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Unlike what Zhou Eldress had ordered, the news of the new girlfriend of the elusive heir of the Zhou fortune, Zhou Ming, had erupted in every tabloid and everywhere on the internet. Somehow, someone managed to capture a few photos of her and she had unknowingly charmed everyone, earning her the nickname of 'Angelic Goddess' by the people. 

Her ethereal beauty had astonished everyone who was planning on using her appearance to mock her. In fact, there were some more pictures of them together and they looked like a match made in heaven. 

The news had exploded everywhere and everyone was talking about. No matter how much Zhou Eldress ordered for them to be taken down, it was like someone was purposely reposting them, making it impossible for it not to resurface.

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Xiao Yunhua had woken up to an excited Ni Ming who shoved her phone in her face. "Look! Look here! Goodness, you really did create a huge sensation." She paused and crossed her arms as the sleepy Xiao Yunhua grabbed the phone to look. Once her eyes scanned the contents, she coughed loudly.

"Well... This is a surprise?" After muttering that understatement, she smiled sheepishly as she looked at Ni Ming.

"Surprise!? Tell me everything! Starting from how you went from a scarlet red dress to a pure white one. Oh, let's not forget how your date magically changed to the most eligible bachelor from a doctor." Ni Ming sat next to her as Xiao Yunhua sighed. She explained everything, beginning from the backlash she received as she walked in with Qiang Yue to the treatment she got after everyone left, forcing her to leave with Zhou Ming. She left out the part where they came to a verbal agreement because she didn't want for Ni Ming to worry.

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An agreement with the devil, that was the only way to describe it. Speaking of the agreement, she had to make sure that she received some type of paperwork rather than simply and naively relying on his words. As cruel as it made her sound, she did not trust him. Besides, the man seemed to be enshrouded in secrets, it was such a big risk that she had even made a deal with him. 

She finished her retelling with Zhou Ming driving her back to Wang Yaowan's mansion pretty late, hence why they didn't see her in her new dress. Everyone had been asleep. As for what Zhou Ming did afterward, she did not know. 

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"I'm speechless..." These were the only two words Ni Ming could say after her reencounter. "All that in one night? Yunhua, why do you always get yourself in trouble?"

Xiao Yunhua sighed in exasperation. "It really isn't my fault you know? Trouble seems to follow me everywhere."

"What about Qiang Yue?" Ni Ming asked, concern for both Xiao Yunhua and Qiang Yue evident in her words. "Did you not like him?" Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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"Well... After being exposed like that, I don't think he'll want to be my friend ever again." Xiao Yunhua sighed as she looked away, deep in thought. "As for liking him... I don't think so? It's complicated." How could she explain that her feelings were merely manipulated by the system? That once his feelings finally seemed accepted by him, whatever emotion she felt for him evaporated into the air?

"Yunhua... You really played with his feelings." Ni Ming was highly disappointed in her, this much she could tell. 

Xiao Yunhua wanted to refute that it really was not her fault, but who would believe her? She was the villain in this situation. Staying for the Special Target was not worth it, but her revenge was. All these years, she was all talk and no action. It was time for her to get it done and just move on from all these toxicities. Speaking of the Special Target, she still didn't know who he was.

Seeing Xiao Yunhua struggling to reply, Ni Ming changed the subject. "So you and Zhou Ming are official right? I don't have worry about you two breaking it off, do I?"

Xiao Yunhua didn't reply to that either, leaving Ni Ming's sentence to falter in the air. Finally, the older woman realized that she needed to give Xiao Yunhua to process her words, so she left, leaving Xiao Yunhua alone.

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