Chapter 27.2: Five Kingdoms' Reinforcement!

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Great Feng’s Imperial Capital is built on the mountain, that is to say, the pro-army cannot surround it on all sides, but can only attack through three sides.

Originally, there were many small towns on the outskirts of the capital, but the people in those small towns had already run away.

"It's even grander than my Imperial Capital." Ying Xuan said.

He was also telling the truth.

Great Qin began to flourish in the generation of the late emperor. It used to be a small dynasty, but Great Feng has been strong for six hundred years.

"No matter how grand it is, this capital city will soon belong to Your Majesty, and become the next county under Great Qin's rule. There will be no other great honor in the future, and our Great Qin will flourish this land much more than Great Feng could!"

Xu Dajun said!

Chu Xian observed the Capital of Feng and said: "This capital is built on the mountain. Taking advantage of Xuelong Mountain, it is impossible to attack the city from all sides. Great Feng’s Capital is also divided into inner and outer cities. Although the inner city is smaller than the outer city, it is stronger by dozens of times."

Of course.

The capital is the last line of defense.

It’s natural that the Emperors will spare no effort to strengthen.

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"No matter how strong the city is, it can't stop my great Qin warriors from breaking through!"

Ying Xuan's chariot raised the highest and largest flag.

This is the belief of all Qin people.

"That's right, let them know how powerful our Qin people are. Great Qin warriors, sweeping the nations, it's time to make contributions!"

The military orders are passed on.

The brave Qin army began to prepare to attack the city.

This is not like attacking Xuelong Pass. Great Feng's final forces are all present here.

The will to resist that erupted in the capital is not comparable to other places.

And the defenders of the capital were extremely nervous, even though they deployed the most elite soldiers and horses in the capital.

But the Qin army pushed to the center of the dynasty, which also represented the final battle.

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Just now, Emperor Feng also came to order.

The reinforcements from the five kingdoms have already moved. As long as they persist long enough and wait for the armies of the five kingdoms to gather together, they can launch a counterattack against the Qin army.

That's what the Emperor said.

But Great Qin's momentum was too fierce.

Their murderous aura was boiling and shocking.

Of course, Emperor Feng did not deceive them, and the five kingdoms did have reinforcements.

Great Chen, Great Liang, and Great Sheng all came with Harmony realm master, and there were also


many Nirvana and refining god experts.


The sea cliff is at the ends of the earth in Qianzhou, too far away, and it is impossible for them to send reinforcement at the quickest speed.

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Another dynasty does not directly border the Great Feng, but has to cross the borders of many countries.

Therefore, it will take several days for the powerhouses of the two countries to arrive.

Emperor Feng also felt that it was enough. A total of three harmony realm masters from three kingdoms, and there were hundreds of nirvana, plus thousands of refining gods, which should be able to stop Great Qin.

And that terrifying beast, he also prepared means to deal with it.

"Great Qin’s army is pressuring the Great Feng, and I, Great Chen, will help you defend the city!"

The speaker was a middle-aged man, Harmony realm, from Great Chen.

Among the Seven Dynasties, Great Chen's territory is the largest and the strongest. It is located in the center of Qianzhou, the most fertile place, and borders many countries. It is also the most powerful among the Seven Dynasties.

However, among the Seven Dynasties, Great Chen established the dynasty for not too long, only about two hundred years.

However, the appearance of the former emperor of Great Qin, the strongest in the Seven Dynasties, suppressed them.

Emperor Feng nodded.

It is said that the founding ancestor of Great Chen came from a terrifying force.

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"Everyone, this battle will center on our capital city. If the Qin army attacks the city, let them attack the city. I will drag them here to death and wait for the soldiers and horses of the six kingdoms to encircle the city!"

Great Feng Emperor said.

"Of course there is no problem. His majesty, Emperor Chen, already knows that and more troops are being prepared to destroy Great Qin in the capital!"

Great Chen's sympathetic response.

"Qin has three harmony realms, and our number is not less than them. We have been relying on the capital for 600 years. Let's see what Emperor Qin uses to break the city!"

There is not much worry about the cooperation of other countries.

Even so, Emperor Feng was not happy.

Even if the imperial city is defended, it will be dilapidated in the end. It will be good if he can keep Great Feng by then. It will be difficult to divide up Qin's cake for their sake.

His expression suddenly changed at this moment.

"Qin army has attacked the city!"

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