Chapter 2.2 Emperor attends his first court meeting

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This is the second time he has come to the court. However, this time is different from the first time, when he was in a daze.

The situation is still the same, but the person has changed. He has the Heavenly Emperor system, and when he makes his debut, he must open up an era of grand hegemony.

"Has His Majesty progressed to the realm of gods?"

The ministers were shocked.

His Majesty was still in the primordial spirit realm yesterday, but today he is already in the realm of Refining Gods!

Could it be that he forcibly broke through under tremendous pressure?

His Majesty ascended the throne at the age of sixteen, and now he is only seventeen years old, but he has already reached the realm of Refining Gods.

Some people had lost hope for His Majesty, thinking that if the former Emperor was still alive, he could protect him, but now… does His Majesty still have time to grow up and enter the realm of harmony?

“I have seen Your Majesty. "May Your Majesty's life be as long as the heavens."

All the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty shouted, "I’ve seen Your Majesty."

In the fantasy world, one can practice for long life. Naturally, these people cannot shout ‘long live’ but pray for a life equal to the heavens.

[Ding! The host signed in to the Court Hall and got a team of golden armored guards!]

Golden armor guards!

Ying Xuan immediately got detailed information about the golden armored guards.

A team of golden armor guards has a total of 300 members. The main captain is at the seventh level of the Nirvana realm, and the deputy captain is at the third level of the Nirvana realm.

The other guards in golden armor are all in the realm of refining gods. Although there is only a team of 300 people, their strength is comparable to that of tens of thousands of ordinary troops.

"Be at ease!"

Ying Xuan stayed up all night and has already adapted to this world: "Since the death of the former emperor, the situation in the Great Qin Dynasty has become increasingly tense, and the six Kingdoms are on move. I don't know if you have a good plan to save the country."

After he said these words, everyone was dead silent.

How can there be any good strategy to resolve this situation? Unless there is a joint alliance or they are facing the armies of the six Kingdoms head-on, they are no opponents at all.

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"I have no good strategy to save the country, I only have the heart to serve the country, and I am willing to fight for the Great Qin to my death."

Seeing that no one responded, one person stood up. This is a middle-aged man with a determined face.

He is Chu Xian, the commander of the Imperial Guards.

The imperial guard protects the imperial capital of the Qin dynasty and is the strongest army in the empire.

Only with this army can the imperial capital of the Great Qin remain stable.

"I am also willing to die for the country!"

After Chu Xian’s shout rang out, all the ministers also expressed their opinions one after another, but many of them are just pretending.

"Rumors are spreading from the outside world. There are already rumors that our Great Qin Dynasty will decline. The late emperor destroyed more than a dozen countries, and the killing was too heavy. Due to this, he was punished by the heavens, and the Great Qing will perish soon. I don't know what you think about this."

Ying Xuan said again.

How can anyone dare to answer indiscriminately? This is a proposition that can only be falsified; otherwise, they will be guilty of a great crime.

"Great Qin will not die." Chu Xian said.

"Commander Chu is right. Great Qin will not perish, but the current situation is indeed difficult. Great Feng's attack is the most violent. Once the Ziwu Pass is broken, there is no natural geography for the Great Qin to defend, and the enemy army will have a smooth pass."

This is also what the ministers are most worried about.

If it was just the Great Feng dynasty, the Qin dynasty could mobilize all its troops to defend against the enemy. However, at the moment, there are five other countries eyeing the Qin dynasty, and it is really difficult to parry.

The other countries have not yet attacked on a large scale, not because of their benevolence but because of the Great Qin’s strong army. First, they want to let the Great Qin and the Great Feng fight the first round of war, and become the last winners after the two dynasties lost their strength.

"If we don't fight, we will die, but if we fight, we still have a chance."

Immediately, a ninth-level Nirvana realm military general named Xu Dajun stood up and said coldly: "I am from the old Qin State. As long as Your Majesty gives an order, I am willing to die for the empire!"

"General Xu is a loyal minister of my Great Qin." Ying Xuan said.

"I recently received a letter from the Great Chen Dynasty, saying that as long as I donate the Great Qin, Emperor Chen can keep me safe, and the hundreds of millions of people in the empire will also be saved from the flames of war."

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Ying Xuan said again.

"How can a country's emperor be the minister of others? Emperor is born to rule, not to serve."

Chu Xian said loudly.

Once there is no empire, even if Ying Xuan surrenders, he is just a fish in the hands of others, and they can kill him whenever they want.

Others can find a way out to surrender and preserve their strength. Even if the sun and the moon change, they still have a chance to preserve their family, but the emperor can't.

Emperors have the destiny to rule, and they can’t be satisfied to serve others.

Leaving the Emperor of the enemy country behind is a disaster.

With the fall of the Great Qin, the title "Qin people" will also vanish from history.

"What happened to His Majesty today?"

Some people murmured in their hearts at the time that His Majesty appears to be unusual today, completely different from the past.



gradually made some people uneasy.


“Fight till death! The blood of the Qin people is hot, and they are willing to fight to the last drop of blood, and go to the road of death together!"

Xu Dajun's sonorous voice sounded.

This is a loyal minister; even if he knows that the empire is on the verge of extinction, he still has no heart to surrender to the enemy and is willing to go on the road of death together.

"Where there is loyalty, there is treachery. Some people think that the Great Qin Dynasty is about to fall, so they are looking for a way out by colluding with other countries, leaking important military information, and leading to a complete disaster. But I believe that such people are in the minority. But it is precisely this minority that I cannot tolerate."

Ying Xuan said again.

At this moment, the ministers reacted.

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His Majesty wants to take advantage of today's court meeting to stabilize the interior of the court hall and pull out some moths.

But at this time, no one dared to speak too much.

Although the new emperor is young, he controls the strongest army in the Great Qin, -the imperial guards, and a large number of loyal and patriotic Qin people are also on his side.

"Marquis Sun Lang." Ying Xuan called him by name.

"Your Majesty."

Sun Lang looked uneasy.

He used to be the patriarch of a powerful family in the past. Later, when the late emperor's soldiers arrived, he immediately took refuge in him, and only then did he become a marquis, but in his heart, he isn't a loyal minister.

"Marquis Sun is really loyal…" Ying Xuan asked back: "But… who is he loyal to?"

He threw a large pile of letters in front of Sun Lang.

"Your Majesty, slander! This is slander. I have dedicated myself to the empire for decades, and I will never do anything treasonous. This is all slander by others. The purpose is to cause discord between the monarch and the ministers, and cause civil strife in the empire!"

Sun Lang knelt down and shouted repeatedly.

He was originally an opportunist, and when he saw that the Great Qin was dying, he immediately found a new home, but at this time, how dare he admit it?

He also didn't understand why His Majesty would directly launch an attack in court today.

And some people looked into Ying Xuan's eyes, feeling a little apprehensive in their hearts.

They are afraid that His Majesty not only has evidence of Sun Lang's betrayal alone but also many more people.

"You're saying I don't understand."

There was a majestic and domineering arrogance like a god and demon in Ying Xuan's gestures.

"I dare not."

Sun Lang's expression was uncertain: "Since Your Majesty believes that I have committed treason, then I am willing to step down from the position of Marquis and ask Your Majesty to demote me to a commoner."

He was rebelling against Ying Xuan's army, and if he acted recklessly, Sun Lang would have no way to do anything to Ying Xuan, but it would make the situation in the Qin dynasty unbalanced.

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The Great Qin Dynasty is divided into two factions: one is the old Qin people, and the other is the new Qin people, that is, the territory that the former emperor fought and conquered in the past few decades.

Old Qin people are naturally loyal, but people from the new Qin Dynasty may have a lot of thoughts.

"The evidence is as solid as a mountain, and you dare to refute it in front of me." Ying Xuan said, "Song De, declare my decree."

"Sun Lang colluded with the Great Feng Dynasty and caused our border gate to fall, and countless soldiers died. For this grave sin, he should be executed according to the law. In addition, He Cheng, Wang Shan, Zhou Tao, Lin Cheng, Zhao Hai, Zhang Feng, Lin Ye, Jia Gui, Sima Yuan, and Zhu Kun—these twelve ministers who colluded with the six Kingdoms and committed the sin of treason—will be punished to death, and their whole family will face the same consequences!"

Song De proclaimed the edict.

He didn't know the content of the imperial decree before, and when he read this, he was also secretly startled.

This time, His Majesty is going to use the knife of treason to kill twelve ministers, and His Majesty did have evidence of their treason.

All the other ministers saw that His Majesty was angry for real and their hearts were trembling

When the Emperor gets angry, millions of corpses fall, and a huge bloodbath can only calm his raging heart.

"You can't touch me. I am a great hero of the Great Qin Dynasty, and my father is even a hero who had contributed in founding the empire. Without my family, your Great Qin Dynasty would not be where it is today!"

Sun Lang roared.

The eleven ministers were also yelling. Ordering to be beheaded, and annihilate their entire clan, this is the most terrifying way of punishing.

They are not reconciled. They are also dealing with government affairs themselves, and they have communicated with the six Kingdoms and told them some news, but... just because of this, their whole family will die?

This is clearly unreasonable!

But… if there is treason, every retribution is reasonable. Betraying a country is equivalent to risking the lives of billions and the death of their hundreds of family members isn’t enough to justify it.

"Golden Armored Guards, take them down. Push them outside the hall and behead them!"

With a wave of Ying Xuan's palm, a guard of 300 people suddenly appeared.

The three hundred guards were all tall and burly, wearing golden armor and holding halberds with a cold light, full of murderous aura.

"Follow the order, push the traitors outside the palace, and behead them!"

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