Chapter 33: Grandma’s House

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“Is that your grandmother?” (Jade)

“Maybe she’s just a lookalike… L-let’s get a little closer.” (Dorami)

While clinging to my back, she gradually closed the distance between them.

The old lady doesn’t notice us, who looked suspicious to everyone else.

Dorami closed her eyes tightly and made a sincere wish.

“…” (Dorami)

And then, she stuck out her head from behind me and looked at the old lady.

She then turned and nodded at me.

I see, so this is Dorami’s grandmother.

If that’s the case, there’s only one thing left to do.

“Guess all that’s left is to apologize. If you’re too nervous, I can talk to her first… What do you want to do?” (Jade)

“F-first, let’s observe the situation from a distance. If we suddenly show ourselves, we might get beaten up…” (Dorami)

“That won’t happen. I’ll apologize with you, it’ll be fine.” (Jade)

“That’s no good. It was Dorami who did the bad thing.”

“I see. That’s very admirable of you, Dorami.” (Jade)

“S-she’s not that great…” (Dorami)

Dorami looked embarrassed.

Well, since she’s already decided, we should keep our distance. We moved a little further away to see how the old lady is doing.

After spending a lot of her time making wishes, she headed to the donut shop.

“She still has a sweet tooth.” (Dorami)

“Were there a lot of sweets at your Grandma’s house?” (Jade)

“The table always had a pile of sweets, so Dorami secretly borrowed them night after night… Dorami really did something bad to her Grandma…” (Dorami)

“If you sincerely apologize, she’ll forgive you.” (Jade)

We followed after the old lady who was holding donuts in a paper bag.

After a little while, we left the main street and entered a small alley. The old lady turned the corner and when we turned to chase after her, she disappeared.

“Did Grandma dash with all of her might…?” (Dorami)

“There’s no point in suddenly dashing like that. Shouldn’t she have entered her house?”

“Oh, come to think of it, this road looks familiar…” (Dorami)

Dorami walked slowly, observing each house closely.

Then, she stopped abruptly.

“T-this is it!” (Dorami)

It was an old wooden house.

The exterior walls have deteriorated and are flaky, and the pain on the door has already peeled off.

“It hasn’t changed at all since then…” (Dorami)

“It’s finally time to meet her again.” (Jade)

“It is…” (Dorami)

“…” (Jade)

“…” (Dorami)

“…Aren’t you going to knock?” (Jade)

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Dorami flinched.

Looks like she isn’t ready yet.

“S-she must be eating donuts right now, we shouldn’t disturb her.” (Dorami)

“Then, should we go and have lunch?” (Jade)

If she eats some food, her anxiety might go away.

Dorami nodded and agreed with my proposal. When I was about to turn around—

“What are you doing?” (Grandma)


The old lady suddenly poked her out of the window.

Dorami fell on her butt and hid her face with the snail watering can.

“D-Dorami wasn’t acting suspicious or anything! She was just trying to pretend to be a princess!” (Dorami)

She is dressed like a princess, but what kind of excuse is that…?

“Pretending to be a princess?” (Grandma)

“I-it’s really fun. …Do you want to join in?” (Dorami)

“Me? Pretending to be a princess?” (Grandma)

“I-if you join now, then you can become a queen…” (Dorami)

“I’ll refrain.” (Grandma)

Dorami was terrified as she was instantly rejected.

—It won’t end well if she dislikes us because of this!

—We need to improve her mood!

She must’ve thought about something along those lines, Dorami looked up at her grandmother’s house and said in a voice that seemed like they came from a play.

“Waa~ There’s a house that looks like a castle in a place like this~ Dorami has never seen a house as wonderful as this~ It’s perfect for pretending to be a princess~” (Dorami)

“Do you really think so?” (Grandma)

“O-of course! Princesses don’t lie! Dorami also wants to live in a house like this in the future! This wall looks particularly good!”

“Hey! Don’t touch that!” (Grandma)

“S-sorry…” (Dorami)

Dorami quickly withdrew her hand.

She fell silent.

She said that she’d apologize on her own, but… it’d be better if I throw her a lifeline.

“Dorami, didn’t you want to do something with the grandma?” (Jade)

“What do you want?” (Grandma)

“E-eh, umm… Actually, Dorami’s hobby is helping people out. That’s why she decided to help Grandma out!” (Dorami)

It looks like Dorami was prioritizing improving her (grandma) mood before apologizing.

The old lady didn’t try to pry any deeper, agreed, and closed the window.

Then, the door opened and we were invited inside.

…It was pretty dusty in here.

“W-wow~ It’s a beautiful house~” (Dorami)

“Do you really think so?” (Grandma)

“N-no, Dorami thinks it’s actually really dusty. …Grandma, are you not feeling well?” (Dorami)

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It was probably very clean when she stayed in the past.

Dorami’s probably worried that her legs are too weak to clean anymore.

“Do I look so old that I can’t clean?” (Grandma)

“You look very young! Are you around 20 years old?” (Dorami)

“You don’t have to flatter me about my age.” (Grandma)

“S-sorry. You actually look like you’re about 70…” (Dorami)

“Even so, you didn’t have to correct yourself like that…” (Grandma)

Well, I am 70 years old, said the old lady.

Dorami looked a bit proud for guessing her age.

In any case,

“Do you want help with the cleaning?” (Jade)

“Let’s do it!” (Dorami)

“It’s fine, you don’t have to.” (Grandma)

“There’s no need to hold back! It’ll be bad for your body if it’s always dusty!” (Dorami)

“It’s like that, so can we borrow some cleaning tools?” (Jade)

“Well, if you insist…” (Grandma)

After receiving a mop and rag from the old lady, we started cleaning.

“Dorami is very knowledgeable about cleaning! It’s best to clean from top to bottom!” (Dorami)

“First up are the windows.” (Grandma)

“Uoooooo! Dorami will make it all shiny!” (Dorami)

Goshigoshi! Goshigoshi!

SFX: Scrub scrub, clean clean, etc.

“It looks nice now.” (Grandma)

“It’s like a mirror!” (Dorami)

“Then, next is the floor.” (Grandma)

“Uoooooo! Farewell, dust!” (Dorami)

Goshigoshi! Goshigoshi!

We cleaned the entire first floor—full of vigor.

When the dust is all gone, we went upstairs without rest and polished the windows and floors.

“T-that was a lot of work…” (Dorami)

“Do you want to take a break?” (Jade)

Forget a break, we haven’t even had lunch.

Through the clean windows, I could see the setting sun. I’m sure Dorami’s hungry.

“It’s fine. Since we’ve already come this far, Dorami will clean until the end! Jade can rest first.”

“I’ll help you until the end. The attic should be particularly messy too.” (Jade)

Grandma doesn’t like being treated like an old lady, but… her legs have definitely weakened over the years.

She walked home slowly and occasionally stopped to tap her back.

That’s why she couldn’t even clean her room, forget the attic.

“Hmm, the attic is…” (Jade)

“It’s over there.” (Dorami)

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Following Dorami, I saw a doorway to the attic on the ceiling.

We lowered the folding ladder with a stick with a hook attached to the end and went up the attic.

“Huh? It looks good.” (Dorami)

“You’re right. It looks like it’s been cleaned properly.” (Jade)

“Does anyone live here?” (Dorami)

“I haven’t seen any signs of anyone living here, but…” (Jade)

“But, there are mats and blankets. There was never one here before.”

Both the mats and blankets are like new.

There weren’t any traces of them being used.

“Maybe she prepared some bedding because someone is coming over to stay?” (Jade)

“That must be it! We arrived just in time!” (Dorami)

“If it looks this nice, the people who come to stay should be able to spend their time comfortably.” (Jade)

Since it didn’t need to be cleaned, we left the attic.

Then, Dorami cheered.

“That’s the end of the cleaning~!” (Dorami)

“Good job. You really did your best today.” (Jade)

“Yeah! Uuu, Dorami suddenly got hungry after finishing all the work…”

Dorami’s stomach rumbled.

At that moment.

“Hey, you two, come down here! The food is going to get cold!” (Grandma)

“F-food?! …Is it alright for Dorami to eat?” (Dorami)

Dorami seems confused.

Even though she came to apologize for stealing food, she’s being treated to it.

“Well, she’s already gone out of her way to make it for us, it’s bad manners not to.” (Jade)

“If you say so…” (Dorami)

I haven’t said much, but it would be better if her mood improves.

We went down to the first floor and sat down at the dining table.

Bread, stew, and donuts were lined up on the table.

Dorami’s stomach rumbled when she saw her favorite meaty stew and donuts.

“That was pretty loud. Are you that hungry?” (Grandma)

“Very…! After all, Dorami didn’t eat lunch.” (Dorami)

“Why didn’t you tell me?” (Grandma)

“Dorami was too focused on cleaning. I-is it really okay if to eat this?” (Dorami)

“Eat it while it’s warm. If it gets cold, it’ll only be half as delicious.” (Grandma)

Dorami gulped and picked up her spoon. At first, she just timidly took a bite. But, her eyes suddenly widened and she began stuffing her cheeks.

“That’s good. You too, young man, eat before it gets cold.” (Grandma)

T/N: Now this one actually doesn’t have a translation (あんちゃん, an-chan, young man). If I had to say, maybe sonny is better? Basically just what old people call a younger man as a nickname.

“I will. Thank you for the meal.” (Jade)

“T-thank you for the meal!” (Dorami)

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Some memories flood in as I ate but my spoon never stopped.

Maybe I was really hungry, I finished eating in no time.

“It was a good meal!” (Dorami)

“Thank you for the food.” (Jade)

“It was hot and delicious!” (Dorami)

“Stew is meant to be eaten while it’s warm.” (Grandma)

Looking at Dorami, who was rubbing her stomach, the old lady told her in a cheerful tone.

Why does that sound like she knows that Dorami used to eat cold food…?

“What are you two going to do after this?” (Grandma)

“W-well, Dorami wants to help a little more… maybe.” (Dorami)

“Then, why don’t you stay here today? You can use the room on the second floor.” (Grandma)

“Thank you. We’ll be intruding on you then.” (Jade)

“Let’s do it! Dorami will help out tomorrow as well! Before that, let’s clean the dishes.” (Dorami)

Dorami piled up the dishes and carried them to the kitchen.

After washing the dishes together, we went upstairs. As soon as we entered the room, Dorami collapsed onto the bed.

“Dorami’s exhausted…” (Dorami)

“I don’t blame you. We’ve been cleaning since before noon, after all.” (Jade)

“And because of that, Dorami missed the timing to apologize… She’ll try and apologize again tomorrow…” (Dorami)

While she was talking, her voice gradually got quieter.

And soon enough, Dorami was sound asleep.

It’s a bit early, but I think I’ll go to sleep too.

I turned off the light mushroom’s light and went to bed.

I could still see bright lights through the window. The lights of the main street reached all the way here.

“…A night view, huh.” (Jade)

I can’t tell from here, but if you look at this sight from a higher place, it must look amazing. Garnet-san would be pleased.

There’s a mountain nearby, I wonder if it looks good from the summit. I’ll check it out next time and then ask Garnet-san out on a date someday.

“—Are you still awake?” (Grandma)

Dorami’s grandmother’s voice was accompanied by a knocking sound.

When I opened the door, the old lady peered inside.

“What about the girl?” (Grandma)

“She’s already asleep. …If you want to talk to her, I can wake her up.” (Jade)

“It’s okay, you don’t have to. I’d feel bad for her if I woke her up now. …Are you free right now?” (Grandma)

“Well, I guess.” (Jade)

“Then, do you mind if we talk for a bit?” (Grandma)

“Of course.” (Jade)

I also have something I want to ask her.

I left the room and went down to the first floor with Grandma.


Translator’s Corner:

I was struggling with ‘grandma’, ‘grandmother’, etc. on what to call her so I was hoping for a name to appear but it looks like I just have to give up on that. I’ll edit the previous chapters soon (grandma -> Grandma) as her name when they’re directly referring to her.

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