The tailored dress, the most professional team for modeling and make-up, jingwan's own conditions are very good now, coupled with such a agitation now, will be the absolute focus of today, plus Li Hongyuan, the outstanding man, it is very difficult not to focus on the past.

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Maybe it's because he is in a good mood. When Li Hongyuan greets the guests with jingwan, although he doesn't have much obvious smile on the surface, he can feel that he is in a very good mood. His attitude towards other people is rarely moderate. Even if someone intentionally says a few more words with him, he basically gives a response. And some people who have a close relationship with the Tang family in ordinary times, he also takes the initiative to say hello, which once made the other party very flattered.

When people are happy, they are in a good mood. No one is immune from vulgarity.

Some people feel that if this Tang Liushao could do this in normal times, how good it would be. Obviously, this is extravagant hope.

Bai Jinrong came with the elders of his family. In a word, he was also one of the protagonists during this period. Who let him see Tang Yuan's fiancee? Some good people can't help the soul of gossip in their hearts, which exposed it to the public. The so-called rumors are naturally more and more absurd.

Later, the Tang family knew, and the Bai family also knew.

The Tang family is nothing, especially the old man. He is very happy. His granddaughter-in-law is liked by others. What does that mean? It means that his granddaughter-in-law is excellent. If you change someone, he probably won't have any idea. Who is the most optimistic grandson of the old enemy? How can you not make him happy. If he can, he even wants to have a good drink with his old counterpart. After all, such a good opportunity, how can he not have a good look at each other's jokes? Unfortunately, there is no suitable opportunity, so he has to stop.

Li Hongyuan, in fact, didn't dare to break his lips in front of him, but he didn't know how it was spread outside. However, even if he knew it, he probably had a flat reaction. If he wanted to kill all his rivals, he would like to show off like all his rivals after thinking about Bai Jinrong. Wan Wan can only be him!

This is not to say that the level of childishness has increased by a certain extent, and the bad character has also increased unabated.

Of course, Jing Wan, as the center of the event, is the one who really knows nothing about it. Naturally, her attitude is no better.

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It's not so peaceful in Bai's family. Many people have talked to Bai Jingrong. Bai Jingrong is very calm. He really likes it. Although it's not many and undeniable facts, he has no plan to rob it. For him, love is never necessary. No matter what else, in terms of love, he always insists that "sometimes in life, there is always in life Don't try to be strong at all times. "Obviously, this love that won't sprout, which doesn't belong to him, won't try to be strong, so just smile and deal with the family members.

As for the rumors outside, after a while, they will naturally disperse.

At this moment, Bai Jinrong stands beside his grandfather, calmly and calmly, as Li Hongyuan and Jing Wan say congratulations. Many people look at his expression, either bright or dark, as if they want to see something. Shouldn't it be a little sad to participate in the engagement banquet between the person they like and other men.

The truth is that they are disappointed. Let alone feel sad. Bai Jinrong's blessing is also sincere.

Although Jing Wan reacted strangely to the people around him, he didn't go deep into it and said "thank you" with a smile.

It's Bai Jinrong's grandfather, who looks at Jing Wan without trace. After all, he is a person his grandson likes. Naturally, he is a little curious, elegant, graceful, intelligent and confident. When he looks at her, he feels a little sorry. She is a very good girl. Alas, how could she not have met her grandson earlier, All the good things have been occupied by the Tang family. Isn't old Tang proud?

In this way, the old man of Tang has come out laughing and shaking hands with the old man of white with great enthusiasm. "Oh, old man of white, I've been waiting for you for a long time now. No, I heard that you're here, so I'll welcome you out quickly. It's enough to give you face." White old man wants to take his hand back, but don't let Tang old man at all. If the action is too big, the scene will be embarrassed, so he can only secretly give him a flying eye knife. Tang old man's smile will not change, "Ning Wan, my granddaughter-in-law, you see for the first time. How do you like it? Is it the best daughter-in-law?"

It's no surprise that Tang yuan of your family is a natural winner. Everything else is perfect and God will send him a perfect wife Speaking of this, I feel sad again. His family is not bad at all. However, not only did God take over his health, but also he was not given more luck. Compared with Tang yuan, it was not a little bit.

"That's right, that must be so." Don't laugh more happily. "Let's go, let's talk inside. I haven't killed two sets for a long time. Today is a rare opportunity. "

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"I'm not very interested in losing people." White old man finally found a little face.

"Don't talk too much. My chess ability has made great progress. It's hard to say what the final result will be." You should know that he is abused by his daughter-in-law from time to time. Sometimes, he also points out that he feels that he has made real progress. However, when he is under the sun-in-law, he still seems to have no change.

White old man replied with a sarcastic smile.

Don't turn your eyes to me, white old man. Even if I really lose, I'll find a helper. It's so simple. Of course, you're allowed to find a helper, hehe

"What else can you do except to draw Tang yuan out and fill up? He is engaged today, but he is busy. Do you have time to play with him? " There is such an evil grandson, who has been pulling out all day to show off and bullying the old men like children. Don't worry about it. Unfortunately, he can't get back to the arena. Every time he gets angry with his grandson and doesn't fight for it, so many people can't pull it out like Tang yuan. He's a dead man. ——Because of this, Bai Jinrong has been despised by Bai Laozi.

And don Tang is always this way, can you not make people angry?

"What do you want to do with this bastard? If you don't find him today, I won't play chess with him for a long time." Tang Laozi takes a look at Li Hongyuan. He wants to be more disrespectful and more disrespectful. Although he earned face for himself in front of outsiders, he treats his grandfather with the same kinds of abusive dishes. It's like giving you a basin of cold water when he's just happy. It's really hard to describe the taste. So, after having a better daughter-in-law, such a bastard will be lost by Tang Laozi The abandonment of love. "We have someone else." Rather lovingly, he took a look at Jing Wan and said, "let's go. Don't leave here as a doorkeeper."

White old man was dragged in by Tang old man.

Jing Wan looked and couldn't help chuckling. "The relationship between the two old men is good."

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"It's said that the older the children are, the smaller the children are. They are used to being dignified at ordinary times. When they meet people on a level, they will naturally be more relaxed and free. Even if they were the biggest competitors, they would be rivals. If they abandoned their interests, they would become sworn rivals." Bai Jingrong answers with a smile.

"That's the truth." Jing Wan nodded in agreement.

"Bai Shao is better to go in. You are standing in the way." Li Hongyuan said without hesitation.

Bai Jingrong smiled irrefutably, "Ning Wan is very beautiful today." Since I found out that this man is different, I want to make him a little more unhappy, probably because of his jealousy.

Although jingwan doesn't know that Bai Jinrong likes his own things, but when it comes to his own husband's attitude towards Bai Jinrong at the beginning, he doesn't know that he has turned over the vinegar jar again. He can't be used to this kind of things any more. Obviously, everything else is looked at very lightly, otherwise, we will cut off the mess quickly, and everything will be handled smoothly. However, because of this, we love to find ourselves unhappy. For a long time, Jing Wan took it as a kind of interest. "Thank you."

It's OK to prick it casually. It's a joke. Bai Jinrong really doesn't want to do anything more. Otherwise, he really gets angry with some caution. It's not interesting. Bai Jinrong is not afraid of trouble, but he's not interested in making trouble for himself.

However, when he was about to enter, something seemed to happen behind him, which caused a little commotion. He couldn't help looking back. It didn't matter if he didn't look at it. This time, he picked up his eyebrows with a bit of interest, looked at Li Hongyuan, and there was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth. Then he stepped back two steps, well, with a bit of fun.

Jingwan and Li Hongyuan naturally saw the first person coming in from the outside of the gate. They were a big beauty with an angel face and a devil figure. Moreover, they were full of air, dressed up, and even had a bit of pressure on jingwan.

From that gesture alone, Jing Wan knew that the people who came were not good at her, and he obviously came for her.

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Jing Wan smiles in an unidentified way and looks at someone sideways: your peach blossom?

Li Hongyuan is still like that, and the expression on his face hasn't changed at all. "Solve it yourself."

Well, he admitted that. Moreover, in general, this situation usually means that it's not the same as the ordinary peach blossom. It's often tricky and may not be easy to deal with.

Jingwan's smile doesn't change, so what, want to overwhelm her in momentum? That's where it comes from.

With the approach of the other side, Jing Wan's momentum is also changing a little. She has become the "empress" in charge of the world.

Li Hongyuan can't be more familiar with this kind of jingwan, but other people are not familiar with it, especially Bai Jinrong, who is close to it. He thought ningwan was a woman who was soft and intelligent, but he didn't want to. He still has such a side. He is full of momentum and looks down on the world!

My heart beat a little faster for two rows. It's a pity that I didn't get to know him earlier. Otherwise, he might have a chance.

The beautiful woman, more and more close, the heart also emerged surprised color, this woman, with her investigation is not the same, it seems, completely does not conform to her growth experience, holding the handbag hand, must have tight two points, this may really be her biggest threat.

Originally, she liked Tang yuan since childhood. In her eyes, Tang Yuan was different. However, she was confident that she was different and the best. So when she was 15 years old, she confessed to Tang yuan. Although she was rejected, she never gave up. Every time she met him, she would tell him that she liked him and fought repeatedly,

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