The wyvern lowers its altitude when reaching the Raband country’s capital Ausblick. After the dragoon communicates with a soldier on the ground with a magic lamp, it descends to a dedicated facilities.

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Because it is shot down if it carelessly get closer from the royal capital, it is necessary to go through determined formalities.

After Dale get down on the ground, without giving a glance to the wyvern and soldier any more, he went closer to the carriage that was waiting as usual. The coachman opened the door and greeted him without bother to ask go he was.

it is not gorgeous, but there isn’t anyone who doesn’t know in this royal capital from which household the crest that is put up on the refined luxurious carriage, is belonging.

The duke Eldstedt household was descendant of the founding king, princesses of royal blood were married into the household many times in the past. It was one of the most time-honored family in the Raband country. without being haughty due to his standing, he was renowned by continuing to produce many people with high ability and the current chancellor was the current duke.

It wasn’t misplaced confidence even if one says that the authority he had come next to the king. The king and the duke never adjust theirs opinions and behavior to please anyone, even so precisely because they administer the government together, this country was mighty and firm and they were able to let its existence become widely known.

The area where mansions of nobles are lined up. Among the luxurious aggregation of buildings that are all almost like castles, obviously different in standing, a palace which combined vast site and beauty along with practicality and solidity. That place was the castle of the Eldstedt household.

the carriage Dale got into easily entered in that site. When it stopped in order to glide before the entrance, the servants who was waiting as if they had known the timing of his arrival opened the door and greeted him.

Getting off the carriage, Dale’s expression is impassive.

The calm expression that calmed down extremely was a deeply impressing thing to judge his real ability as a first-class adventurer.

In one room of this palace.

「Long time no see, Gregor. don’t you introduce me your fiancée?」

「Hmm. I know, Dale. Can I kill you?」

But when he had such a lamentable discussion, that sort of aspect was disappearing.

Where they were was Gregor’s private room. As if it represent the character of the owner of the room, the furniture which decency can be felt and form a line are all but first-class, but  are gathered together in an interior decoration that is not gorgeous in the least.

Gregor is the third and last son of the duke. However his mother is the second wife of duke and his mother is different from the other siblings. There was also that his mother was a foreigner from an eastern country and the backing within the confines of the country was also weak.

The elder brother, who is the far apart in age eldest child was already married and had children. From his present state, Gregor had given up the possibility known as succession of the duke household early.

Gregor, whose maternal blood is pronounced and with strong foreign indication in his features, was a young man with a dauntless face, who tied up straight black hairs at his back. He is about half a head taller than Dale and he is exceptionally today dressing his slender body in high-class clothes appropriate of a noble.

Gregor, who improved the sword skill of the border country and devoted himself to studies in his country, is taking in consideration the path to become an adventurer in the future with his efforts. He, who doesn’t stick to his standing as a noble, doesn’t feel necessity to forcibly join another family.

It is due to reason like that, he is also having a close relationship with Dale, who is a mere adventurer. It is probably largely because they are the same age and they mutually acknowledge their capacities although theirs forte are different.

「First of all Rose isn’t my fiancee」

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「It’s a present but… I want you to choose at your own discretion something likely to please a little girl. Because it’s you, you don’t know a young woman besides your fiancée, right?」

「All right, sit there. I’ll bury you with one sword stroke at least.」

What Dale ridiculed as 『Fiancee』, wasn’t an official engagement, but it was a girl care for each other reciprocally with Gregor from when they were children.

It is said that there is many problems in order to get officially engaged.

He understands that although she is an unequaled beauty and well-known, she is not being the chess piece of a political marriage until this very day either, because she is spending time quietly in the depth of her mansion or her domain to rarely appears in social occasions.

At least there wasn’t any doubt that it was one of the reasons why Gregor could not abandon his position of noble.

「What kind of present do you think is good?」

「What do you mean by “present”… Are you returning as soon as you arrived? 」

「I return right now if I can return.」

「Whom do you mean by “a little girl”? Did they had a child at the place you’re renting a room?」

「No. My child.」

Gregor stands transfixed. But Dale didn’t noticed at all. His awareness is occupied by the vision of Latina’s smile.

「She is already a very good girl and she is cute and cute and cute enough that is too cute. She is still staying at home with a really great courage. She said “Be careful” and waved her little hand. Just remembering, I’m about to cry. …Aah… I want to return early. I hope that she doesn’t feel lonely. What should I do if she cried? …Besides it’s her growth period currently. She learns various things every day. Will the things she can do increase during my absence? What should I do, what kind of torture it is to overlook Latina’s growth. Yes, I’m going home. I’m going home immediately. Hey, Gregor. What’s the work this time? Let’s start as soon as possible. Then, can I go home if I annihilate it right away? 」

「What the hell happened to you?」

Gregor’s reaction was correct. It was an extremely respectable reaction.

Dale when they met last time wasn’t 『Like this』.What is happening and how do you change in this sort of regretful manner.

Moreover it seems the cause is a little child, who wasn’t mentioned in the subject until now.

Where did it arise from.

And he thought ‘what on earth happened’, because he spoke carelessly, he lost the opportunity to stop his friend who started to recite merrily. Having not the slightest idea of what kind of answer is correct. There is nothing but perplexity. And when would it be over, this  『My daughter』boast.

「You… took charge of a magickin child with one horn?」

While listening to the details how he took charge of Latina, it isn’t certain he how many time the word 「Cute」 was heard, until the story reached to the current situation. Gregor realized that it was wise to turn aside from it long ago.

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Gregor had a dumbfounded look because of content of the story that he didn’t expected, but Dale seemed to have nothing to do with the reaction of the listener. For the current him, it is for sure an important matter to recount heartily the cuteness of Latina.

「I also wanted to let you meet her… but because it is intolerable if Latina’s cuteness become known and she caught the attention of a group of nobles or something. Yes. It is a rejection, a rejection. If you want to meet her, then come to meet her. Give it a thought.」

It was a condescending attitude.

And he was lovestruck. Who could blame Gregor, who muttered in his heart ‘who are you’.

「I investigated with 『The message board of Akhdur』, but there wasn’t information that correspond to Latina. Because the magickin seldom have interaction with other place in their community, she is a native of that sort of place… or the possibility of her being all alone in the world with no people searching for her is high.」

「Well, since that culture is rarely known to magickin.」

「Because there was no one who know the identity of the person in question near the corpse of her parent, I can’t search for her hometown either. …the 『Crime』 of such child with only one horn, it is probably a pretext which she couldn’t do nothing about it. It’s doesn’t make me from another race treats Latina coldly.」

He understands the reason.

What he didn’t was the transfiguration of Dale. How much that magickin girl touched his heartstrings?

「Magickin doesn’t necessarily mean that all are unfriendly. There should be no problem if I live with Latina.」

「Problem huh… If there is, isn’t it that you can slaughter her 『Kin』 become known to that child?」

Because of Gregor’s calm voice, Dale become silent for a while.

「…Depending of the job details, I kill even 『The same race』. It’s not limited to just magickin.」

「Well. That’s right.」

Holding a sword for living means that kind of thing. Only magic beasts aren’t evil for the people. It isn’t unusual for nation of the 『Human race』 to be hostile to 『Other races』 either.


Above all, the 『Magickin』 is closely related with 『Demon king』.


The 『Demon Kings』, who are seven in the world, are each prefixed a figure. Like 『First demon king』, 『Second demon king』.

Their powers as well as state differ respectively, but there is something common to all.

『Demon kings』 have horns. Similarly to 『Magickin』.

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Also, 『Demon kings』 are attended by 『Demonic being』 as follower.

There is no inborn 『Demonic beings』. 『Demonic beings』  are being that obtained strength that far exceed inherent ability by become follower of 『Demon kings』. They are not exclusively 『People』. Even those called 『Mythical beast』, that possess high intelligence while those are counted among species of beast are included.

Among those 『Demonic beings』, the proportion the 『Magickin』occupy is very big.

This was the reason 『Demon kings』 were referred as 『Kings of magickin』.

「Something like a subordinate of 『The seven demon kings』 was confirmed.」

「Is it a demonic being? Or just a servant?」

The power is greatly different whether or not it is a demonic being. Even if the appearance is the same, there is a difference whether or not it can be an incomparable threat.

「It’s still not clear. You probably have been called for that reason.」

Gregor said so and met Dale’s gaze.

「It has been decided that I’ll also accompany you.」

「Will it be alright for you….」

They have enough confidence in each other’s ability to think that they can rely on each other.

Dale after answering so with a sigh, stood up. The hour of the meeting with his excellency the duke was slowly drawing near. He feels awkward with his usual leather coat. It was necessary to neaten his appearance as suit the occasion.

It was for that reason that he stopped by the duke house, before going to the duke, who is in the office of the royal palace. It was not to have useless talk with a friend.

「Stand a bit more straight in presence of father for the time being.」

「I know.」

Waving his hand, Dale was heading to the room provided to him.


The young man, who got off the carriage with the crest of the Eldstedt household, was dressed in clothes based around black color.

this young man, who give off a wild presence that bereaved family doesn’t have, gives even a presence as a veteran that doesn’t match his age.

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When the guards of the royal palace understood who he was, they straightened their backs.

the look he gave to the soldiers, who bow and took notice, was something that calmed down extremely.


A severe and ruthless first-class soldier who is proficient at both magic and sword art. A young hero candidate, who continue doing exploits and might become a legend in the future,

『He』is rumored that way. That impression probably isn’t exaggerated.

While feeling the looks similar to envy of the soldiers, Gregor was holding mixed feeling, like being relieved and not so because of the 『Usual』 Dale next to him.

Indeed, this is the usual man called Dale Reki.

He shows a friendly calm face to people with close relationship, but he is a cold-headed soldier doesn’t forgive those who oppose him on the battlefield.

It can be said that the still young Dale had no choice but to become so to devote himself into work. It was best to suppress one’s emotions and deal calmly with the matters before one’s eyes.

Walking as he immediately straighten his back in the royal palace, he shows his face as a soldier.

Because the royal is also a battlefield for him.



On the other side, when few days have passed after Dale went to the royal capital, in Kreutz.


Latina was sunk in dejection to the extent that it easy to understand.

It could be described as sticking sorrow on her back rather than “feeling down”. She seemed to be appealing with her whole body that she 『Feeled lonely』.

「Latina… are you alright?」

no matter how you look at it this state cannot be all right. Nevertheless he can’t find the words he should speak as well.

「I… alright. …because, I house sitter.」

Sitting quietly next to Kenneth, who do his usual ingredients preparation, Latina answered so in a faint voice.

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