Jing wanmulan looks at these boys after they are full of blood, and they are practised in various ways. Moreover, it's obvious that the one who "peeps" at her little girl is not only her accompaniment, but also her youngest two grandchildren's accompaniment. It seems that they are also a little "ready to move". That's why those two little guys are a little violent recently. I take you as my brother, but you think of my little sister Gu, well, that's it. So, the excitement has doubled again.

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After a long time, jingwan is also dumbfounded. It's not bad that she is so energetic. After all, she's still a child. However, jingwan still warns some people a little, don't go too far, or she will start to clean them up.

Although there are so many people around, xiaoningguo's daily changes are not big. She will call each family member soft and act coquettish in front of jingwan. Of course, she will not look too bright. However, what Ningguo is smarter than his brother in that year is that she will directly transfer her goal to Li Hongyuan. Every time she sees it, she will keep on trying to move forward, Nuo Nuo Nuo Shout father, hug. Maybe I will hold him once in a dozen or so times, and I will ignore him even more. Anyway, he is used to it. Of course, she would pat her little head once in a while. Even so, Ningguo would be very happy.

However, on a recent day, Li Hongyuan rarely bowed her head seriously, the little girl, "how can I hug my father and Emperor casually when I'm in school and a big girl? To be dignified, decent, not so delicate, understand? "

Obviously, Ningguo really listened to this, not only didn't pounce on Li Hongyuan, but also didn't give him a hug. Every time he asked why, he was serious, "Ningguo has grown up and can't hold him." With the appearance of a little adult, don't mention how cute.

In this way, it makes others feel more like loving each other. However, Xiao Ningguo said that he would not give it. He was quite principled and extremely persistent.

This time, I feel sad and angry, but after knowing the culprit, everyone can only be mute and dare not say a word.

However, one word can make Ningguo less clingy. Instead, Li Hongyuan is a little better at her senses. When he meets her again, he often says two words of "encouragement".

Ningguo was praised by his father, so he went to the road of "independence" and was out of control - big girl, she could not hug her.

It's already nineteen for the crown prince. In fact, it's too late to choose a concubine at this time.

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But the prince 's status is still very stable. Even if his younger brother grows up gradually, there is no doubt that they are excellent. However, in order to prevent sibling style walls, Li Tianlin made it clear at the beginning that the prince should treat his younger brother kindly. As younger brother, if he does something that threatens the prince, even if the prince dies, or even his elder brother My brother is the only one who is the real murderer, and he will never get the throne. Don't say that a mother compatriot can inherit the throne by any eldest brother. They can't, they can't, they can't, they can't, they can't, they can't, they can't, they can't, they can't, they can't, they can't, they can't.

Li Tianlin has cleared the way for his eldest son. It's time to relax. However, it's not the case. Li Tianlin also told him privately that if he can't satisfy him, then his successor's identity may not be as stable as a mountain.

Jingwan is also interested in the future daughter-in-law. However, she doesn't mean to participate in the selection. No matter whether she chooses well or not, it has nothing to do with her. She's not a person with strong ambition. In her opinion, it's a matter of generations. Her responsibility is just a pair of children, but for the eldest son, unless it's wrong and unreasonable, denial will not interfere with him easily. Obviously, according to him In the present state, this kind of thing is unlikely to happen, so, for him, the responsibility has basically been fully fulfilled, while Ningguo is still small, and many people are willing to help. In a word, she has nothing to do, just a leisurely "old lady".

Jingwan's age is up, but her mind is actually young, just like her body, and the two complement each other.

Among these girls who are in line with age, some have a good relationship with Li Tianlin's eldest princess. It's a good story to have a sister-in-law next to her best friend. It's just like the Empress Dowager's wife and the wife of the next bachelor Luo.

However, it's not the reason why the eldest princess tries her best to help them. Besides, there is only one real sister-in-law. So, the eldest princess took the initiative to avoid her. During this period of time, she didn't show up, which is undoubtedly the best choice.

The second princess is not the same. She is only ten years old. She shuttles among the people with her sister-in-law Ningguo and accepts the flattery and flattery of the people. Then, she turns around and tells her mother who is and how is she, just like a little assistant to choose a princess for her brother.

Jing Wan loses his smile. Each one is smart.

It's Ningguo, in fact, the first time to have close contact with so many expensive women of such age. Of course, at this moment, they all show themselves in a good direction, but they are not afraid to bring bad influence to Ningguo. Moreover, Ningguo is really gratifying. In the whole process, they really get a lot of small gifts.

The selection time is also three days, and the routine is almost the same as jingwan's selection of concubine for Li Tianlin.

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At the end of the day, "which of these expensive women do Ningguo like best?" The queen asked with a smile.

In fact, everyone knows that it's just a joke. In fact, the candidates have basically been decided.

However, the asked Ningguo will not be regarded as a joke, she seems to be seriously considering. Then, I solemnly ordered a person who was not even on the final selection list, but was beyond everyone's expectation.

During the whole process, Ningguo was followed by someone, and the person she referred to did contact with her, but there were more people in Ningguo, and she was not even obvious. In the process of contact, Ningguo didn't have a special expression for her, and seemed to be inferior to other people. This has to be surprising.

Jing Wan's expression moved. "Why does Ningguo like her best?"

Ningguo frowned and seemed to be thinking about how to answer the question, "Ningguo doesn't know, but she is just like her family, which makes people like her."

Now the members of Tianjia are very simple, and each of them is kind to Ningguo. Therefore, in Ningguo's cognition, family members are to some extent equated with kindness. Children seem to have a natural sense of good and evil, and Ningguo seems to be more intense at this point.

Because the environment around her is simple, in fact, similar things have happened in Ningguo. For example, she once made it clear that she didn't like a palace man. Although the palace man was well-known, understood the rules, and had a certain degree of advance and retreat, it was later found that there was actually a problem.

It's just that there are few such things. Moreover, the practice at that time was to isolate people who Ningguo didn't like, and it was a problem that was discovered only after the fact. No one connected the two.

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Jingwan now thinks of this possibility, but whether it is or not remains to be verified.

"Then Ningguo will tell her mother who you like and who you don't like about the people your sister-in-law said just now."

Ningguo didn't hesitate at all. The person she disliked the most was the Queen's favorite. This time, the queen was a little embarrassed, but she didn't care about Ningguo.

Jing Wan doesn't care about her. She orders the mammy around to take Ningguo around again and write down all the people she likes and dislikes. The ones she dislikes especially should be highlighted.

It's not a big thing to turn around. I'll be back soon. The following mammy reported to Jing Wan carefully.

After listening to the final results, the queen finally came to know that the most disliked ones in Ningguo are the worst in conduct according to the results of the investigation sent by the queen. And her favorite person, Ning Guo, said he didn't like it very much, didn't he The heart can't help but jump a few times, "this girl clearly..." Almost everything is impeccable.

"I shouldn't have interfered in your choice of daughter-in-law, but the quality of these people's conduct coincides with Ningguo's likes or dislikes too much. I'd rather believe that they are trustworthy or not. After all, it's related to your son's whole life, or even the rivers and mountains of Qiyuan, so it's necessary to be careful."

"My mother said that my daughter-in-law would send someone to check it carefully." The empress was a little shaken, but she soon calmed down. Anyway, people haven't settled yet. It's not too late.

The queen Xie told Li Tianlin directly this time, and directly used the royal secret training's dark guard. However, the result of the inquiry made the Queen almost retch and bleed.

When Jing Wan saw the result, he unexpectedly thought of Ruan Fangfei, a man of a long time ago. They were exactly the same.

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Xie's marriage to Ningguo is really thanks to Ningguo. Otherwise, he would not know how to introduce such a woman into the royal family in the future.

Ningguo was blinded by Xie's relatives. In recent days, when she saw Xie, she took a detour and looked at other people. It was all kinds of puzzlement and wonder, "what's wrong with the Queen's sister-in-law?"

Although it didn't come out in the end, the owners of Tianjia knew everything they should know.

Li Hongyuan looks at his daughter with strange eyes.

The prince rubbed her little head and said thank you to my little aunt. To be honest, not everyone will have the same good luck as the emperor's grandfather. He will meet a wife who can help with all his strength and will not have ambition after he is in power. He doesn't think that he can be in the same situation as the emperor's grandfather, so it's better to marry someone similar to his mother. Both the queen and himself chose Ningguo's favorite one.

Once again, it was beyond everyone's expectation, but this time, the choice was totally confusing.

The eldest princess held Ningguo in her arms and said, "little aunt, my niece's son-in-law, it's up to you to choose."

Therefore, Ningguo has become a human shape detector by accident, glowing and heating for the happiness of her relatives.

Li Tianlin even wanted to get Ningguo to the court and let her "distinguish" the courtiers. Obviously, he was slapped back by jingwan. Where can there be Qingliu in chaotang? What's more, Ningguo's feeling is also aimed at her. She may be able to distinguish a subject's character. However, the officialdom and conduct are important, but they don't only focus on character. It can be said that people who are too spotless are not suitable for officialdom.

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