Li Hongming looked at him, his eyes clouded. "What happened?"

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Young master Liu talked about the course of the event, one bad luck at a time, and one bad luck at a time.

Li Hongming listened patiently, but got one result: the fool didn't provide any useful information except to bring out the fake tree peony. However, whether sun Yilin's existence is a coincidence or Li Hongyi's deliberate arrangement, if the former has nothing to say, if the latter, what is the purpose?

Li Hongming dismissed his brother-in-law, but also decided to give up baihualou. Now, Li Hongyi's people may still be staring at it. It's not worth it to be caught by him again. Thinking of breaking his tail to survive, Li Hongming was full of blood and vowed to make up for Li Hongyi.

You know, Li Hongyi, king of Kang, is more angry than he is now. He thinks he has no choice but to deal with it. As a result, Li Hongming's way is followed. Although he hasn't lost anything important, the damage of dark guard also makes him heartache. What's more, it's still a calculation. However, Li Hongming's anger is more valued by his father. The courtiers think Li Hongming is better than him, but they always talk with him When he fights with each other, he also loses more and wins less. That kind of unwillingness and resentment sometimes drives him crazy.

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Because Luo Peishan sent people to report the news first. When they got back to Luo's house, including old lady Luo, they were all waiting outside the gate. When they went out, they were OK. How long did it take? Everyone was in a mess.

"Master......" Old lady Luo, who has always been unprepared, can't hold tight at this time. She quickly steps forward and grabs Luo Peishan's arm. "But she was hurt?"

Luo Peishan patted her hand peacefully. "It's OK for my husband. It's mainly three girls. Send them back first and let the doctor show them to her."

Naturally, old lady Luo saw Gong Ma holding jingwan to get out of the car. The servant who came back earlier said that the three girls had fainted, but she was not easy to bluff. "She was so stupefied that she didn't help the three girls down."

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…… In a hurry, Jing Wan was sent back to Haitang Yaju, where the old doctor was waiting.

Jingwan is in the inner room. Except for the people she serves, her mother-in-law, Zhang Shi, is the only one. The other women in the mansion are basically here. They are all gathered outside. Because there is old lady Luo sitting in the town, no one dares to say anything. Even if there is such a lady Luo Jingying, no matter how gloating she is, she curses jingwan for not dying directly. On the surface, she dare not say anything.

Soon the old doctor came out.

"What about my granddaughter, doctor?" Asked old lady Luo with some eagerness.

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"Don't worry about the old lady. The three girls are not in trouble. The head injury is not serious. There is no blood stasis. The reason why they are sleepy is that they have inhaled some smoke and dust and some are frightened. They will wake up soon."

In fact, there is no red mark on jingwan's head. Although he is old, he is a man after all. It's impossible for him to look at jingwan's hair carefully.

"Amitabha. That's good, that's good, "he said with a sigh of relief." I'd like to bother the doctor to show him. "

Luo Peishan insists that the doctor come to see jingwan first. He knows that he is OK, but if he doesn't let the doctor take care of him, it's probably that no one will be relieved.

"You are welcome, old lady. This is my duty." The old doctor said hurriedly.

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Seeing off the doctor, old lady Luo went to see Jing Wan in the inner room and told the servant girls to be careful. If they wake up, they would send someone to talk to her at the first time. Look at the sprain on her foot. After a simple dressing and dressing, nanny Gong, who came here at the first time, stood steadily, still meticulous, and could not see the slightest impropriety. But the old lady heard from the little maid that her ankle was swollen like a steamed bun. "Over the past two years, Mammy has been taking good care of Wan Wan with all her heart. I see it in my eyes. This time, she has also done a lot to protect the Lord..."

"The old lady has broken her maidservant. She looks like this, and the maidservant is to blame."

Old lady Luo waved her hand. "It's just an accident. I don't have to blame you. I haven't been so unreasonable. You're good enough to live and support yourself. Wan Wan Wan is used to your care. I'm not at ease when others come. I'll leave someone here to help you. When you're OK, I'll let her go back to my side."

"Thank you very much, old lady."

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