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As the Sun slowly went for it's rest, The citizens began bringing A globe like object and hanged them on an already set pillar, making everywhere bright. Haru couldn't help but think "its Just like the Street lights back on earth only difference was that it was white and is powered by light elemental Qi.(Magic)"

As he Approached the guild house, It was a Massive building that looked between a mini castle and a really huge Church. A chimney laid at the Top of the roof but from the amount of black Smoke coming from it, its definitely a blacksmith's doing.

The more he Admired the building, the more excited he became. but just before he touched the door knob and dive into the Noisy but lively atmosphere, he remembered an important detail which he missed.

"Hmm...I don't use their Cultivation Method, so I might be tested as someone without cultivation. or be given a low Rank and end up picking leaves or plants."He Thought as he rested by the doors with folded arms and closed eyes.

"System, that's right!! how come I've not seen my status? not that it's that important but I'd like to see what it looks like "

{Ding!!...Compiling Data....Complete...}

Immediately a Status window popped up in his mind.

On the right hand side of the window, His original body of Yahiko stood and his current load out is shown including Medkits, shuriken, Kunai's and Misc items.

To the left is the Relations window shows the factions,career he belonged to and so much more.


Name : ???

Affiliation: Eliya (Goddess of Pride)

Grade: SS

Bloodline: Uzumaki/Uchiha

Unique Traits: Mangekyo Sharingan, Massive Chakra pool and Chakra Control.

???: ???

Faction: None

Career: None

Title: Champion of Pride(Active)

Champion : 10% increase in Charm,+15% Charisma, Adds 50% extra resource(Chakra), adds 25% Damage to Hosts attack power and 10% Attack speed.

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Rank : Intermediate Jounin level.

Health points: 76,000

Resource(Chakra): 1,000,230(500,000 Extra)

System points: 2750.

Body State: Healthy.

As he was going through his Stats, he got a prompt, {Ding!... you have earned 60 system points from your audience!}.

Surprised, he opened his eyes and saw a girl of about 19-21 years staring at him in a daze.

She had medium length Brown hair that barely reached her shoulder. Her almond coloured pupils stared intently into his Black ones as her cheeks slowly turned red slightly.

He could only sigh lightly as he thought "Haa! Itachi strikes again. I wonder if she'd have a different reaction if he Appeared as Sasuke hmm".

As he Mused, he returned to closing his eyes as he questioned system on how to Portray his level in This world standard.

{Host needs not to worry, I can simply Alter its details or as an alternative use Genjutsu to trick them.}

" Eh?...that easy? but why are you giving me suggestions, is it possible that you have no confidence? " Haru teased but only got silence as a response before, {Ding! 30 system points....}.

"Seriously... I'm not even doing anything !"

He opened his eyes only to find that the Girl was still standing there, so he coughed lightly before he put on Itachi's signature facial expression [kuhum...]

[Ah!, Right!... you don't seem to be from around here] She quickly recollected herself as she asked him with a full on Blush.

[Yes] He answered Curtly, making her visibly flinch. He wasn't sure why it came out that way so he only shrug mentally at the Situation.

But apparently she wasn't going to give up, [I'm guessing you're here to be an Adventurer??]

Once again he replied but with a Curt nod this time, but on the contrary, Her smile blossomed more.

[Come with me!] She immediately grabbed his right hand and pulled him through the Door excitedly.

What welcomed him was the number of people performing different tasks, loud yells traveling back a forth in the Grand Hall.

About several thick pillars laid in Different parts of the Hall as the Brown Marble floor reflected the Magic Chandelier's Light.

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[Pete!! hey Pete!!] The Girl yelled towards the counter as she pulled Haru towards it. Soon a Burly man in a Grey Robe appeared from beneath the counter with his eyes still a bit red as he had obviously been asleep.

[Pete could you bring the testing orb] She said

Overhearing her words caused some nearby parties to break into discussion while Pete quietly brought an Orb from the Shelf behind him.

[haaa such a Handsome guy becoming an adventurer. a pity, look at his skin!, must've been from a fallen noble family. would have taken him but it seems he has no Cultivation. ] Said a red haired woman sitting in the midst of Several men, Obviously the leader of the group.

Of course Haru heard the words of this people but still remained Silent. The Girl grabbed the Orb from Pete with Little difficulty before handing it over to Haru but before She could explain any thing, a Disdainful Voice came from behind them and interrupted their conversation.

[Elena!!, I've been trying to tell you to go sight seeing with me but you refused. Now I see you walk in Hand in Hand into this great Hall with a Gigolo!!?...I wonder what the Guild master has to say about this.] His Husky voice

The noisy Adventurers Guild Hall became somewhat silent after hearing this, the only ones talking was the red haired woman and a middle aged man with spectacles and a short blonde hair as he teased a blushing maiden.

The middle-aged man looked at the scene, sighed and muttered to himself.

"Haah, it looks like Lucas really has it rough these days…"

Meanwhile Haru was thinking something else "Although I'm not entirely sure of this situation between these two, but did he just call me a Gigolo? this Guy!! how I want to crack his skull right now... I just want to quietly register and l ah....I've..." As he was getting angry, his eyes flashed red for a bit before returning to Normal, No one noticed except the red haired woman said nothing but smiled.

[And you, What are doing in here?!, do you think this is a place where Trash like you can enter to register?? you don't even have class one amount of Qi energy ...Some one Throw him out!!] Lucas Continued to rage, He was a Class 5 swordsman who also had grade A body type, so he was believed to become a power house in the future. this was why the Guild master ignored most of his antics.

For over a year since the guild Master's daughter (Elena) came back from the capital, he had been chasing her but was tactfully rejected each consecutive time

The poor swordsman was at wits end about this matter but then Came another unfamiliar guy into the picture, how could he take it? so he lost control of himself and poured all his anger on the guy… after all If we leave aside the middle Assassin Smith sitting at the corner and that red haired magician on the cushion and the Guild master, No one here could hold him back.

As he was making his calculations the 'Gigolo's voice calmly responded as the orb shone brightly, projecting the result of the test [Do you really believe I'm without cultivation?]


After Speaking, The light projected the result.

Name: Itachi Uchiha

Rank: Class 6 (Pseudo King)

Class: Mage assassin.


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{Ding! have received 44 System points for...}

{Ding!!... You have received 68 System points for ...}


Although Haru had an expressionless look on his face, He was Surprised by what the system did.

"Oh my god, this is what you took 200 system points for??? what is this worn-down result you gave me?? Can't you at least make me King realm?? and Why did you use that name anyway?... you never mentioned names"

{This was placed based on the highest level signatures registered on the Orb, anymore would result in Damaging the Orb.} the Systems voice responded.

"Tch...that would have made me more cooler!!, stupid!" Without any other option but to rant in his head as he casually placed the Orb back in Elena's hand as he stared at the pale faced Lucas.

I'm absolutely didn't want to make a scene in this guild today but since someone submitted his face for it to be Slapped, he might as well earn points from it.

"Calling awesome Itachi Uchiha a Gigolo?, you must be tired of living. He's lucky he's not on earth, if not the way the fans would respond." Even he Shuddered as he thought about it.

And while he was Ranting internally, there was an uproar as several discussion broke out and Elena Stared wide eyed at him.

[Impossible!!... No...Impossible!!...You must have done something!!, Yes! yes! that must be it.] Lucas said in a frenzied manner, How could the person he talked down turn out to be better than him. Isn't this like carrying a cross bow and shooting his leg?.

(Inserts : Naruto Shippuden OST : Madara's theme song)

"Yes, yes if I fight him and expose him for what he is. everything would be back to Normal." after arriving at such a conclusion, He Charged towards Haru without warning with his unsheathed sword as he roared [FIGHT ME!!!].

Despite there being so many people here, No one attempted to Stop him, After all everyone wanted to see if his Information given by the Orb was true. Elena seemed to want to make a move but suddenly stopped with a frown.

Seeing this, Haru's heart went Cold, it reminded him of how his relatives looked at him because of how much his parents spent on him. That look that made him feel useless and how they sung songs wishing him to die already. he could feel His Blood boil in fury for being looked down on.

"I'll Just Crush you like you want then"

Haru calmly watched him get closer like an adult would look at a child throwing a tantrum, he only had one thought in mind and it was beat this guy down with overwhelming force and make an Example of him.

He doesn't wish to have too many people know of his skills this early.

When Lucas arrived before Haru, He lifted his Sword into the air while infusing his Qi into it, which he Quickly swung down with accuracy towards Haru's head.

Although his movement was very fast to others, to Haru it was moving very slowly despite not using the Sharingan.

As the Sword came down, Haru immediately took action, He used the back of his left hand to Change the Direction of the Sword while his right hand simultaneously struck Lucas's Neck and disrupted his breathing before lifting him up by his face and smashing him onto the Ground head first as Lucas clutched his neck gasping for air.

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A miniature Spider web Crack appeared on the floor as the buildings floor vibrated a little. all this Happened within a seconds and they had an expressionless Haru looking over an unconscious Lucas with a Bleeding head.

[Tsk Tsk Tsk, That's it?...You know, there's nothing worse than being strong, but not being strong enough.] Looking down at Lucas, Haru finally said.


Meanwhile, in his head he was Shocked by the fact that he almost killed a person in a fit of Anger but he Quickly dismissed this thought, after he would be the one on the ground if he didn't have any strength. "This is what this world is about anyways, it's only a Matter of time."

As he was thinking, a series of notifications began popping up.

{Ding! Congratulations you have earned 105 System points}

{Ding! Congratulations you have earned 89 system points}

{Ding! Congratulations you have earned...}

{Ding! Congratulations you have earned...}

{Ding! ....}


"Rich!!! Am Rich!!!...Hahaha" He began laughing.

[Tssss] No one knows who but the person sucked cold breaths but it echoed loudly before the incessant Chatter began.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

There was a Clap coming from upstairs and everyone kept quiet before turning in that direction.

A Man that looked to be in his early 40's stood at a Platform on the upper floor, he had Brown hair and Almond eyes just like Elena with a Huge beard hanging beneath his Jaws.

He Smiled at Haru and Said [That's an interesting thing to say, young man.]

Haru also Smiled and replied, [It's Only the Truth. He Acted recklessly and ended being a stepping Stone for me.]

[True, True...I guild Master Zack, Welcome to the Adventurer's Guild!!!, Please wear this badge at all times. it will serve as your identification]. The Man said with wide open arm in a Dramatic manner and a Smirk on his face.

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