Chapter 28.2: Great Meteorite Storm!

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Those who are strong in the heaven-reaching realm can destroy a dynasty by one person.

And this meteorite storm didn't hit for a few seconds, but for a full minute before stopping.

Looking at the entire capital city, the outer city has been destroyed into ruins and filled with boulders, and the first solid line of defense has been destroyed to a disastrous state.

And after this wave of blows, I don't know how many people were smashed to death, and the blood was mixed with paste of flesh.

Most of the large number of defensive equipment arranged above were destroyed.

Although most of the strong suffered little, they ran back to the inner city in time, but the most frightening thing was that their morale was messed up, and they became more afraid of Emperor Qin.

Emperor Qin controlled the power of heaven and earth, was indifferent and ruthless, and killed countless humans like ants.

"Emperor! Emperor! Emperor!"

The Great Qin soldiers shouted in unison.

"Great Qin Ruishi! Attack!!!"

Ying Xuan launched the order!

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The real siege began.

The six million Great Qin Ruishi came in batches, holding shields in the front row and halberds in the back row, followed by crossbowmen and heading towards the capital.

Originally there was a strong and tall capital, but now the outer city was in ruins filled with red blood.

There are also gaps everywhere, and it is impossible to form a real defense.

The Great Feng defenders trembled, and when they saw the Qin army coming, they were so frightened that they ran away.

"You are not allowed to retreat. Everyone attack, whoever takes a step back, dies!"

The Great Qin soldiers hacked and killed the retreating soldiers again and again.

Finally, after the general soldiers calmed down, the first wave of Great Qin's attack came. The first to enter the city was the Iron Armored Legion, acting as the first climber, and fighting with the opponent.

The weakness of the Iron Armored Legion is slow movement and small numbers, but they only need to withstand the opponent's first wave of counterattack.

Great Feng's guards slashed and killed the Iron Armored Legions with full force, but they couldn't even break through the defense.

And the Iron Armored Legion pushed across like a tank, absorbing a large number of counterattacks.

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The archers of Great Qin also came to kill, rushing in along the gaps in the city walls everywhere, covering them with a wave of crossbows first, and then other troops followed closely.

Great Qin is not only powerful in artilitery, but their powerful crossbows are the best among the Seven Dynasties.

Fighting this battle to destroy the country, Ying Xuan also used up all the resources in the treasury.

The sound of


fighting, roaring, and despair resounded.


There are killings everywhere, and humans are like worthless, falling in red blood, that were killed mercilessly.

There is nothing righteous or evil in this war. Wars between two nations are all for profit.

Emperor Feng looked extremely gloomy.

He originally wanted to have a city defense battle with the opponent to waste time, but the opponent directly broke through his outer city and started fighting inside the capital.

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He is not afraid of fighting inside the capital, but the previous wave of blows damaged the army's morale.

Great Qin was shouting and killing.

Qin people like to destroy the country the most.

"Go, King Kong."

Ying Xuan's true essence turned into a giant hand of a god and demon, and patted the head of the Earth Violent Ape.

Earth Violent Ape was so excited that it directly rushed towards the city, trampled down every house, and countless people were trampled to death.

With its ferocious strength, ordinary attacks are not even scratches to him.

Its battle further crushed the opponent's defense and broke the hearts of the defenders.

There were natural disasters at first, and then there is fierce beast now.

"Xin Zhao, Chu Xian, you two led the army to break through the city!"

Ying Xuan gave another order.

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Xin Zhao and Chu were sent in first, with the purpose of forcing the opponent's Harmony to fight.

If the harmony realms don’t come out, that's okay, just go and slaughter ordinary soldiers.

It can be said that this war of annihilating the country was completely dominated by Great Qin from the moment it started.

"Who among you is going to block Great Qin's harmony realm?!" Emperor Feng said coldly.

There was silence on the scene, these three Harmony, no one is easy to deal with, especially the fierce beast, being slapped by that big slap, it is like being slapped with a bug, and Harmony can't hold on.

"We will deal with Xin Zhao and Chu Xian, and Great Feng will deal with that beast."

This is the answer of the three kingdoms.


Emperor Feng said: "My Great Feng has established the dynasty for six hundred years, it has a lot of foundations. I can't allow a ferocious beast to run wild here!"

He wants to use his great knowledge to deal with this Earth Violent Ape!

It can be seen that if this difficult Earth Violent Ape is solved, Great Qin will be much easier to deal with!

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