Chapter 30.2: Great Qin stands above the whole of Great Feng!

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"Put down your weapons and raise your hands. Those who submit to the Great Qin will live, and those who resist to the end will die!"

The general of the Qin army also shouted, passing on the imperial decree of the Emperor Qin.

Most of the Great Feng soldiers had no fighting spirit for a long time.

Hearing this imperial decree felt like being pardoned. They put down their weapons one after another, knelt on the ground with their hands facing the sky, how could they dare to resist.

If the emperor hadn't been killed and all the harmony realms on the battlefield wouldn’t have died, they wouldn't have knelt so fast.

The destiny of the Great Qin Emperor.

But there must still be those with hard bones, who would rather die than surrender, and are still stubbornly resisting.

It doesn't matter if the bones are hard, Great Qin will tell them that their swords are harder than bones, and they are designed to chop these hard bones.

"Your Majesty, should we proceed to the imperial palace?"

After Chu Xian finished the capital battle and greeted the emperor.

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"Let’s go."

Ying Xuan moved.

Great Feng Imperial Palace, located in the inner city, is resplendent and magnamious, but it has not been damaged too badly.

The maids and eunuchs inside shivered and knelt down to welcome Emperor Qin.

They all know that starting from today, Great Feng is gone. The owner of this palace that has been in existence for six hundred years, has now changed to another owner.

This master is the supreme emperor of Great Qin!

Ying Xuan sat on the throne.

This throne is extremely luxurious, and it is made of the most precious metals. It is very comfortable to sit on, and it can also look down on the officials in the hall.

"This throne is very uncomfortable, not as comfortable as Great Qin's."

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Ying Xuan said.

Great Feng Emperor’s Seat is very soft.

On the other hand, Great Qin Emperor’s Seat is very hard.

Ying Xuan still likes the tougher seats.

The generals standing below also looked at each other in blank dismay. His Majesty felt uncomfortable sitting on someone else's throne.

Immediately, Chu Xian stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, the remnant army in the city has basically been wiped out. In accordance with His Majesty's imperial decree, those who surrendered will take off their armor and put down their weapons and be held in a guard. Those who dare to resist will be directly suppressed and killed."

"The last general asked our army not to disturb the commoners in the Capital of Feng, but those who dare to harbor the enemy will be punished without




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Another general reported.

Although Ying Xuan can't kill them completely, the premise is that they don’t resist Great Qin, otherwise he doesn't mind using iron and blood methods to suppress the commoners too.

The heart of an emperor is indifferent and cruel.

"The capital has been destroyed. Although there is still many territory where our army hasn’t reached, but Great Feng is dead. The army can be wiped them out in the shortest time, and all of them will return to the land of Great Qin."

Xu Dajun was extremely excited at the moment.

The 600-year-old Great Feng died in just a few months.

"You guys have done a good job. The Great Feng has been destroyed. What you do next must be different from before."

Ying Xuan said: "Decree all the armies to march on to the rest of the prefectures. If the whole city surrenders, accept it peacefully and station the portion of army. If they resist, use iron and blood methods to suppress and kill the whole prefecture."

"In addition, order Imperial Court to sent officials to take over all the prefectures and the government system will also change to county system, where everyone will a Qin citizen."

"As ordered!"

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The ministers said.

Looking at His Majesty's majesty and demeanor, they all understood that this war of destroying the country had just bespear.

[Ding! Host has completed the mission to destroy Great Feng and has ascended to the throne of Great Feng, and is rewarded with 1 million low-grade origin stones, 100,000 middle-grade origin stones, 10,000 high-grade origin stones, 1,000 celestial-grade origin stones, and 1,000 low-grade artifacts. One hundred medium-grade magical artifacts, ten high-grade magical artifacts, one heavenly rank, summoning opportunity x1, Harmony Pill x1, two thousand body quenching pills, and two thousand soul-returning pills.]

The extremely generous rewards for destroying the country have been issued!

Looking at the various rewards, what Ying Xuan charioted most about was Harmony Pills and summoning opportunities.


Ying Xuan didn't waste any time, and immediately started the summoning.

After the summoning started this time, he immediately felt a breath.

The picture in his eyes suddenly changed, as if in an ancient battlefield, a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood appeared, and a killing god appeared!

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