Jingwan's consciousness is vague, hazy, and there is a feeling of not knowing what night it is.

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I want to open my eyes, but I feel that my eyelids are heavy, I have to work hard, and I hear the buzzing voice in my ear. It's very annoying to hear. There are still people who don't understand the rules around me?

At last, the scene in front of you becomes clear from obscurity. However, what you see is the yellowish ceiling, the glass panels, and the broken one. Inside is a half meter long light tube. Your eyes move a little. The infusion bag is hung, and there is a drop tube under it. Jingwan's first reaction is that it's nothing.

After several slow shots, the total strangeness subsided, and the familiarity gradually came up. This is the most common second level county and district level hospital.

Some things are already self-evident. She was once again favored by heaven, after decades of life, she returned to the original place.

There are some very long and clear memories in her mind. The grandma who lives together is gone. She muddled through the funeral. For a while, she couldn't slow down. She didn't know what she was doing. Later, she seemed to faint because of grief.

Tears slide down unconsciously, because of the sadness of the body now, but also because "A yuan..." Jingwan whispers.

After more than 80 years of precipitation, how could she still feel sad for her lost grandmother? From the scientific level, it's brain cells that store memory. She spent more than 80 years in another time and space. Although she didn't know how long it was here, it certainly wasn't long. The memory must be clear. With the return of emotion, the sadness of the remnant in the body will soon fade away, After all, over the past 80 years, many relatives have passed away. There is sadness, but it can also be seen.

However, future generations don't care about her, don't worry about her, go magnanimous and don't give up, but what about the man who has been with her for 60 or 70 years? That's a person who has already been integrated with her soul. If she gave up, she would be in agony and life would be worse than death.

"A yuan, a yuan..." They are still living in the last moment. Why is she the only one left in the twinkling of an eye? No, he must be somewhere in the world. She's going to find him. She's going to find him. The body is weak and weak. Jing Wan struggles to sit up.

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This movement finally attracted the attention of the people nearby, just as a nurse was adding liquid for another patient, so she quickly turned around. "How do you get up? Lie down quickly. Tell us if you need anything." The nurse tried to get Jing Wan to lie back.

Jingwan can't hear it at this time. She just wants to see her lover. "A yuan, a yuan..." In the struggle, he even tore off the needle on the back of his hand, and immediately blood came out.

To be honest, facing such a situation, nurses are also the most headache. However, they can only calm the patients' emotions as much as possible, especially because the patient is over sad, with little and irregular diet leading to malnutrition. When he faints, he is rushed to the hospital. After paying some hospital fees, no one will appear again. It's really pitiful.

Now look who she's looking for. "If you want to find someone, you can call us. We can help you get in touch." Hold her hand and press it on the eye of the needle with a cotton swab.

Phone? She doesn't even know where he is, or even whether he exists. Where's the phone? Jing Wan's mood is out of control now, not only because her life is hard to avoid vulnerability, but also because she is afraid, afraid, afraid that he is not at all! "Ah yuan, where are you and where are you? Get out of the way, get out of the way, I'm going to find him, I'm going to find him A yuan...... "

The rest of the room looked at her, some indifferently, others pitifully, and in nine cases out of ten, they were emotionally hurt.

Although sick and weak, she is also a beautiful girl. She is better than many packed stars. I don't know how to kill more people. What kind of man is so cruel.

There was a commotion outside the door and a sound of fast footsteps. Then, a group of people appeared at the door. The head of the group was a man with outstanding features. He was definitely over 1.8 meters tall, with long legs and slightly disordered hair. Even the people who didn't understand it knew that it was not simple. He appeared in this ordinary ward, which was very different. At this time, he was cold-blooded and aggressive. He ignored all the others. He walked quickly to the source of the noise in the ward in three steps and two steps.

The man pushed the nurse away and hugged the woman who was struggling to cry. "Wan Wan, Wan Wan, I'm here, I'm here, don't be afraid, don't be afraid..." While caressing her back, kissing her eyes and forehead constantly, like facing the most precious baby.

Jingwan's eyes are dim with tears. The man in front of her is not her familiar face, but the familiar breath, movement and eyes are absolutely impossible for her to admit her mistake. "Ah yuan!" Jingwan hugs him tightly, and the surging mood is appeased at this moment.

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"Well, I'm here." Kiss her hair top, also don't think she hasn't washed it for several days, has a little taste.

"I thought, I thought..."

"Why do you think I won't show up? It's my fault. It's my fault. I didn't come here in the first time. Forgive me, OK? "

Jing Wan is buried in his neck, shoulders and shaking his head. All his tears rub against his expensive shirt. "It's not your fault, it's not your fault. I believe you, but I will still be afraid... "

"Don't be afraid. I'll be there all the time."

"Well." Jingwan hugged him more tightly. As long as he was there, she was fearless.

And a large group of people followed by men, half inexplicable, and half of all the face of numbness.

In fact, they were split by thunder, all of them were stiff, and they would not move for a while.

As a man's personal assistant, this situation is particularly obvious. At one time, I doubted whether my boss had been left behind. What about the good cleaning habit? What about the ruthlessness? What if I say three words right? So gentle, so patient, can bear the smell of tears. Isn't it possessed by something strange?

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As a high school classmate and a college alumni, it can be said that boss has witnessed the creation of a legendary life. Although it is said that from childhood to adulthood, all the books to be read have been read, and there is no triple jump situation, but it is the best situation that a semester can have one tenth of the time in the school, and there are three years in the middle, which is just a name in the school. Even so, no one can lift him from the first throne.

What's more, his boss's mother and child are solo.

With extraordinary family background, perfect appearance and excellent ability, nine out of ninety-nine men are totally the top God of men, the top aristocrat of the aristocracy, how many excellent women want to marry him, want to conquer him, as a result, oh, they can't get close in three steps.

Even if there is no formal contact, there is no such situation as one night stand and dew marriage.

Some people once doubted whether he didn't like women. Many men, no matter whether they were real gay or fake gay, no matter whether they really like him or because of his excellent conditions, they secretly tried to get close to him. As it turns out, there is no worst but worse. Maybe they treat women with a little gentlemanly demeanor, treat men, ha ha

People in his family, especially his mother-in-law, have made a lot of things, even drugged him. For the sake of her daughter-in-law, they naturally caused him to explode and almost killed him. Although he was a little indifferent at ordinary times, there were few times when he really lost his temper. In that outbreak, most of the family were silent. No Dare to try to do something about his marriage again. So that it can be concluded that this man is either asexual or impotent.

However, according to the physical examination report, he has no physical condition, so it can only be the former? But how can such a man be asexual? How many people are distressed. How low is his father's demand for him in this respect? It's enough to take a human form back. I'm afraid that the best grandson will tell him one day that he doesn't like people, cats, dogs or something. Fortunately, there has been no such sign, and the answer he gave has never been fate.

After all, I'm only in my twenties, and it makes sense that fate doesn't come, but I don't want to talk about the physiological release of emotion. What kind of fate is needed.

He is indifferent to the most excellent conditions and countless beauties. As expected, there are still problems.

So, in fact, this situation is not an appendage of strange things. Is it just the fate that he said?

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Or that kind of fate, never seen before, suddenly thousands of kilometers away from the heart has a rhinoceros?

His boss suddenly asked someone to check yesterday. The information he gave was quite detailed. Knowing that she was in the hospital, he immediately left everything in his hand, took his personal doctor and came by in a private plane. However, there was no airport in this county. When he arrived at the provincial-level city, he didn't speak in the middle of the way, and let out the cold air. All kinds of low air pressure made people dare not breathe, and the obvious charring Impetuosity has never been seen.

Of course, some of them are more tolerant. No matter what they think, what they should do is not careless, just like the accompanying private doctor.

Taking advantage of this, he has seen Jing Wan's case. Of course, the name on the medical record is Ning Wan. He has also communicated with the attending doctor, and he knows it.

The medical record in his hand is patted on the back of an assistant. "What can I do without thinking? When my wife wakes up, she needs to eat and wash. Do you have to wait for the boss to tell you these things? It's not a day or two for you to follow boss, but it's getting more and more useless. " Push the rimless glasses on the bridge of the nose, poisonous tongue way.

"I'll go..." Scared, the voice of the exit quickly pressed back, "no, what did you say just now, madam?"

"Mrs boss, is there a problem?" Glanced at the two people holding each other over there.

“……” The assistant choked, "No." Isn't it obvious that a woman can't get close to three steps. She's just like a liver. She's not the future boss. Who can be? If we can do this to ordinary little lovers, why do we do it now. Wipe a face, hurry up, ready to please madam.

In other words, jingwan wakes up in a short time and Li Hongyuan appears faster. Therefore, it's easier to calm down. If the time is long, it may cause psychological shadow, so that in quite a period of time, even an inch can't leave Li Hongyuan's side.

After Jing Wan slowed down, she was a little embarrassed

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