As for Li Hongyuan's actions that were so impersonal, the old man of Tang frowned, but he didn't open his mouth. He also turned a cruel eye to Chen Shengnan's help.

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Chen Shengnan may not be as helpless in his life as he is now. Although he is still the focus, he is not flattering and flattering, but taunting and ridiculing. Those who once regarded her as a goddess, at this moment, none of them came out to help her. When she looked at the past, some people were uncomfortable and did not start, which is actually good. More obviously, he made a mockery of her Meaning. I really realized what it means to be alone and helpless. It almost suffocated her.

Some things, like a bowl of cold water, make her completely awake.

"Chen Shengnan, see? Without the Tang family, you are nothing. That's the reality. You think you can match my little things. They are all given by the Tang family. How much capital do you have? How strong is it? In the beginning, if you are wise and don't mind letting you continue to dream, it's a pity that you don't have self-knowledge, can't see the reality clearly, and are stupid to seek death, then no wonder I broke your dream. " Li Hongyuan raised his chin to the guards who had come over, and motioned for them to take them away.

Chen Shengnan opened the guard's hand and said, "don't touch me, I will go." He wiped his face, wiped away his tears, raised his chin, and maintained his last pride. Looking at Li Hongyuan and Jing Wan, "I wish you a long life together." The gnashing of teeth is not so much a blessing as a curse.

"As long as you don't die by accident, you must be able to see it." In his last life, he was so powerful that no matter how many women he had, he was bound by the law. What he could not do was, in fact, to restrain him was never an external factor.

Chen Shengnan takes a breath, looks at Li Hongyuan at last, and moves his lips. In the end, his reason is still there. He doesn't have any stupid words. He turns around and leaves.

But originally with her, I think it must be the person who helps her, now I don't know where to go.

Such a farce is naturally unpleasant. Uncle Tang stood beside the old man, "Dad, it's really time to have a good talk with you about Chen's family. The reputation of Tang's family is not defeated, but it's defeated by the stranger."

"Say it again." The old man of Tang boiled his crutches and went straight in.

When the old man left, the onlookers gradually dispersed and stopped other guests.

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Bai Jinrong smiles. Tang yuan, as expected, is the winner of life all his life. There is no defect. Looking at himself, he certainly has no chance. However, he has inexplicably looked forward to the other half of the future. Although it's clear that it's impossible to meet someone similar to Ning Wan, but he is not the kind of person who looks for alternatives. Everyone should be unique. When I went in, I was quite free and easy.

"Grandpa is not happy, is he? After all, he thinks it's good, but it's not so good. It's as if someone slapped him. What's more, the outsiders know that they don't know. Will they let him think that others are watching his jokes, and that he's being cheated by people like his son and granddaughter? He doesn't even feel it? He is what kind of identity, doomed to his self-confidence, how can bear. And this age, sometimes the temper will be very strange, ah yuan, you say, Grandpa will be angry with me for this? After all, if it wasn't for me, it might not have been involved, so he would never know, and he would have lived his leisurely life as always. " Jing Wan said.

At this time, her charming momentum has completely disappeared. It seems that she is the gentle, intellectual, elegant lady who can be regarded as a model.

However, after today, probably no one will be confused by her appearance.

However, in fact, people can see that Tang Liushao's fiancee, as long as she doesn't step on her low, is really a good person to get along with, and her bottom line, in addition to the men around her, should be loyalty to feelings.

Listen to her words, Li Hongyuan looks at her, "Wan Wan cares about this?"

"Of course, I don't care." Jing Wan smiled. She has always been adhering to the principle that feelings are mutual. If the old man had a bad heart for her because of this, then she would not come to him again. From the 20 years before this body to the 80 years of Qiyuan, jingwan has always been so. However, to some extent, jingwan is also lucky. After all, there are no people who don't like or even make people sick, but she has to flatter them.

The next wave of guests continued to come forward, jingwan with a smile on her face. The previous events, as if they had not happened, were indifferent even when she was exposed.

In the eyes of outsiders, either they are open-minded and don't really care; or they are deep-seated and hidden.

As for whether it is the former or the latter, it is everyone's idea.

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However, no matter what, because of Tang Yuan's value, no one dared to neglect her.

Although there are not a few guests present today, there are not many who really need Li Hongyuan and Jing Wan to meet them. Besides, there is a large group of people who help to entertain guests at that level. Besides, Jing Wan still has high-heeled shoes on his feet, and Li Hongyuan is unlikely to let him stand for too long. So, after watching, Li Hongyuan left the matter of "standing at the door" to others and took Jing Wan in.

Of course, it's impossible to greet anyone. After all, Li Hongyuan was not interested in it by nature.

Li Hongyuan takes Jing Wan to the room on the third floor. He is going to have a rest. There are many people outside the room. Naturally, there are many people on his way. Li Hongyuan owes a word to those who want to get closer to each other. When he meets those who want to congratulate, he will probably say thank you, but most of them are gone. When he wants to say something else, he has already pulled Jing Wan away. This virtue is unknown How hateful it is, but I can only dare to be angry or not dare to speak, but I just swear in my heart.

After entering the door, Jing Wan kicked off her shoes and stepped on the ground barefoot.

Li Hongyuan went to get two cups and poured some red wine, not much, probably just a large amount.

They didn't talk, but sat quietly together.

Not long after that, someone knocked on the door, and Li Hongyuan said the word "enter" lightly.

However, it turns out that there are special technicians to bring special Chinese medicine for feet, to help jingwan feet, loose.

Jing Wan looks at him from the side. "It's only been standing for a long time. It's totally within the range of bearing. Actually, it's unnecessary." Although he said this, he cooperated with her very much. After all, it has been made, which is not waste. In fact, although he has been considerate to her for decades, every time, her heart is still touched.

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Li Hongyuan didn't take her words seriously either. He pressed her head on his shoulder and said, "take a rest. I'm still tired today."

In fact, jingwan thinks it's OK. There are not many things. The whole process is just that. It's just engagement, which is much easier than marriage. However, Jing Wan is very obedient.

Jingwan originally wanted to go down after a while. It's not necessary to stay for long. However, Li Hongyuan didn't plan to.

"I'd like to go down and have a look at my college classmates. Comparatively speaking, they are all ordinary people. I'm afraid they don't adapt very well."

"I told my seventh brother that although he was a fool, he didn't do anything right, but he was very open-minded among the young people. Don't worry, it's OK."

Jingwan thinks about it. Just like the dog legs of his seventh brother, what his sixth brother told him happened to be what he was best at. He will surely do well.

In other words, jingwan was also asked if she wanted to invite someone. After considering it, jingwan contacted some college students who had a good relationship.

Because the time in Qiyuan is too long, even though the body memory is still relatively clear, if not deliberately mentioned, jingwan did not think of them.

Don't think about the relatives at home. The relationship has always been bad. At the beginning of her return with her grandmother, those people didn't have much gossip. After her death, they didn't help. It's no big deal to talk about the broken house and the special vegetable growing plot in her family. However, I just don't know how to give those who love to take advantage of the small advantages Together, this is a rush to want, not more "baby"?

Thinking about it, it seems that some college students are the only ones she invited.

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Compared with the huge network of the Tang family, there are countless big people. It's a shame for any one to go down to the place, even if they need many officials to meet them in person. I don't know what the Tang family thought when they saw the list, but Jing Wan doesn't care. Even if her marriage is now, in the eyes of others, it's "Cinderella and Bai" Prince Ma "is no longer a dog's luck. Ordinary people marry into such a big family. It's a blessing that has been cultivated for 18 lives.".

Jing Wan didn't think so. She never felt that she wasn't worthy of Ayan. They always stood at the same height.

Even if it is a change of status, or the current status of the two of them is the same, jingwan's idea is still the same, I believe that Ayan will be the same. ——As for the fact that a yuan is said to be a little white face who eats soft food, whether his self-esteem will be damaged or not, Jing Wan thinks that he may be very shameless.

Li Hongyuan drags Jing Wan to nest together. Jing Wan doesn't care so much. She is gradually asleep when she is pressed on her feet.

When the time is almost up, the guests are all here, and the Tang family finds out that the protagonist of the wedding banquet doesn't know where to go.

Fortunately, some people knew that they had gone upstairs. When they found them, they did not know what to say when they saw the scene.

Stylist and so on reappeared, changed Jing Wan's clothes again, dealt with the details simply, but even so, the feeling also changed completely. This dress is quite atmospheric. At first, jingwan was worried that she would not be able to hold back. Not only when the dress was initially shaped, but also a lot of designers were worried about the year ahead. Seeing the finished Tang family, there were two generations of daughters-in-law with such ideas. However, such worries were indeed superfluous. Jingwan not only held back, but also made people extremely surprised.

Others joked that such a lady would go to the red carpet, regardless of the level, and absolutely suppress all the female stars.

Jing Wan just smiles, she can't even hold on to a suit of clothes.

When Jing Wan appears downstairs holding Li Hongyuan's arm, all the people who have been waiting for him begin to applaud involuntarily. It's really amazing. As for Li Hongyuan, men's clothes, especially

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