Chapter 11.1: Emperor Qin is leading the army!

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The army marched to Donghe County.

At this moment, there is no one in this prosperous city, only ruined walls and a city of corpses are left.

After the Pingshan Pass was broken, the Governor and the city, both died together, composing a magnificent and epic story.

There were still traces of war flames and blood stains on the city wall.

"Donghe County was so prosperous in the past, but now, there is not even a single person alive!"

Cao Yun said with hatred.

"This is the shame of Great Qin!"

Ying Xuan said.

He knew from the mouths of some people who escaped that Donghe County encountered the most violent attack that day.

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The Governors stood guard, and at the same time let the people in the city escape for their lives, sacrificing himself for the people.

Without the sacrifice of the Governor, the death rate would have been much worse.

Originally, there were also a large number of enemy soldiers stationed in Donghe County, but they had retreated not long ago. Obviously, they already knew that Great Qin’s soldiers were coming soon.

"Your Majesty, they must have all gathered in Pingshan Pass by now, trying to use the natural ridges to stop us!"

Cao Yun knew that Pingshan Pass was dangerous.

“It’s good that they are gathered in one place. With this, I won’t have to find them one by one. Now, they can just die at the Pingshan Pass in one swoop.”

Ying Xuan said.

Pulling out the Heavenly Punishment Sword worn at his waist, the sword pointed at Pingshan Pass.

"March ahead!"

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One hundred thousand troops marched!

Pingshan Pass, this is a pass built between two mountain ranges, guarding the only entrance.

Surrounded by cliffs and mountains, the danger of the mountain here is more steep than any mountain Ying Xuan has ever seen.

To bypass the Pingshan Pass, one has to climb over extremely dangerous mountains. Although all the warriors in this world have high physical strength and flying was also possible…

But the mountains in this world are not same as in Ying Xuan's previous life, and the danger is even more terrifying.

There is poison gas that can poison warriors to death, and there are countless fierce beasts and monsters entrenched, which is extremely dangerous.

At this time, a total of 250,000 soldiers and horses were gathered in Pingshan Pass.

To break through this barrier with normal means, it


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would require several times the number of soldiers, as there are still natural dangers to be fend off first.


It is ridiculous that Pingshan Pass, which was originally used to resist foreign enemies, has been used by others as their death bag.

At this time, a young man was patrolling the pass, his brows were tightly frowned, and for some reason, he was always deeply disturbed.

"General Liu."

A middle-aged man in a red armor came over.

This middle-aged man is a strong man in the seventh level of Nirvana. He was ordered to guard this pass and not let the people of Great Qin pass through.

The other person is Liu Chuan.

Liu Chuan was not the General of Pingshan Pass, but one of the Lieutenants guarding the pass.

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It was he who couldn't stand the coercion and temptation brought by Great Feng's soldiers and secretly colluded, causing Great Feng's strong men to break in and joined forces with Great Feng to kill the main general.

This Liu Chuan is also a ruthless character. Knowing that he has committed a betrayal, it is impossible to turn back, he simply changed sides and even participated in gaining favors of Great Feng.

The defenders in the city fought fiercely, some of them fled, and some of them were captured by him.

Besides those who died in battle, a small number surrendered to him. And those who didn't surrender were directly killed by him.

This kind of surrender is sometimes even more cruel than Great Feng’s bloody massacre, because Liu Chuan, originally wasn’t the enemy but the fellow comrade of all the deads.

"So it's General Xu Lie."

Liu Chuan said: "Today I feel restless. It seems that something big is about to happen."

"Haha, General Liu, don't worry. I know you are worried about the Great Qin soldiers. I have also received report that 100,000 Great Qin’s Imperial Guards are marching here, but even for them, it’s impossible to face off against my 250,000 soldiers. Xu Lie smiled.

In the plain battle, his 250,000 people would naturally not be an opponent of the elites of Imperial Army.

But at Pingshan Pass, that's not necessarily the case.

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