Chapter 50.1: Attack and Crush them!

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The Qin army is about to attack!

The sound of drums rumbled like thunder.

Under the leadership of the commander, tens of thousands of strong Qin soldiers lined up in square formations along the Xuanjiang River. The black Qin armor, the halberds blooming with cold light, and the cold and solemn expressions on the faces of the soldiers brought a huge impact.

Facing such sharp warriors, everyone will feel a sense of fear in their hearts.

This is an invincible army!

And Great Chen is setting up defenses on the opposite bank, and there are natural dangers, but even so, some people's legs are shaking.

The Qin army's record proved that they were monstrous, and those who collided with the Qin army would inevitably be strangled to death.

Now everyone can see that all of Emperor Chen's preparations are to consume the Qin army, and finally let them die in the capital.

And those ordinary soldiers are undoubtedly Emperor Chen's abandoned soldiers, the most terrible cannon fodder.

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"The other side is Great Chen's line of defense, and I, Bai Qi, will take the lead to crush them for the sake of Great Qin!"

Bai Qi and Li Xin, the strongest among all, stood at the forefront, and behind them were a large number of strong men with more than real essence.

All of them wore the best armor of Great Qin.

They will be the first to cross the river, the first to kill on the other side, and face Great Chen's strongest counterattack, but at the same time, they will also establish great achievements and their bravery will be recorded in the annals of Qin's history.

Qin people are not afraid of death, and regard honor as their life.


The war has begun!

Bai Qi and Li Xin are at the forefront, holding the Killing God Sword and the Sword of Light and Darkness in each of their hands. The true essence spreads, forming a strong wind, charging for the army to block the first wave of attack.

At this time, Ying Xuan was also watching the battle.

His imperial flag has also been erected high.

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At this time, Bai Qi's eyes were cold, and a murderous aura spread throughout the audience. Even if that kind of killing intent collided with ones eyes, their legs would be frightened, and they would have no fighting power left.

Although Li Xin is strong, he and Bai Qi are completely different.

Li Xin is suitable for leading cavalry, fighting all kinds of blitzkrieg and surprise attack.

But Bai Qi is the real commander of


the army.


Following Bai Qi, Li Xin flew up, and the army of true qi realm behind him was also fearless, following him to fly up, and forcibly crossed towards the other side of the Xuanjiang River.

The vision of the mountain of corpses and the sea of blood constitutes the field of killing gods.

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Emperor Chen supervised the battle and ordered those who retreated to be killed without mercy.

His face was also extremely solemn. If it weren't for Bai Qi and the mysterious strong man, this battle would have been at least half easier for him, but unfortunately, things would not go as he thought.


Under the command of Commander Great Chen, the huge cannons deployed were fired at the same time, and with every shot, a huge amount of origin stones would be consumed.

There are also dozens of strongest cannons in Chen's army, which are heavily covered and powered by heavenly origin stones.

Although the consumption of origin stones were huge, the effect was remarkable. The blazing flames lit up the sky, interweaving a bright rainbow and blocking the area where the Qin army crossed the river.

Even Harmony realm couldn't resist that kind of terrifying power.

This is also the advantage of the defensive side.

After all, Great Chen is from the Yunyang Sect, and their treasures are still better than other dynasties.

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Even if the Earth Violent Ape rushed out, and was hit by artillery fire, but his body was ruthlessly knocked out. Although he was not seriously injured, it still made him very uncomfortable.

In war, every senses are important.

At this time, Great Chen's artillery fire also began to extend to the opposite bank.

Boom! Bai Qi waved his sword, and the fanatical army spirit was activated, which increased the morale of the soldiers. At the same time, he swept across with a sword, and a sword energy of tens of feet crossed the Xuanjiang River, tearing open the chasm, and blowing up many giant cannons.


Bai Qi shouted.

The morale of the Qin army was extremely fierce, and they also had some giant cannons, which began to load.

A large number of true qi soldiers flew over. Normally, they could fly over in a dozen seconds, but now that Great Chen on the other side has set up defenses, it has become extremely difficult.

But now, with Bai Qi and Li Xin as the leaders, the Qin army pressed forward forcefully.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

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