife in his back. He even experienced the beginning of love. Unfortunately, at that time, the situation was a little special. He had no money or even a decent dress. Therefore, there was no accident He was repudiated by his father, who once commented that he was nothing but a leather bag.

When the people around him find him, they are filled with indignation, and the woman Jiazhong seems to realize that his identity is not the same and his attitude has changed. However, his royal highness is just in the beginning of love, not deeply rooted. Before that, he has experienced a lot of things, angry, painful, sad, happy, and sweet Sour and astringent, it's almost the same. Therefore, knowing that the woman is not as beautiful as he thinks, he gave up quite simply, and his mind is peaceful. He stopped the people around him from asking for trouble, clapped his hands and left directly.

Of course, five years is not enough. He still hasn't seen many places. However, he has experienced enough. When his father and his mother have spoken, he can only go back to Beijing obediently. He has long thought about his mother. Moreover, no matter whether he is a companion or a cousin, he has reached the marriageable age, and their family members are about to see through. So, There's really no reason to stay out.

Stepping into the gate of the capital, the prince's highness looks very peaceful with a kind of leisurely and rambling smile. He has no reason to be with another man. In terms of his appearance and temperament, he is highly overlapped and looks gentle and harmless, but in fact? Only the people who follow him are most clear. The present prince, his highness, must not be underestimated.

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When I left, I didn't make a big noise. When I came back, I was still silent.

His royal highness went back to his palace and washed carefully. He had already changed a number of people who served him. However, he didn't have any problem. Because he brought back a man, a woman who had been around him for nearly two years. Of course, this woman was not used to warm the bed. She was like another nanny Gong. She was careful, thoughtful, intelligent and able to Great strength.

Li Hongyuan and Jing Wan discuss government affairs with the courtiers in the Royal study. The prince, dressed in a python robe, strolls to the Royal study.

"The emperor, the empress and the crown prince ask for an interview."

The eunuch came in and told me that all the courtiers were surprised. Your Royal Highness has returned to the palace? They had no news before.

"Pass." Li Hongyuan said in a low voice, it still looks like that. It seems that what he saw is not the son he hasn't seen in five years, but the son who has been wandering under his eyes and provoked him to dislike.

Jing Wan is a little moved, however, when she was a queen for so many years, she had not been surprised. Therefore, the mood in her eyes also disappeared in a flash, too fast to be seen clearly. Li Tianlin walked in and watched him calm and confident. Jingwan smiled warmly. The naughty son also grew up.

Li Tianlin lifted his clothes and put them on the table, and made a solid kowtow for three times first. "The children's ministers see the father and the mother. They have not been filial under the father's and the mother's knees for several years. They have never been filial to their children."

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Li Hongyuan threw the fold aside casually, "without you, you are free."

In the face of Li Hongyuan's dislike as always, Li Tianlin is not sad, but feels particularly kind. With the growth of his age, his fear of Li Hongyuan is also decreasing. Although his father doesn't treat him very much, he doesn't have a problem with him in fact. Compared with some fathers he has seen in recent years, he is definitely a good father.

"Otherwise, father, how many years will you throw out your son?" Li Tianlin is still kneeling, with a straight figure and a smile.

"Oh." Li Hongyuan smiled a little ironically. Seeing this son, although his experience is totally different, the things in this bone are somewhat similar to the other one. He once looked down on that one, but it doesn't mean that he still looks wrong now.

Lin Tianlin has a little chat in his heart. OK, now he wants to break his wrist with his father. It's really too tender. He doesn't want to come back outside. The reason is that the outside world is vast and colorful. The second reason is that he will definitely be oppressed by his father when he comes back. However, it is obvious that there are some things that he can't make up his own mind, so he has psychological preparation for a long time and his ideological awareness is quite high.

"Tianlin, get up first." Said Jing Wan with a smile.

"Thank you, father and mother." Li Tianlin stands up and looks at Jing Wan quietly for a moment. It seems that there is no change with him when he left. The years have not left a trace on her, and his father is basically the same. Well, it's very good. It is said that when the emperor's life is not long, it is mainly too much toil or too much fornication. Obviously, neither of these two points will appear in the father. Because there is a mother, and although the mother does a lot of things, she will not be tired physically and mentally. In addition, she is well nourished. In this way, she will surely live a long life. Although the longer the father lives, the longer he will be pressed, the longer he will live It's not intolerable.

Li Tianlin's seat in the imperial study was still there. The courtiers met him.

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"Your Excellency, you are free." At a glance, there are new and old faces, and my grandfather is among them. Most of them are younger than many years ago.

After that, Li Hongyuan asked Duke Mu to give him some discounts.

Just then, Li Tianlin was crushed before he talked about his father's and son's feelings. However, Li Tianlin was very calm. As a result, he turned over the book and read it quickly. After one time, he knew that he had read several copies in succession. Without waiting for Li Hongyuan to ask Jing Wan, he described his own views and opinions in an orderly manner.

Don't say that the courtiers could not stop nodding. Li Hongyuan didn't find fault with him, and even "just do what the prince said."

Li Tianlin doesn't know if things have been decided, but since he does what he says, he won't say much.

After finishing the business, "etiquette department, choose the auspicious day to crown the prince."

"It's the emperor."


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