Chapter 28: The Best Clothes

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The next day.

After taking a bath and freshening up, I saw Dorami, who had gone to the dressing room earlier, being restless.

“What’s wrong?” (Jade)

“Somehow, Dorami’s clothes are tight…” (Dorami)

“You did eat a lot yesterday.” (Jade)

“It’s not just the stomach part. The entire dress feels cramped.” (Dorami)

“Then, it’s proof that you’re growing.” (Jade)

She eats and sleeps a lot every day.

Right now, she’s a little shorter than Marin-chan but the next time they meet, it might be the other way around.

“Anyway, it’s good that you noticed it before we left. Let’s go and buy some clothes today.” (Jade)

If she enjoys shopping, her spirits will rise and her anxieties will be blown away.

Dorami nodded at my invitation and we went out after having a late breakfast. After walking under the sun for a while, we arrived at a clothing store that mainly sold children’s clothing.

The store is filled with them. With this much, we can find something that Dorami likes.

“Dorami’s so overwhelmed by the number…” (Dorami)

“Well, why don’t you start by looking around for white clothes?” (Jade)

Dorami loves white, after all. Even when it comes to stew, if she had to choose between beef stew and white stew, she’d choose the latter without any hesitation.

“If Dorami wears white clothes, people will think she’s a white dragon…” (Dorami)

“No, they won’t. If that was the case, then the city would be filled with white dragons.” (Jade)

“Y-you’re right…! But, there are a lot of white clothes… It’s going to take a long time to find the right one…” (Dorami)

“If you can’t decide on just one, let’s just buy several.” (Jade)

“T-that would be unfair to you…” (Dorami)

“You don’t have to hold back. How about… this one?” (Jade)

I show Dorami some overalls.

Pants are easier to move in than skirts, and the fabric looks durable. You could have a fun adventure with this.

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“Would you like to try it on?” (Jade)

“Yeah.” (Dorami)

I took Dorami to the fitting room and had her wear the overalls.

After a while, the curtain opened and revealed a tomboyish Dorami.

“It looks great on you! It suits your energetic personality perfectly! How’s the size?” (Jade)

“It’s just right. But, Dorami’s putting this one on hold. She wants to try something different.” (Dorami)

“Okay, let’s go take another look.” (Jade)

We looked around the store and tried clothes that looked like they would suit her.

Trying various styles,







“It all suits you so well that I’m not sure which one to choose!” (Jade)

I tried to praise her, but Dorami didn’t seem to like any of it.

If it’s the usual Dorami, she would likely beg me saying that she wants them all…

“There were no clothes that Dorami liked.” (Dorami)

“Then, do you want to have something made similar to what you’re wearing now?” (Jade)

“T-that’s possible?” (Dorami)

“It’ll take a while. What do you want to do? Want to go to the tailor?” (Jade)

I thought that it would be a quick decision, but Dorami lowered her gaze with hesitation.

The white dress she’s wearing right now is her favorite. What she’s worried about is something else…

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“…Are you afraid of leaving the country?” (Jade)

She must be feeling lost because buying clothes meant that we were leaving on a journey.

As I stared into her eyes, Dorami nodded in resignation.

“Yes… After all, if Dorami’s true identity is found out, she’ll be in trouble. Dorami really likes all of the clothes earlier, but if she buys them, she’ll have to leave…” (Dorami)

“I see… Then, do you want to stay home this time? You can stay at my house, or you can have Garnet-san take care of you.” (Jade)

“Dorami doesn’t want to stay at home!” (Dorami)

“But, aren’t you scared of going out of the country?” (Jade)

“Yes, Dorami’s very scared… But… Dorami also wants to help Garnet and Marin! After all, they’re our best friends! Dorami wants to find their father for them and see their happy faces!” (Dorami)

Dorami raised her voice to encourage herself and continued with a determined look.

“Dorami’s made up her mind! Dorami is going to Lingoc Kingdom too! …Is that okay?” (Dorami)

“Of course. Traveling together is more fun than traveling alone.” (Jade)

“Dorami also likes traveling with Jade~! After all, Jade takes Dorami to beautiful places she doesn’t know about! She’ll find beautiful pebbles that aren’t from this country and give them to Marin as a present.” (Dorami)


It looks like her anxiety has disappeared.

“Since it’s already lunchtime, should we continue shopping after eating?” (Jade)

“Let’s do that! All of the clothes are so good, Dorami’s troubled~” (Dorami)

We left the clothing store and headed for the restaurant.

Just then, from inside the restaurant, Garnet-san walked out.

She looks satisfied like she just finished eating her favorite food. So cute…

“Are you going shopping today too?” (Garnet)

“Jade is going to buy Dorami clothes! She’ll find the best clothes in the country today! Then tomorrow, she’ll wear the new clothes and go to Lingoc Kingdom!” (Dorami)

Garnet-san, who was listening to Dorami’s story with a smile suddenly remembered.

“I don’t know if you’ll like it, but I have clothes that’d look good on you, Dorami-chan.” (Garnet)

“Did Marin-chan accidentally leave them behind?” (Jade)

“No, they’re the clothes I wore when I was 12.” (Garnet)

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“Good for you, Dorami! You’ve found the best clothes in the country!” (Jade)

“You haven’t seen them yet.” (Garnet)

It’s obvious even if I don’t!

After all, it’s a hand-me-down from Garnet-san!

“Why do you still have clothes from when you were 12 years old?” (Dorami)

“I’ve only worn it once, and it’s a waste to just throw it away. Do you want to see it?” (Garnet)

“Yeah!” (Dorami)

Dorami was very eager.

There isn’t much time left in Garnet-san’s lunch break, so we decided to eat later.

When we got to Garnet-san’s house, she brought out some clothes from another room.

It was a dress with a very frilly design.

In other words—

“A-amazing! It’s like a princess’ outfit!” (Dorami)

Dorami seemed to have the same impression as me.

I want to see Garnet-san dressed like a princess…

“Garnet, you were a princess?!” (Dorami)

“I’m just a normal person. These clothes were just sold at a market.” (Garnet)

“I-it must have been really expensive… Is it really alright for Dorami to have it?” (Dorami)

“Of course. I can’t wear it anymore, and I don’t really like it.” (Garnet)

“Why do you have clothes that you don’t like?” (Dorami)

“When I left home, my mother told me to. ‘The royal capital is a big city. Dress up so you don’t look like some country girl’. But, she got a bit too carried away.” (Garnet)

There aren’t many people wearing such frilly clothes, after all.

Garnet-san is cute, she’d look good and catch attention with any outfit!

“What do you think of the dress, Jade?” (Dorami)

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“I think you look really cute.” (Jade)

“Umu. With Dorami’s dignified state, it just balances out properly. Can Dorami try it on?” (Dorami)

“Go ahead.” (Garnet)

Dorami hurriedly took off her clothes.

Then, with a determined face, she neatly folded the clothes.

“You’re such a good girl.” (Garnet)

“It’s only natural.” (Dorami)

Even though she leaves always leaves her clothes scattered around at home… It’s strange how she suddenly becomes well-behaved in someone else’s house.

Wrapped in a frilly outfit, Dorami spun around.

“How does it look?” (Dorami)

“It suits you.” (Garnet)

“People might mistake you for a princess.” (Jade)

“You’re praising me too much…” (Dorami)

Dorami blushed.

She was all flustered.

With the shoulder bag for the outing hanging on her shoulder, Dorami couldn’t stay still.

“I feel like going out!” (Dorami)

“Well then, how about going for a walk today?” (Jade)

“That’s a great idea! Oh, but before that, I want to eat!” (Dorami)

“You need to be careful not to spill anything.” (Jade)

“I’ll eat slowly so that my clothes don’t get dirty!” (Dorami)

Chasing after Dorami as she dashed out of the house, we also went outside.

And after bidding farewell to Garnet-san in front of the guild, we headed to a restaurant…

The next day, we set off on a journey to search for Onyx-san.

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