Chapter 21.2: Issue Imperial Decree for the War!

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Countless orders were immediately sent to all counties.

According to their own conditions, each county dispatched a large number of troops to Ziwu Pass, which was the nearest front bordering Great Feng.

At the same time, the counties and prefectures are also recruiting soldiers, so that the good sons of Great Qin will actively participate in the war.

"Your Majesty is currently at Ziwu Pass, and needs a large number of troops to fight a big battle, and this is the time for us the son of Great Qin to make great achievements!"

"Great Qin will rule the world!"

"Join the army, I want to join the army and guard the people of Qin!"

"The sons of Great Qin are not cowards. They would rather die standing than live on their knees. Besides, even if we kneel, can others spare us? We will just be other people's pigs and dogs, reduced to inferior people."

"We will live standing up!"

"The country is in danger, it is time for us to protect our motherland!"

At the beginning of this large-scale recruitment, boys and girls from all counties and prefectures actively participated with great enthusiasm.

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After all, those who were greedy for life and afraid of death in the Great Qin Dynasty were in minority, and the vast majority were still loyal to the emperor and were patriotic.

And the women in their family also watched their husbands and sons go to the battlefield. Although they were reluctant, they did not hold back.

They also know.

Once the Great Qin is destroyed, these women will not end well. They will be bullied by the enemy in every possible way, and life would be worse than death

Protecting the country is also protecting them.

So there was such a scene, watching many sons put on the armor of Great Qin and go to the battlefield.

In the mouths of the Six Kingdoms, Great Qin is often called a country that does not understand etiquette and is uncivilized.

In particular, they like to cut off people's heads for military exploits, which adds to the ferocity of the Qin people.

If it wasn’t for the prosperity and the strong development, they would be same as barbarians for the six kingdoms. But, due to its huge power and rapid construction of unified civilization, no one will underestimate them.

Qin people don't care about these.

What is etiquette? It is just an illusion, strength is the truth.

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But Ying Xuan also wanted to thank the late emperor.

After the late emperor came to power, he stipulated that the people of Great Qin, regardless of gender, should practice martial arts, and they could go to various counties and prefectures to obtain the cultivation methods suitable for them.

There is also an assessment, and those who complete the assessment will receive national rewards.

Moreover, men are mandatory to receive military training for a period of time after they reach adulthood.

In this


way, the Great Qin’s soldiers has such a great reputation.


This also allowed Ying Xuan to be able to recruit experienced soldiers, who could go to battlefield with just a simple drill of necessary training, excluding all the basics.

Of course, these soldiers cannot be compared with the real army.

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But it can also be used once. As long as you have fought a few battles, you can become a veteran.

"Men are heading to protect the land, so we women can't lag behind. Sisters, take up your weapons. When the men are fighting outside, we will protect the house at home, so that they can fight with His Majesty with peace of mind!"

After all, this is the cultivation world.

Even women can practice.

Women in Great Qin have strong tempers.

Great Qin recruited troops on a large scale, and naturally the news of military mobilization could not be concealed, and Great Feng soon found out.

But they also scoffed and didn't care much.

This group of uncivilized people, in their eyes, were indeed ferocious. They dared to go to the battlefield instead of lying down and waiting for death.

They didn’t think that Emperor Qin would dare to go out of Ziwu Pass and attack the Great Feng. They just thought that this mobilization was for the defense against the Six Kingdoms.

After all, this is the normal operation of any Emperor to protect their own rule and who would have thought that Great Qin would go out without guarding the Ziwu Pass.

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"Brothers, enter Great Qin, kill all their men, and plunder their women. The women of Qin State are wild and fierce, and they are more interesting than those soft women."

"Haha, what the general said made our hearts itch."

"When the Great Qin is destroyed, the women of the Qin State will not be played around with by us!"

"Yes, we can hardly bear it anymore!"

The Six Kingdoms attacked Qin. In the eyes of the Six Kingdoms, Qin was doomed to be destroyed, and there was no chance of winning.

What they want to do is to plunder Qin and obtain greater benefits after the war.

In Ziwu Pass, a large number of soldiers gathered continuously.

Ying Xuan looked at the Qin army in armor. The black armor brought a murderous look, and there was only killing intent on their faces, without any fear.

"These are all good sons of my Great Qin Dynasty. With such sharp warriors, why worry about Great Qin being eternal?!"

Ying Xuan gave birth to the heroic will to swallow mountains and rivers!

In him at this moment, it seems that there is a fire of transformation and nirvana that is about to be ignited!

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