Chapter 17.1: Whoever offends His Majesty will, die!

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Outside the Ziwu Pass, the earth trembled and the mountains swayed. It was the sound of Great Feng's soldiers and horses going out to march.

After several days of preparation, more troops arrived.

They themselves are in a state of war, and a large number of soldiers and horses are also stationed at the border, and they are mobilized very quickly.

This time, from the border gate, it can be seen that millions of troops have been mobilized, which is already half of Great Feng's active troops, and the rest will guard various places.

As for Great Qin, there are also countless soldiers and horses gathered.

Millions of sharp warriors hold long spears and swords, shining coldly.

"Emperor Qin!"

Yu Cheng had millions of soldiers in his hands, and his confidence was overwhelming.

He looked at Emperor Qin, who was supervising the battle on Ziwu High stage, with an excited expression. Once this head was cut off, the pillar of the Qin army would completely collapse.

He will be the first have such achievement. The head of an Emperor, he is bound to get that.

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"Qin doesn’t have any harmony realm, and it’s greatest reliance is gone. On the other hand, this time, I have mobilized the most elite corps of Great Feng. It is impossible to have a sudden and difficult battle like last time!"

Yu Cheng said.

He seemed to have seen Emperor Qin's head, beckoning to him.


Yu Cheng looked at the sun that had just risen, and immediately waved his hand, ordering the army to attack.

He took out a long sword and wiped it carefully.

Just after his order was issued, the reorganized Great Feng Army walked at the most stable pace, with long halberds, spears and swords facing forward, and siege equipment followed closely behind.

A fiery torrent pushed across the land.

"That's the Great Red Flame Army!"

Xu Dajun immediately said: "This time they are going to attack the city with the Red Flame Army!"

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"Their number is around 200,000.” Xin Zhao said.

Just as Great Qin has 300,000 imperial army, Great Feng also has 500,000 Red Flame Army. (Feng: Flame)

The flames of these Red Flame Army were soaring into the sky. They were wearing fiery red armor with the color of magma and holding a large red flame shield. They looked extremely bulky.

This is an out-and-out heavy armored army.

The imperial army of the Great Qin Dynasty and the Red Flame army each have their own merits.

It has to be different, when the 300,000 imperial guards charged and fought back and forth in the plains, they


were able to hang and beat the Red Flame Legion.


The imperial army can use its offensive ability to the extreme.

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But in siege warfare, positional warfare, and such warfare, the imperial army is not as good as the Red Flame army.

But this time, although Great Feng mobilized more and stronger legions into battle, the morale of Great Qin's soldiers was completely different, and all of them were full of killing intent.

If the Great Qin Imperial flag does not fall, their will will not collapse.

"Xu Dajun, you will command the defense of the pass."

Ying Xuan only controls the general direction, and the details of the war should be left to Xu Dajun.

He didn’t stupidly ordered all the army to march head on, and wasting the uses of the natural beneficiaries of the pass, and wasting the lives of the soldiers for nothing.

That's what idiots do.

"The last general takes the orders!"

Xu Dajun is very good at defending the city, otherwise Ying Xuan would not have let him come.

"Lock the origin stone cannon on the opponent's large army and attack without leaving a single one. Archers, be ready, and fire all arrows at once. Make them pay price for every step they take.!"

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From the walls of Ziwu Pass, ten thousand arrows were fired, and the origin stone cannon blazed wildly.

The Great Feng Army naturally knew that the opponent would fight back in this way, so they also shot with arrows to suppress the opponent's attack.

But one is condescending and the other is attacking. Although it can cause some troubles, it is not too big.

"Red Flame Legion, go straight to the top!"

The Red Flame Legion raised their shield, and the arrows with strong penetrating power were nailed to it, but they couldn't penetrate the opponent's defense.

You know, with the national power of Great Feng, it is easy to pull out hundreds of thousands of ordinary troops, but the Red Flame Army only has 500,000 soldiers.

This is their limit.

Unless the national power is promoted and the Great Qin is annexed, they can’t handle the spendings of such huge resources.

With the Red Flame Legion coming forward, although they paid a certain price, they still arrived below the pass and were ready to ascend the city.

"Block the city gate!"

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