Chapter 37.1: Great Liang's brave Emperor!

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Four million soldiers were slaughtered. Athough Bai Qi ordered such actions, but the world will definitely blame Ying Xuan for this.

It is predicted that he will become a tyrant in the mouth of the world.

But so what about being a tyrant? Anyone who achieves dominance, which one is not stained with a lot of blood.

What's more, in this world where strength is paramount and the strongest have the power to change the world.

Ying Xuan doesn’t need to worry about such titles.

For Bai Qi, killing four million soldiers is indeed the best choice.

Otherwise, at least one or two million people will be wasted to guard the four million, and a time bomb will be left in the rear to interfere with the great cause of destroying the Great Liang.

Suddenly, Ying Xuan's body burned with a monstrous fire of Nirvana.

He immediately took out a large number of heavenly origin stones, and as the energy burned, a phantom of a god and demon appeared, and more cells in his body exploded and evolved.

With a clear mind, he actually reached the fifth stage of Nirvana in succession.

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"There is no reason why people should not die in the struggle for hegemony in the world. Those who resist are just bones to be crushed on the road of my Great Qin’s great cause."

Ying Xuan said.

Then announced the next decree.

“General Bai Qi, deputies and other soldiers, who fought at the forefront of Nanguan battle, will be rewarded. They are also ordered to quickly march towards the Liang’s capital, becoming the first cause of sweeping across Qianzhou continent, and completing the unified hegemony."

Ying Xuan issued the imperial decree.

This is an affirmation of Bai Qi's approach, and he should be rewarded greatly.

And such is the power of the Emperor, and tens of millions die at his one order.

"One battalion will be stationed here, and the rest of the army will follow me to destroy Great Liang’s capital and establish the flag of Great Qin in their palace!"

After Bai Qi won a big victory at Nanguan, he immediately rushed to Great Liang City with the Great Qin Tiger Wolf.

Along the way, the Qin army was unstoppable, and all the defenders in the major cities along the way escaped cleanly before the Qin army arrived.

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You know, Bai Qi's reputation has spread throughout Qianzhou.

Everyone called him Killing God (Ren tu), who kills without batting an eyelid, and he also slaughtered four million helpless humans.

However, in Great Qin, Ying Xuan gave him the title of God of War, and God of




Bai Qi, the God of Killing, is the pillar of the Great Qin Dynasty!

“Whether it’s the fame of Killing god or the dirt of killing helpless humans, I will gladly accept all those.”

Bai Qi said.

Great Qin passed this way, as if entering a land of no one, and no one could stop him.

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However, although Bai Qi is a god of killing, he has no interest in massacring those civilians. He passed through the city all the way without attacking the civilians along the way, and even ordered the Qin army not to attack them without any cause.

However, the defenders suffered a lot, as long as they were defenders, they were all killed.

This also made Xu Dajun heave a sigh of relief.

He is also afraid that Bai Qi will massacre civilians, this god of killing can do anything.

It's not that kindness is in vain. It is meaningless for him to kill civilians.

What he wants to destroy is the opponent's army, the vital force, and destroy all the resistance forces in the main base.

The massacre of civilians does more harm than good.

The Qin army did not kill civilians, but only killed Great Liang's army, and the news spread quickly.

This made Great Liang surrender faster, and made many of Liang's soldiers took off their armor, burn them, and become civilians.

As a result, an interesting scene appeared in the territory of Great Liang.

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A large number of soldiers stripped off their armor, burned it, and became civilians, watching the Great Qin army go straight to the capital.

The whole girder has lost the will to fight.

There are also bloody ones.

But they were all killed by Great Qin.

However, most of the soldiers lay flat, waiting for the Great Liang Kingdom to perish and become Qin’s subjects.

Perhaps it is better to be a Qin’s subjects than to be a dying commoner in Great Liang.

Great Liang Capital City.

Great Liang's capital is located here.

The city was built very strong, but what's the use of being strong? The news that the Qin army’s march towards the city was spread all over, and the hearts of the people had already dispersed, and they couldn't bring up any resistance.

The battle of Nanguan has already broken the backbone of Great Liang.

"Your Majesty, when the people in the city heard that the Qin army was coming, they fled in all directions. Do you want to seal the city gate immediately and prevent anyone from escaping? Anyone who disrupts the law of dynasty will be killed without mercy!"

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