Chapter 1.2: Birth of a Tyrant

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When he was thinking about the troubles, suddenly, a mysterious voice sounded in Ying Xuan's mind.


The Heavenly Emperor System?

[The Heavenly Emperor system has been activated. As the host is a first-time user, the system has issued activation rewards:

Indestructible Gods and Demons Scripture,

10,000 Heavenly Origin Stones,

Exquisite Seven-Aperture Pill, as well as

a lucky draw ticket.

The rewards have been stored in the system space.]

As soon as Ying Xuan heard the system prompt, he really saw a system space before his eyes.

[Ding! The Indestructible Gods and Demon Scripture is being integrated.]

As soon as the system sound fell, a terrifying power poured directly into his divine body. The Indestructible Gods and Demons Scripture follows the two paths of cultivation: gods are cultivated with the density of Qi, whereas demons are cultivated with the strengthening of the body. As a result of the fusion, this scripture demonstrates the supreme dao of the divine way.

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"Cultivating the immortal bodies of the gods and demons?"

Ying Xuan didn't know what level of cultivation method the Indestructible Gods and Demon Scripture was, but it was stronger than any of the cultivation methods present in the Great Qin.

When this powerful energy was instilled in his body along with endless knowledge, he immediately learned how to practice.

Strains of divine and demonic power wandered through his meridians, transforming him into a phantom that was both a god and a demon, and he felt the power to suppress nine heavens and ten piles of earth with every move. Gods and demons are immortal beings and with their scriptures, Ying Xuan possessed the divine majesty of gods and the powerful arrogance of demons.

Originally, it was extremely difficult to practice this kind of supreme divine scripture, but with the help of the system, Ying Xuan learned it directly.

"Realm of Refining Gods!"

Furthermore, after being washed and tempered by the power of the gods and demons, he broke through to refining gods in one fell swoop. Refining Gods may have the same name as the gods, but it is only a minor step toward becoming a god.

He also received ten thousand Heavenly Origin Stones as a reward!

The origin stone is a kind of stone that contains rich spiritual energy, which can help in the cultivation of the higher realms. The origin stones are divided into:

Low-rank, Middle-rank, Top-rank, and Heaven-rank.

It is said that there is a Holy rank above Heaven rank, but no one knows for sure.

In Qianzhou, the Heavenly Origin Stone is an extremely rare thing. Even in the treasury of the Great Qin, there are only a few pieces, and none of the great dynasties can reserve more than a thousand stones of heavenly origin.

And this exquisite seven-aperture pill…

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[Exquisite Seven-Aperture Pill - A holy medicine that has the power to lay a solid foundation for the user to ascend to the realm of Saints!]

As soon as he touched the Exquisite Seven-Aperture Pill, a prompt immediately appeared before his eyes.

Holy medicine pill!

This is an elixir that even the Great Qin does not have. Not to mention holy rank, even heavenly ranks pill are rare for the Great dynasties to acquire.

"Now that I am the Great Qin Emperor, in order not to be destroyed, I must have great strength!"

Ying Xuan swallowed the Exquisite Seven Aperture Pill.

At this moment, a


strong force like a tyrannosaurus rushes through his body—not one but seven tyrannosauruses' forces.


Yingxuan, on the other hand, was practicing the Indestructible Gods and Demons Scripture at the time, and a Gods and Demons figure appeared, suppressing seven tyrannosaurs and transforming into a powerful medicinal power for tempering his entire body.

Although it was painful, Yingxuan could feel that his strength is growing rapidly, and these pains are nothing compared to witnessing the death of the entire dynasty along with his own.

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It's not easy to be an emperor.

"There is also a chance to draw a random lottery. How can I draw a lottery?" Ying Xuan asked.

[Host can recite ‘lottery’ in his mind.]

The system said.


Immediately, a disc appeared, a pointer appeared on it, and then it rotated rapidly. While turning, Ying Xuan saw pictures of treasures one after another.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for receiving the Heaven rank reward—the Heaven's Punishment Sword!]

The heaven's punishment sword appeared in Ying Xuan's hands and it was a broad sword with purple stripes on it. When he swung it lightly, streaks of lightning with great power appeared on its surface

"Heaven Rank Weapon!"

Yingxuan was also aware that the Heaven Rank Divine Weapon was already the most powerful magical weapon in the Seven Kingdoms, and no one in the Seven Dynasties possessed a holy rank weapon.

He stroked it lightly; the sword was sharp; and his eyes suddenly flashed with killing intent and ferocity.

Whoever desires to kill him, he will rise to become their death!

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This is a cruel world where you either die or live, and killing is just like drinking water. For this, he has to become a ferocious person who will be feared for generations.

[Host can open the system panel to understand the current tasks and status. The tasks will be refreshed constantly.]

The system sound was heard again.

"System panel."

He saw a panel formed by a light screen before his eyes, and there was also his heroic image at the top. Along with that, there was also his identity, state, cultivation method, and other pieces of information. At this time, he tapped on the task panel, and a row of words appeared on the screen.

[Current main task: Restore the Great Qin Dynasty, annex all the other six great dynasties, and unify Qianzhou.]

[Break through the Nirvana Realm.]

[Sign in to the Great Qin Dynasty Hall, and get random sign-in rewards.]

"Sign in to the Great Qin Dynasty Hall."

Ying Xuan's eyes moved slightly, and this is the task he can complete in the quickest time.

"Now that I am the emperor of the Great Qin Dynasty. I'm starting to feel the majesty of an emperor."

"The court meeting will begin tomorrow!" Ying Xuan's eyes flashed with the domineering intent of gods and demons, and his voice spread throughout the room.

From today onwards, he has changed. He will destroy whoever sets their eyes on his Great Qin and wants to seize his throne. This moment will be the birth of the tyranny of the Heavenly Emperor, who will be feared for countless years to come.

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