Chapter 23.1: War to destroy Great Feng begins!

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Destroy Great Feng!

Destroy Great Feng!

Destroy Great Feng!

Qin Ruishi's blood boiled!

Their blood was boiling hot, and everyone was shouting, shaking the mountains and forests to howl!

Qin people like to destroy the kingdoms. In every battle of destroying the nation, they can cut off a large number of heads and achieve high military merits.

It is the dream of Qin people to kill enemies on the battlefield and make meritorious deeds.

The military merit system also provides them with opportunities to climb up.

Looking at His Majesty on the high platform, six million Qin people shouted ‘Emperor Qin’.

This is their Majesty!

And those Qin people didn't think about it. There was a crisis of being subjugated not long ago, but now they are on the way to conquest. How strong is his Great Qin during this period of time.

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For ordinary soldiers, it is good to obey orders.

Those are the things the generals have to think about.

"Let's go!"

Ying Xuan gave the order to march!

The war of conquest begins!

He is confident this time.

Xin Zhao, Chu Xian, and Earth Violent Ape are the three powerful persons in the Harmony realm.

Both Xin Zhao and Chu Xian have the best magic weapons of the heaven rank.

And the Earth Violent Ape is even more of an ancient beast, ferocious and violent.

It is enough to deal with Great Feng, who is ranked at the last front among the Seven Dynasties!

The army of six million tiger soldier went out to fight. How mighty it was? It was like a long dragon soaring from inside the pass, with no end in sight.

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Although there are many people, they are stable and not chaotic. This is due to Great Qin's education of order and obedience to the senior military ranks from childhood to adulthood.

It was precisely because of this that Ying Xuan was provided with so many outstanding Great Qin warriors.

At this moment, a soldier whose cultivation base has reached the true essence is flying around in the army, delivering various news.

Qianzhou is too big, and the seven dynasties are far apart. Fortunately, this world is full of practitioners and can withstand long journeys.

Ying Xuan knew it well.

This is a completely different world from his previous life, and many things cannot be treated with common sense.

"Your Majesty, we will march along this route. This route is the fastest way for us to reach Great Feng Capital, but the biggest obstacle we face will be Xuelong Pass."

Chu Xian held a detailed military map in his hand.

Great Qin and Great Feng have been fighting for so many years, so


they naturally understand each other.

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On this route, there are all Pingshan Pass Fortresses, which need to be removed one by one, but it is the fastest route.

If you take a detour, given the vastness of Qianzhou, it will take a few more months. By then, the season will have changed and soldiers would suffer from the natural frosts.

Therefore, Ying Xuan's strategy is very simple, in the face of any difficulty and obstacle, the Qin Ruishi will advance in full speed. Time is crucial.

The war of destroying the kingdom is fought in terms of comprehensive national strength.

He has the confidence.

"Great Feng and the other six kingdoms thought that I, Great Qin would not take the initiative to attack, but would obediently wait for death, but I will tell them what Qin people are. Let them know what is the fear that the Qin people brought to them.”

Ying Xuan stood on the chariot, looked ahead, and said indifferently.

Chu Xian nodded.

He was standing next to His Majesty's chariot, looking at the violent ape thirty meters high, the fierce aura even disturbed his mind.

“After a while, we will shortly reach the Great Feng’s Yunchu Prefecture.”

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Chu Xian said.

Great Qin consists of counties and prefecture system, where there are more of counties and few prefecture. While the Great Feng is purely a prefecture system.

The names are different, but the meaning is the same. A prefecture is equivalent to a county.

"Send Xin Zhao to lead the 300,000 strong soldiers of the Great Qin to attack Yunchu Prefecture, without delaying the army's follow-up march!"

Ying Xuan's military order was issued.

The march of the six million army is too slow. So, he intends to first send elites to sweep some obstacles without delaying the army.

And Yunchu Prefecture is really close to Ziwu Pass, and they will shortly arrive there.

Yunchu Prefecture!

This is a big city, with hundreds of thousands of soldiers stationed inside, and many defeated soldiers who fled from the Ziwu Pass before were also resting here.

For this kind of border city, their biggest task is to serve as a frontier sentry to observe Great Qin's actions.

The guard posts they had set up around Ziwu Pass before were removed by Ying Xuan's new Black Eagle Army, so they couldn't keep abreast of Great Qin's situation.

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