Young Girl, Becoming unpleasant.

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“Speaking of which, that’s quite a cute ribbon.”

“Um, you know? It’s a charm. I was told to put it on during our trip.”

Rita stared at Latina’s ribbon which was tying up her hair and asked, and Latina answered happily.


“My friends in Tisroh. They made it, and gave it to me.”

“You made friends as well. It seems you really had a lot of fun, that’s great Latina.”

He wasn’t worried, but seeing Rita’s smile and Latina’s smile as she answered her, Dale once again had a strange look on his face. Kenneth notices made an indescribable expression.


“…Did Latina do something?”

“I was shocked a while ago to find out the truth, that Mythical beasts were living right next to our village.”

“….That’s… quite the tale you’re bringing back to us.”

“If the situation was handled poorly then it would’ve been dangerous, you know? It wasn’t a regulated breeding ground. It was settlement they gathered at.”

“And you confirmed this yourself?”

“Yeah, I went to take a look. But it’s really there so, if some greedy adventurer goes out to look for them, they’ll die for sure, without a single bone remaining.”

“Even you?”

“I talked with the herd’s leader but…. I wouldn’t want to face off with him…. I probably wouldn’t lose in a one on one fight, but there was so many of them. It would’ve only gotten worse and worse.”

“I see.”


“She seemed to be interested in that herd’s leader.”



“I see.”

In the middle of Dale’s conversation with him, Kenneth who had reached that same conclusion, had a strange expression on his face, just like Dale.

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Being heavily scolded, Latina who had been doing the same thing over again, wasn’t a bad child who couldn’t sympathise with others. If she wanted to go play with the Heavenly Soaring Wolves, then she has to get permission from her guardian first and should go play in the mountains all by herself. Having made that promise, she made sure to keep it.

Since their existence was a secret known only to the 『Clan heads』, she could only go when either Wenn-baa or Dale had time, but despite that, Latina was still having fun when she played with the Heaven Soaring Wolves.


“Latina is going back to Kroix. It’s been really fun. Stay safe ok?”


After they decided on the day to leave, she decided to tell them the news, resulting in the cub to look up at Latina curiously.


“It’s called Kroix. It’s really far over in that direction and, it’s the city of humans. There’s a lot of people, and it’s a really large city. I live there.”

Checking the position of the sun, Latina pointed her arm towards the North-west. In between was a dangerous mountain range, but it’s true that if you head over in a straight path, Kroix was in that general direction.


“Human children can’t fly in the skies so, it’s quite inconvenient.”

It seems the leader of the Heavenly Soaring Wolves main worry was limited to Latina. Well, it didn’t really concern Dale though.

“Looking like that, without any fur or fangs, and with such a weak body, you would probably be hurt by the tiniest of critters.”

Boom. Boom. For some reason, Dale couldn’t feel any sense of danger from the large carnivore moving its tail restlessly, like he did in the beginning.

As Dale was thinking that, the 『Leader』 and his 『children』, both looked at him.

“Use this.”

“….A feather?”

『He』 says, and points at the several feathers that fell from where he had been sitting, to show Dale.


“If you hold something that has our magic in it, then even those beasts with no brains would be afraid and won’t go near you.”

“That would be helpful… I’m grateful.”

Due to both sides wanting to pamper Latina, they were able to establish a communication that crossed the barriers of species and different culture.


When Dale told Wenn-baa how he got a 『Feather』 like that,

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“You probably can’t use it when you go hunting, but we put these in the coats to warding off animals from the fields or when you go travelling right?”

“Now that I think about it, that’s true.”

“Inside of those coats, the fur of the Heavenly Soaring Wolves is woven in.”

He whistled unintentionally hearing something so ridiculous said so calmly.


“It’s because Latina-chan gathered quite a lot for us this year. We won’t be short on materials for a while.”

Now that she mentions it, after finishing brushing them, Latina had been diligently stuffing the mountain of fur that fell off into a bag. So it was grandmother’s suggestion.

Which means that they had been annually getting the fur that naturally fell off during the molting season.



The skin, fangs and bones, etc. of Magic beasts carry magic in them and are valued highly as 『ingredients』. There are a lot which are used as materials for Magic tools. It was also a quick source of income for adventurers.

Furthermore, if it was the material of an extremely powerful existence like a 『Mythical beast』, the value would jump up even further.

For『Magic tools』 made of such materials to be used for farm work. If the adventurers in the city heard that, they would probably cry tears of blood.


“We cannot make it known to the public how we got the raw materials. So we can’t use it for the stuff we sell 『outside』.”

“…. That’s true.”

After that, rustle, rustle, Wenn-baa took out a long, thin cloth out from the drawer next to her.

“I made this as a prototype. I chose the thinnest piece of fur I could and weaved it into this.”

A part of the woven bit looked like a pattern. It was the traditional design of Tisroh, an emblem of a plant. And on top of that luxurious ribbon, some more embroideries were sown on.

“Put it on while you’re going back. It’ll probably give you a piece of mind.”

“….If that had a price, it would be so ridiculous.”

Maybe it was because it used such a thin piece of fur, a satin-like glossy texture could be seen. Even if it wasn’t a magic tool, it still looked expensive at first glance.

“It’s might be better to not wear it in the streets….”

“It’ll be fine for you to wear it as something 『Special』 for the festivals.”

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Returning a shocked look as compared to his grandmother, laughing out loud, Dale held that piece of cloth with its hidden sparkly properties, and held it up slightly, towards the light.


“Which means, this is a new 『Magic Tool』, a ribbon.” (Dale)

“What a piece of work.” (Kenneth)

It wasn’t needed for adventurers who made a living off killing magic beasts, but it would probably be highly sought out by merchants or travelers.

It wouldn’t be good to rely on it too much, but as long as they believe it raises the probability of their safety, it would be something they would cling onto at all costs, since the world is full of dangers.

“Even though it’s an accessory, it’s a piece in which you can sense the seriousness of Tisroh.”

“I don’t really understand accessories, but I know that it had a lot of work put into it.”

“It really is a beautiful piece of work.”


Dale turned speechless after hearing a sudden addition to the conversation. He stopped moving completely before slowly turning to look behind him.


“It’s been a while, Dale. I thought it was about time that you came back so I dropped by, just for you.”

Standing there, was a beautiful young woman, with blonde hair and a brilliant smile.


“Who is she?”

Latina tilts her head and looks at Hermione, who was being so intimate with Dale.

It was a strange question for Latina, who would usually immediately greet the other person if it was their first time meeting.

Even though Latina was so rude, Hermione giggled, seemingly unable to resist her.

“This child sure is the 『Little Magician』. She’s as cute as I heard.”

“Latina, isn’t little, mon.”

Pout. Her tiny cheeks puffed out in discontent.

“Wh-why are you here….”

“Like I said, I came here for you. I had a message to give you, so I had been waiting. Once you came back, I am to take you back to the Royal Capital with me. Since it was decided that I’m going with you on your next 『Job』.”

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Dale was trembling slightly, and didn’t have the leisure to scold Latina’s rudeness. If he was to speak the truth, he wasn’t very good at dealing with this beauty.

And yet, for that person to suddenly appear right in front of him.

Of course he would be slightly shaken.


“….You’re bad with Hermione as always huh.”

“Ra-rather than bad….”

“Oh my, that’s mean. You don’t like me?”

In Kenneth’s voice, there was a tint of sympathy rather than shock. And Hermione, after hearing Dale and Kenneth, didn’t look hurt in the slightest.

“Even though you said so many adorable things back then.”

“….Which is probably why I’m bad with you. Seriously, you’re the same as back when I was just starting out.”

“Wasn’t it you, who asked to be my partner?”

Turning towards the astonished Kenneth, Hermione posed, tilting her head slightly before asking. Her delicate lines running from her neck to her shoulder was captivating. It was an experienced pose, knowing exactly how to show herself off.

“My type is a woman like my wife.”

“You sure know yourself~”

Hermione, still giggling, didn’t look like she was uncomfortable despite all that she’s said.


Rita took a look at Latina, who was still puffing out her cheeks, unhappy.


This woman named Hermione, definitely had qualities that would make other women unhappy.

Since Rita dealt with her in a business sense, she didn’t feel too bad about it.

“Latina is still a girl after all.”

As she spun the small souvenirs that Latina had bought for her at Cuvare around the palm of her hand, Rita smiled bitterly.



Author’s note: Hermione last came out in Chapter 29. In a certain way, our 『daughter』 is slowly growing up.

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