Chapter 41.2: Fertile the land with their corpses!

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Its digestion power is too strong, after the dragon blood horse was eaten, it quickly digested them, absorbing that bit of dragon blood, it’s body was also growing by the passing seconds.

The growth of the Earth Violent Ape requires eating this kind of meat that contains strong true essence and blood.

This was also arranged by Chu Xian.

After entering the Northland, Chu Xian did not let the Earth Violent Ape charge with the army, but let it go around behind the barbarians, encircling them.

This also has a purpose, mainly to train recruits and vent Qin people's hatred against barbarians.

"Where did this monster come from?!"

Wutu was also frightened, his legs were shaking, and even the dragon blood horse under his seat couldn't run fast.

He saw that the Earth Violent Ape was eating the dragon's blood horse like a snack, one bite at a time.

"It belongs to the Qin army!"

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His mind was not completely confused yet, and he knew that this beast belonged to Great Qin.

The Earth Violent Ape roared again, and the sound waves radiated out like ocean waves.

Under the coercion of its ancient fierce beast, those barbarian horses couldn't run anymore, and they were under the coercion of the ancient king of beasts.

Although the dragon's blood horse was better, after all, it only had a trace of dragon's blood, and it could run, but its speed also dropped sharply.


Wutu flogged the dragon blood horse first, terrified.

The Earth Violent Ape walked towards him, trampled many to death countless times on the way, covered it with his big hands, and a gust of wind blew.

"Abandon the horses!"

Wutu first deduced that the bloodline of the Earth Violent Ape was extremely high, and the dragon blood horse could not be depended on at the moment, and immediately burst out with the power of harmony realm, flying out like a black lightning.

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Earth Violent Ape seemed to be provoked.

After striding forward and jumping, he slapped the fleeing Wutu.

It kicked again, stepping on Wutu.

However, this Wutu was a Harmony after all, and before he died immediately, he saw the monster lowered its head, pinched him with its big hands.

He was desperate, thinking that the monster would just eat him.



Earth Violent Ape shook its head, seemed to dislike the smell of barbarian blood, and didn't even had the desire to eat it, so he threw Wutu towards Chu Xian mischievously.


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Chu Xian flew out, swept out with a halberd, and split Wutu.

Crash, the minced meat spread out immediately.

And with the coercion of the blood of the violent ape, Great Qin has already chased up to the barbarians, with endless killing intent.

The barbarian's plan was very good, if they couldn't beat Great Qin, they would run away.

However, among the Qin army, there was such a fierce beast as the earth violent ape, which made their horses not even have the slightest strength to run, so they became the dead souls of the Qin army.

In the vast northern land, a brutal massacre took place.

Millions of barbarians howled in despair.

But the Qin army would not let them go, in exchange for a more brutal massacre.

This killing lasted for a long time, dyeing a large area of northern land blood red.

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Earth Violent Ape also ate a lot of dragon blood horses, belched, and its body also skyrocketed, reaching a height of thirty-three meters, which promoted its realm to the third stage of Harmony.

After eating so many dragon's blood horses, it was upgraded from the second stage to the third stage. This also shows how many dragon blood horses had it devoured.

Although, it seems that it only has one stage of improvement, but its combat power has increased a lot.

"General Chu, the million barbarians have basically been wiped out, and we have captured 38,000 dragon blood horses in this battle!"

Suddenly, a soldier reported.

This is a big battle, killing millions of barbarians is nothing, the most important thing is these dragon blood horses.

Chu Xian took a look at the Earth Violent Ape. He knew that the Earth Violent Ape had eaten a lot, but it was also a hero in this battle.

"Okay, the whole army will rest for a while. After resting, we will advance further and kill a few barbarian tribes, and let the barbarians know that our Great Qin is powerful!"

Chu Xian didn't intend to stop there, "As for these barbarian corpses, dig a large hole and make the northern land fertile with their flesh."

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