Chapter 15.2: Great Qin is invincible!

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The imperial guards in the rear also rushed to keep up, using the force from the impact, they collided fiercely, and the swords in their hands also ruthlessly harvested and killed the opponent's life.

Nearly 100,000 imperial guards could fight ten time the number, and each of them is supported by the best resources, which is worth millions of ordinary troops.

In Great Feng, there are naturally the most brave and elite regiments like the Great Qin Guards, but how can such elites travel at the border, leaving the capital unguarded?

"Kill! Let them know how powerful the Great Qin is!"

More ordinary soldiers rushed out following the Guards.

Their strength is naturally not as good as that of the imperial guards, but their murderous intent is even heavier.

During the siege of Ziwu Pass, they had been aggrieved for a long time, thinking that there was no possibility of a comeback, but His Majesty came down and wanted to lead them to charge.

No one thought that the soldiers and horses of Great Qin dared to leave the fort.

This time, Great Feng’s soldiers were stunned.

Especially Xin Zhao, even if he doesn't use his utmost strength, killing some ordinary nirvana is as easy as chopping an ordinary person.

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With his strength, he is a god of killing, and with a single sweep of his sword, a large number of ordinary soldiers will die.

"Great Qin is invincible!"

Many big soldiers were in a trance.

The aura of Qin soldier has returned. Before the death of the late emperor, they were all dominated by Great Qin soldiers. They knew how powerful they were and had deep fear in their hearts.

And these Great Qin people are like demons, they like to cut off heads the most.

"Great Qin Imperial Guards!"

When General Yu saw the Great Qin Imperial Guards, he immediately dispersed their attack.

He looked at the Imperial flag. A peerless and domineering figure stood in front of him, wearing a black-patterned imperial robe, with his hands behind his back, his expression was extremely indifferent.

Just standing there, he has a kind of dominance that suppresses the world, like an ancient god and demon emperor awakened.

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With such an aura, he felt a kind of heart palpitation.

But you know, he is right.

He has been in Harmony realm for a short time, as he just stepped into harmony realm after


the death of late Emperor of Qin.


But Harmony realms is after all the significance of dao, the most powerful man in the Seven Dynasties.

"Emperor Qin, he is here!"

In fact, he was also greatly surprised.

Instead of sitting in his own Imperial Capital, he would come to the most dangerous Ziwu Pass.

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In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through.

"He must know the importance of Ziwu Pass to Great Qin. Once this pass is broken, we will be able to directly hit the Imperial Capital, so he is going to fight to the death and struggle in the end!"

General Yu became excited: "I can't be wrong. It must be like this!"

"Emperor wants to guard the borders? This time, you will die without a place to be burried!"

General Yu was excited.

He also saw Xin Zhao, but the distance was too far away, and Xin Zhao didn't display the supernatural power of harmony, so he thought that this should be the hidden powerhouse of Great Qin.

It is normal for such an empire to have several hidden strong men.

"Retreat, retreat!"

Although Great Feng’s soldiers were beaten by Qin's sudden attack, many people were killed and injured, but he didn't care at all.

These soldiers are cannon fodder, and as many as they die, there will be other replenishment in the country immediately.

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His original strategic intention was to drain the enemy’s vitality, and none of his real elites were dispatched.

However, this time, when Emperor Qin came, he had to change his strategy. He wanted to use the most elite army to attack and kill Emperor Qin directly in Ziwu Pass.

After hearing the clarion call to withdraw the soldiers, the Great Feng soldiers retreated back after leaving behind a large number of corpses.




The sound of mountain roar and tsunami sounded.

They haven't fought such a hearty victory for a long time.

At this time, the army returned to the city victoriously, and Ying Xuan also walked step by step to the highest stage of Ziwu, where he had to sign in.

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