There is a doctor in Luo's mansion, so the doctor will come soon.

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Because it's an old doctor with white beard and white hair, but he doesn't need to avoid suspicion.

Across the handkerchief, the old doctor gave Jing Wan a careful pulse, because the old lady had sent someone to know him and asked him to come to the third girl later to ask for pulse, knowing that Jing Wan was favored, naturally he did not dare to be slighted.

"The three girls have a good foundation. They are not in serious trouble. They can be raised." In fact, the old doctor was surprised by jingwan's health. Now even if he looks emaciated, he is much stronger than many girlfriends.

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Hearing this, Zhang was relieved at last.

Then, under the eyes of a group of people, aunt Bai stretched out her hand and asked the doctor to feel the pulse. In other people's eyes, Jing Wan asked the old doctor to feel the pulse for her, which was a grace. After all, the old doctor came out of Taihai hospital, let alone an aunt. Any serious master who had no status in this house could not touch him. She dared to say half of the word "no" again It's going to be thought of as unknowable.

Since she can't hide it, she can only face it frankly. After all, she's not very sure about herself. Her little days are not very accurate. It's better to make sure, so as not to be afraid all the time. "Thank you."

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When the old doctor got the pulse, he was almost certain. But there must be no mistake in this kind of thing. He changed his hand, and then touched his beard. "Congratulations to the second master and the second wife. I'm glad to see you. It's about January and a half."

Zhang was stunned, and then he said with a smile, "it's really a great joy. We haven't had any children in our second room for many years. This may be for the fat and white boy. I'll tell my mother about it later, and make her happy."

Then let the steward mother send the old doctor out.

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Luo Rongyan is a little surprised and happy, but not many. After all, he has five children. Compared with his best friend '. However, the world pays attention to many children and many blessings. Luo Rongyan said to Aunt Bai gently, "now that you have them, keep them well."

"Yes." Aunt Bai saw Luo Rongyan's attitude, and she was really infected with two feelings of shame. Her joy was more obvious. It's hard for this handsome and elegant man to be unmoved. He was an unpopular concubine. He had no hope for his husband for a long time. When his nominal cousin sent her to others, he was just as heartless as death. However, after seeing the second Lord of Luo's family, she suddenly felt that God was still pitying her. She was right to try to conceive the child.

Aunt Ji was gnashing her teeth with hate. For so many years, she wanted to have another baby and have a son. Unfortunately, there was no movement. She was obviously in good health, but she couldn't have a baby. Now she even let this bitch take the lead. Then look at the old man who is always indifferent to them. He thinks twice about this bitch. He is going to die of jealousy.

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Aunt Bai suddenly glanced at Jing Wan, who was silent and drooping her eyes. Somehow she suddenly said, "today, there must be more three girls. Otherwise, the maid and concubine don't know. In case of accidentally hurting my son, the maid and concubine are really to blame. I wonder if the three girls like their younger brother or sister? I've always heard that three girls are good sisters. " Now it's no longer to cover up and touch the belly. Looking at Jing Wan's eyes, he took on a little provocation.

Jingwan can feel that her mother is really happy because Aunt Bai is pregnant, but she also hides deeply. She doesn't even notice the astringency. A woman, who has a little heart to admire her husband, never pays no attention to her husband's having children with other women. Her mother has her father in her heart and is full of it.

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