Chapter 32.2: Pointing sword to Great Liang!

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At this time, Ying Xuan didn't have the intention to manage former Great Feng properly at all.

Former Great Feng is too large, and a lot of manpower is needed to manage it.

How can he have so many people to govern now?

And Bai Qi took away the most elite soldiers and horses of Great Qin.

With a thought, Chu Xian understood His Majesty's intentions. He was letting former Great Feng go with the flow, as it will give the five kingdoms the chance to retaliate against Great Qin, delaying their strength.

And here, the Great Feng royal family and the top powerhouses were all killed.

If someone wants to cause disturbance, they should at the least have strength to escape the stationed military.

"Destroy the powerhouses of the Five Kingdoms completely, and return the hearts of the people to Qin. At that time, we will govern this vast territory."

Ying Xuan wholeheartedly wanted to destroy the five kingdoms, and would not waste his strength on this unnecessary aftermath.

Just imagine, the Six Kingdoms are gone, and there is only Great Qin in this vast Qianzhou, so it will naturally be easy to govern.

On the second day, Emperor Ying Xuan drove out of the now county of Feng and returned to Imperial Capital from the direction of Ziwu Pass.

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"This Emperor Qin!"

On the border of former Great Feng, in the vast sea, there is a small island.

The most elite powerhouses of the five kingdoms gathered on the island.

"He is too ruthless and treacherous. I thought he would solve the Great Feng’s troubles, but he just left, making our plan come to nothing!"

The powerhouses of the Five Kingdoms gritted their teeth, very unwilling.

Although this Emperor Qin was young, he was ruthless and treacherous like an old fox.

When he was in Great Feng, the Great Qin soldiers and horses had wiped out all the resisting forces in the falling dynasty.

Originally, the Five Kingdoms wanted to set off a fire against the Great Qin in the dead Great Feng, and they supported them to hold back the Great Qin soldiers.

But Emperor Qin didn't stay there at all.

He is now concentrating on destroying the five kingdoms and killing their vital forces.

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"What should we do now?" someone asked.

"Quickly report to Great Feng rebels that Emperor Qin has left, and is returning to the Imperial Capital, while the army of Qin has also moved towards Great Liang. The leading commanding general is called Bai Qi."

A strong man from Great Chen said.

"Bai Qi? Who is this?"

They wonder.

"Don't think too much, let them decide how to arrange it."

They said.



this moment, Ying Xuan had already left Xuelong Pass, and his chariot was not moving fast.


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The fire of Nirvana was also blazing on his body, and the scriptures on the indestructible body of gods and demons made Ying Xuan seem to be transformed into the greatest master of gods and demons.

He manipulated the power of Nirvana and used a lot of resources to achieve Nirvana from the inside out.

After ten days, he put away all his strength and reached the third stage of Nirvana.

He took a breath, and if he breathed it out completely, it would be a storm of gods and demons.

"Where has Bai Qi reached now?"

Ying Xuan asked.

Chu Xian, who was accompanying him, said: "General Bai Qi is about to enter the Great Qin’s territories. He marched in a hurry, and millions of soldiers used origin stones to replenish their strength, so as to reduce the time for cooking and eating on the way."

Origin stones are generally used for cultivation, but Bai Qi is using them to replenish strength, which is too extravagant.

But there are benefits too.

Soldiers need to eat if they want physical strength, but it takes time to digest food.

However, cultivators with true essence needs much more food, but with a origin stone in hand, it can replenish their energy for several days.

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"I know what he wants to do. Bai Qi wants to rush to the border quickly, and when he reaches the border, he will regroup the army, and then dispatch them as quickly as possible."

Ying Xuan appreciated it very much.

At this time, you don't need to worry about consumption, you will have everything if you destroy the Great Liang.

But this kind of behavior, many commanders can't do it.

"Your Majesty, we are going back to Imperial Capital with such great fanfare, I am afraid that we have already attracted the attention of the five kingdoms."

Chu Xian has been very vigilant.

"It's good to attract attention, I just want them to pay attention, so as to create opportunities for Bai Qi."

Of course Ying Xuan knew.

But he drove here, fearing that if the Five Kingdoms saw that Great Qin Ruishi had almost gone to Great Liang, they would make his idea, which would also cause the Five Kingdoms to separate some strong men.

He is not afraid that the other party will come, but he is afraid that they will not come.

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