Chapter 24: 10-Year-Old Feelings

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After escorting Dorami and Marin-chan—

When we got back to the capital and passed by the guild, the two of them were acting a bit off.

“Are you still worried about it?” (Jade)

“Of course… Because of Dorami, Marin was put in a dangerous situation…” (Dorami)

“No, I was in danger because I was weak…” (Marin)

“Marin-chan, you aren’t weak. A Wing Bear is a monster equivalent to a three-petal class. On the contrary, I’d actually say you did pretty well by running away.” (Jade)

“Because there’s no way I can defeat something like that. Running away from an enemy disqualifies you as an adventurer…” (Marin)

“That’s not true at all. The ability to perceive danger is essential for an adventurer. Marin-chan can still become a fine adventurer.” (Jade)

“R-really?” (Marin)

“Of course. And it’s not just you, Dorami also did great.” (Jade)

“Dorami did…?” (Dorami)

“Yeah. The light mushroom’s magic stone and the dried meat, it’s great that you prepared properly.” (Jade)

Dorami looked happy once I praised her.

While encouraging the two of them, they finally began to walk properly and we returned home.

When I entered the house, the restless Garnet-san rushed over.

She grabbed Marin-chan by the shoulders and examined her hands, feet, and cheeks.

“Are you injured?” (Garnet)

“No… I’m sorry for leaving without saying anything!” (Marin)

“It’s Dorami’s fault! If you’re going to get angry, be mad at Dorami instead!” (Dorami)

“No! If you’re angry, then get angry at me!” (Marin)

“I’m not angry. Both of you are reflecting properly. I’m just that glad you’re back safely.” (Garnet)

Garnet-san caressed their hair as she sighed and said those words that came from the bottom of her heart.

She must’ve been worried all this time about how Marin-chan would end up like their father…

I’m really glad that I was able to reassure her.

Garnet-san stared at me after letting go of them.

“It’s always you who’s helping me again and again.” (Garnet)

“I’m just doing what I want to do!” (Jade)

“If there’s anything I can do to thank you, I’ll do it. Is there anything you want?” (Garnet)

“I-if that’s the case, then please come to the ball with me! This year’s ball is over, but there’ll be another one next year!” (Jade)

“You really like dancing, don’t you?” (Garnet)

“I do! As a matter of fact, I want to dance right now!” (Jade)

“Then, why don’t we?” (Garnet)

“Right now? This year’s ball is already over though…” (Jade)

“We can dance here.” (Garnet)

“Eh, here? Is that okay?!” (Jade)

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“I don’t see a reason not to.” (Garnet)

“A-alright!! We can dance, we can dance!” (Jade)

“Jade really likes dancing.” (Dorami)

“I do! Dancing really is the best!” (Jade)

Wait, this isn’t the time to relish at the moment!

I have to hurry before Garnet-san changes her mind!

“It’s a bit messy here, so let’s dance over there!” (Jade)

I led Garnet-san to an empty room.

When we entered the room, she stared right into my eyes.

So it’s time. I’m really nervous…

“E-eh, umm… can I hold your hand?” (Jade)

“Of course.” (Garnet)

I gently took hold of Garnet-san’s hand.

Uwaaa! So soft!

It’s so soft and warm—or rather, she’s way too thin!

T/N: He actually says しっとり (moist, damp) instead of soft, but that wouldn’t really make sense.

I think it’ll hurt if I grip it too hard…

“Are you sure you want to dance? It might hurt if I pull your arm…” (Jade)

“Then, you should do your best not to pull it.” (Garnet)

Garnet-san got closer to me while we were holding hands.

A pleasant scent wafts in the air—why do I feel something soft touching my chest?! Garnet-san, it’s hitting me!

W-what the heck is this?! Why is it so soft?!

“Your breathing is ragged.” (Garnet)

“S-sorry! I was too excited to dance!” (Jade)

“Then, let’s hurry and dance.” (Garnet)

“R-right! Then…” (Jade)

Even though my heart is still beating pretty fast, I start dancing.

It’s different than practice where I was just swaying my body.


I’m happy with this. It’s even more than I imagined.

“Jade, you’re grinning too much… You look like you’re having a lot of fun.” (Dorami)

“Is dancing really that enjoyable?” (Marin)

“We should try it too!” (Dorami)

“I agree!” (Marin)

The two of them hugged each other and began dancing.

I looked at them from the side as I felt Garnet-san’s body heat.

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Ah, so this is happiness…

“I’m sorry.” (Garnet)

“What’s wrong?” (Jade)

“I accidentally stepped on you.” (Garnet)

“Really? I was so focused on the dance that I didn’t notice.” (Jade)

“You’re way too focused.” (Garnet)

“Because I’m happy…” (Jade)

Garnet-san, whom I adored so much, and I were dancing together.

Just then…


A small sound rang out.

…Who was that?

I don’t know who it is, but that was definitely the sound of someone hungry.

“…Should we stop now?” (Jade)

It’s a pity, but I’ve already tasted an entire lifetime’s worth of happiness.

When I asked that, Garnet-san quietly let go of me.

…Her face is kind of red.

Does that mean the sound from earlier was from her?

If that’s the case, we have to hurry and eat!

“Let’s go and have dinner.” (Jade)

“Yay! I was so hungry~!” (Dorami)

“Me too! My stomach is already rumbling!” (Marin)

Eh? So that sound just now was Marin-chan?

If that’s the case, then… Why is Garnet-san blushing?

…Could it be?

“Umm… Are you feeling unwell?” (Jade)

“Why do you say that?” (Garnet)

“Your face is red. If you have a fever, I can run out and go get some medicine!” (Jade)

“I don’t have one. I was taking care of myself really well so we could dance today.” (Garnet)

“You didn’t have to go through all that trouble… thank you. I had a lot of fun dancing today!” (Jade)

“I had a lot of fun too. But… it was my first time dancing with a boy, so I was nervous and couldn’t really dance well.” (Garnet)

“That’s not true! Garnet-san, you were really good! If you go to a dance party, you’d definitely be the star!” (Jade)

“Is that true?” (Garnet)

“Yeah! In the first place, I don’t care about your dancing skills! Just being able to dance with you makes me happy!” (Jade)

“With me?” (Garnet)

“Yes! With Garnet-sa…” (Jade)

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…Huh? What did I just say? WHAT DID I JUST SAY?!

Did I just say that I was happy to dance with her?!

What should I do if she thinks that I was confessing to her?!

If you confess to someone you’ve only been friends with for a short time, what’s waiting is only heartbreak.

W-well, I just said that dancing makes me happy. It’s not exactly a confession!

“Jade, you really like Garnet a lot, don’t you?” (Dorami)

UWAAAA?! Doramiiii?!

How could you say such a racy remark with that heartwarming expression?!

“Jade-kun, you’re in love with my sister?!” (Marin)

“He is!” (Dorami)

“Dorami?!”’ (Jade)

“For his cherished Garnet, he even picked flowers and caught a bunch of fish!” (Dorami)

“Hey!” (Jade)

“He also bought a villa at the port town so Garnet can see the sunset!” (Dorami)

“Dorami!!” (Jade)

“By the way, Dorami also likes Jade!” (Dorami)

“A love triangle?! Who do I support?!” (Marin)

Marin-chan, you’re really excited, aren’t you?!

Don’t get so excited over this…!

“What do you mean by support?” (Dorami)

“Support to become Jade-kun’s lover…” (Marin)

“Dorami only likes Jade because she’s indebted to him. She just wants to repay him for his kindness. Isn’t it the same with Jade?” (Dorami)

“Ehh… Uh…” (Jade)

I couldn’t say anything.

Garnet-san was staring at me when I glanced at her.

“Do you like me?” (Garnet)

“W-well, if you really have to ask, then of course, I do like you…” (Jade)

“…Does that ‘like’ mean that you want to go out with me?” (Garnet)

T-this is bad! I can’t weasel my way out of this one!

‘It’s not that type of like’, I can’t just say that!

After all, wouldn’t that be like I rejected Garnet-san?!

“…Is it not?” (Garnet)

“Y-you’re wrong! Ah, what I mean by that is that I was saying that you’re wrong about saying it’s different, and not the thing you were talking about earlier…” (Jade)

T/N: My brain overloaded so I gave up on translating it literally and reconstructed the sentence, same meaning tho.

“So… what do you mean?” (Garnet)

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She made a bit of a confused face.

To this girl, I summoned all my courage—

My feelings that have persisted for 10 years burst forth.

“I mean that I want you to be my lover!” (Jade)

Shin~ The room fell silent.

Garnet-san opened her mouth while my heart was pounding with anxiety.

“I’ll do it.” (Garnet)

“R-right? It’s really impossible, huh? We’ve just become friends, after all—wait, what did you say?!” (Jade)

“I said that I’ll be your lover, Jade-kun.” (Garnet)

“W-w-why?! We’ve only been friends for a short time…!” (Jade)

“Because I know what kind of person you are. I’ve seen you every day for the past 10 years. You’re kind, serious, hardworking, and very energetic. When I’m with you, I feel like my heart gets fulfilled. That’s why I want to go out with you.” (Garnet)



“Heck yeaaaaah!! Garnet-san has become my lover!” (Jade)

T/N: He says yattaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (yaaaaaaaaaay, yeaaaaaaah, etc.) and I can’t think of anything to replace it other than ‘let’s gooooo!’ so I just went with this one.

“Aren’t you a bit too happy?” (Garnet)

“Of course I am! I really like Garnet-san a lot! A-are you really alright with me?” (Jade)

“I am.” (Garnet)

“OOOOOOOOOOOH! Thank you! I’ll definitely make you happy!” (Jade)

Dorami and Marin-chan applauded.

“Congratulations!” (Marin)

“Thanks, Marin-chan!” (Jade)

“Congratulations!” (Dorami)

“Thank you, Dorami!” (Jade)

“Are we going to have a sweets party to celebrate?” (Marin)

“If you only eat sweets, you’ll damage your body.” (Garnet)

“Then, why don’t we go out to eat?” (Jade)

“That’s fine with me, but I can cook if you want.” (Garnet)

“Eh?! Garnet-san is going to cook?!” (Jade)

“Is that unexpected?” (Garnet)

“N-no, not at all… Are you really going to cook?” (Jade)

“If you don’t mind.” (Garnet)

“Alright! I’ve always wanted to eat your home cooking!” (Jade)

When I jumped up and down with joy, Garnet-san said with a smile, “If you’re that happy about it, then there’s a meaning in making it after all.”

After that, we went to Garnet-san’s house while I still felt like it was a dream, and thoroughly enjoyed her—my lover’s home cooking that I’ve longed for all this time.

It goes without saying that it was the most delicious thing I’ve ever tasted.

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