Chapter 25.1: Unstoppable siege!

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The small thinking of the Five Kingdoms is also reasonable.

They have also fought Great Qin for decades, and a few years ago there was an outbreak of the Six Kingdoms attacking Qin.

They believed that Great Qin had concealed some of its strength, but that was all. It was impossible to turn the tide, and sending troops to Great Feng was also their last struggle.

They are just hoping that the Great Qin army will break through the Xuelong pass and reach the capital of Great Feng.

But the premise is that both sides must suffer heavy losses.

After all, the seven dynasties in Qianzhou are all for their own interests.

But the variable they don't know is Ying Xuan.

He is a traverser, and he has a system.

Regarding their slow movements, Ying Xuan was happy to see it. Although he was not afraid, it would also relieve him of many obstacles and successfully complete the great cause of destroying the country.

By the time the five kingdoms reacted, it was too late and the dust had already settled.

As expected, the Great Qin army have already arrived at Xuelong Pass after 20 days.

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And it only took less than two months from Ziwu Pass to Xuelong Pass.

This is why Great Feng has such a deep obsession with Ziwu Pass. From that point, Great Qin attacked Great Feng too quickly.

This is still the speed of six million soldiers and horses marching.

If small scale war is launched, then the speed would have been much more faster.

Xuelong Pass is located in the continuous snow-capped mountains, like a giant dragon, stretching across the sky and the earth. Because of the snow all the year round, it is called Xuelong Pass. (Xue: Snow; Long: Dragon)

This is the last line of defense for the capital, and it has been strengthened every year since the founding of Great Feng.

The six million Qin troops arrived outside Xuelong Pass, stopped, put on a posture, and were full of momentum.

Also because of the arrival of the Qin army, its murderous aura shook the world. The Qin army in black armor was extremely eye-catching in this snowy environment.

Great Feng also deployed five million troops to defend the city at Xuelong Pass.

About the same number of people.

However, generally speaking, a siege requires several times the number of troops, and then there is the support of the capital.

But even so, seeing the arrival of the Qin army, the Great Feng soldiers and horses guarding the city still felt a wave of fear, and their palms holding the weapons were sweaty.

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Fortunately, they are only here to guard the city.

If this is a frontal attack, these Qin troops are too terrifying.

"Great Qin Ruishi really deserves its reputation."

Luo Xiu looked dignified.



prestige of the Great Qin Ruishi shocked the six kingdoms.


"At this time, the morale of the Qin army is fierce, like a beast coming out of the cage, but it will be exhausted soon. After repelling their first wave of attack, their morale will decline, and then they will be even weaker."

In order to defend Xuelong Pass, most of the defense equipment in the dynasty has been transferred.

"Order all the troops to rest for a day and launch an attack tomorrow morning."

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Ying Xuan's order came.

During the march during this period, the army is also very tired, let them rest today.

And Ying Xuan also took out a large amount of prepared beast meat. These are great tonics, which can quickly replenish physical strength.

After the Qin army settled down, they rested outside the city to replenish their strength.

"Tomorrow's battle, I will let 10,000 iron armored troops take the lead, and then the siege army will press on. The battle of Xuelong Pass requires huge impact to break through, and the unstoppable force will crush it quickly, without delay."

Ying Xuan said: "All the armies, be ready! Don't give Great Feng any chance to fight back."

"As ordered."

The generals take orders.

They also have excitement in their hearts.

"Conventional siege will inevitably cause too much loss. After the battle of the army begins, Chu Xian and Xin Zhao will attack under the cover of the army. The Earth Violent Ape will be in front of you, and I will be in the central position."

Ying Xuan didn't intend to make a move at Xuelong Pass.

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With these arrangements, it is enough to break him through Xuelong Pass.

All the arrangements have been issued, and the armies are preparing quickly.

The next day arrived soon enough.

The weather was very bad, the clouds were overwhelming, and it was extremely dull.


Soon, when the time came, Great Qin’s horn of war sounded.

"The Qin army is about to attack."

The soldiers guarding the pass did not sleep all night, staring at each other all the time.

The Qin army pushed out a series of cannons and crossbows, aimed at the city wall, and began an indiscriminate cover attack, and some unlucky ones were directly blasted down.

"Deploy a large scale defenders to resist the attack!"

In Luo Xiu's vision, this is a tragic war of attrition.

But they are playing on their own land, and the last thing they are afraid of is consumption.

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