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After checking his inventory, Haru shrugged his shoulders before casually walking towards the living Ogre's.

But things never play out as imagined because a Massive Greatsword came swinging at him horizontally, causing him to block immediately with a Kunai as his pupils dilated.

Unfortunately, he was sent flying like a rag doll almost colliding with a Pine tree, so he used the Thunder God movement to change locations as Cold sweat trickled down his back and his heart began beating furiously.

"How did it escape my detection" Haru was bewildered by the entire situation but did not dwell much on it as a 3ft tall Ogre was Charging towards him with his Too big to be a Sword kind of weapon hanging on it's shoulder.

He quickly pulled out a smoke bomb and used it before switching positions again as he had noticed more ogres approaching from the direction the Huge one came from, He walked up the tree and approached their location to pick them off before he would fight the "Boss" who seemed to be hot on his tail.

An unsuspecting Ogre had been trying to Cut down A thick Bush blocking it's path when it Noticed the commotion and Warned his group to prepare for battle.

Just as the warning ended a Rock was tossed at him but he didn't Dodge, not because it couldn't hurt him but because the person was off with the trajectory as the Rock went over him by quite a Margin.

"Foolish Hu-" He thought but was soon shocked as Haru swapped his position with the rock and used the force of his fall to stab the Ogre's throat with a Kunai.


Blood sprayed everywhere but Haru dashed to the next victim not bothering to check on the first person to be sure as he already got the notification earlier.


at this time, the Berserk Ogre arrived and swung his great sword at the Dashing Haru, trying to cut him in half, not even caring about his surbodinates.

Seeing his actions made a cunny smile spread across Haru's face as he immediately made use of his right eye's Kamui, allowing the Sword to pass Through him and completely destroying everything on its path.

"tch... just how long does this Beserk state last" Haru began to feel wary because he too was beginning to feel exhausted, "it's been 15 minutes since I started using it today, That's the longest time I've had to use the Sharingan. 5 minutes more, 20 minutes more seems to be My limit."

He has to tire it out, he couldn't even follow it with his eyes without Sharingan, after all he would have been cut in half already by it's first assault.

Haru once again used the Thunder God movement to change locations towards the final Group of ogres and

The Berserk Yold'r chased after him with a Furious Roar!.

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Somewhere in Primux, The Bustling town continued it's business as it didn't carry the Title of Number 2 Business town in the kingdom for nothing, Second only to the "Golden Sible".

People walking and chatting as they made their way through the the town, Merchants advertising their wares and carriages transporting items to different locations.

In the Eastern part of the Town laid the headquarters of the Wolf Gang in Primux, "Glorious Bella". The Wolf gang is a well known organisation, Known for prostitution and the distribution of "Blue Dust".

They also Run several Taverns across the kingdom, all of which were named after their best Girls in the business. it is speculated that the gang is being run by a fallen Noble family called the Othello, Their main headquarters in the Capital is even named after a daughter of the Family.

The "Glorious Bella" was four Storey Tavern by Day but it was an open secret to the Nobles and the rich about what happens here at night.

At the Top floor of Glorious Bella sat three figures at a Round table with luxurious looking chairs and a Beautiful looking Man, staring out the window with folded arms. a Timid looking servant girl was serving the group with some Tea as the seated Men continued to look around while sweating profusely. Soft music that was being played in the lower floor lingered in the air as the smell of Hibiscus caressed their Noses.

[Haa... Sometimes I envy them you know.] The beautiful Man spoke but the Room suddenly felt eerily quiet but somehow the Burly looking man in the room managed to Speak while wiping sweat off his face[Of whom do you speak?, My lord]

[The Children] The pretty Man said while looking at the kids Running through the crowd with his piercing blue eyes before turning around and saying [But No worries...Now shall we begin?].

The Chubby fellow, Rufus audibly gulped while everyone adjusted on their sits.

[Oh My, you guys haven't touched your Tea.] The Pretty Man said as he took a sit in a gracious manner.

[Lord Joss, we were simply waiting on you.] Rufus quickly tried to kiss ass, hoping it would help him later as they discuss, but No one argued with him.

[Oh? ] Joss Stone muttered before sipping from his Tea. [Why Was The profit on Last night's "Blue dust" sales so poor. Literally, the only sales made was almost abysmal, meanwhile nothing came from your end Rufus.]

An eerie Silence befell the room once again, Rufus looked like he had eaten a fly, The Burly man looked like he had something to say but chose to remain silent, The last person was a middle aged man with one of his ears cut off and goatee.

Almost a minute passed since Joss asked and There was no response, but he patiently waited for them to speak.

[My lord, Someone has been hitting both me and lefty... our Men were mostly killed last night. there's always a survivor who would always return screaming "Demon".] The Burly Man, Tim was the first to speak once more.

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[Hmm... is this the same situation with you Rufus? ] Joss asked calmly but the latter quickly knelt down, surprising Joss.

[My Lord!, forgive me...I used my batch to try make sales on invictus territory, I...uueraaarg!! ] Before he Could finish, he was sent flying by a slap from Joss's Maid.

[MY LOORD!! My LOORD!! THIS SERVANT IS SORRY!! ] Rufus screamed as he looked at the Maid coming his way, He continued to scream until he heard joss's voice [Diana, minimal]


[Aaaargh!! Thank you for your mercy Lord!! ] Rufus said while picking up his left hand from the floor with a shaking body.

Completely ignoring Rufus, Joss turned towards the others and said [Lefty, You investigate what is happening and Matt, go see what you can find out with invictus.]

[[As you command]] Both parties accepted their orders and Rufus was struggling hard not to make a sound while looking at the smiling maid in fear.


Back in the Moju Forest

Along with 'swish', 'swish' sounds Haru changed into lightning light beam and advanced towards the Unsuspecting group. Powerful lightning chakra condensed on his right hand accompanied with the sound of chirping birds.


The right hand of Haru which was surrounded by powerful lightning struck an Ogre point blank in the face.



There was a short Cry and the Ogre dropped dead with a Blackened face. Haru didn't slow down as he Passed through the Group, Soon the Berserk Ogre followed behind while Cutting down everything in its path.



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[RU.... ]



When Haru finally arrived at the place he surrounded with Silver strings like some kind of spider web, He silently watched the approaching Ogre.

It's skin was now turning blackish red like he was burning up from the inside, his Aura wasn't that of a king Rank like he had been expecting but it was close.

Though he was disappointed in not being able to see a king rank individual, he was still happy it wasn't one because he was feeling mental fatigue. at this time, he had already stopped using the Sharingan but luckily for him the Monster seemed to be getting back to its senses.

He quickly exchanged a "Gunbai Uchiwa" from the system shop, This was a Weapon Madara was known for and the reason he got it was because of the discount he was offered, not that he knows how to use it.

"System, Why the discount though?" He Questioned.

(Ding... That's because you already have Madara bloodline and this is considered one of his weapon of choice.)

"Hmm? " He was about to ask another question but was interrupted by the now weakened Berserker.

[W... W...Why won't you darn Humans leave me alone?] He said as he suddenly Burst forth with his great sword at the end of his sentence.


And Haru responded in kind as he Blocked the initial onslaught.


From this single move, Haru clearly knew that engaging in a close combat with this fellow would be very troublesome. The Ogre immediately transformed all of his raging red battle qi inside his body into his Greatsword which was able to be seen with the naked eyes with ease. It looked like what Alucard's sword would ooze out, Although his Mangekyo Sharingan could easily see through these sword moves, he was already exhausted.

nevertheless seeing was one thing and able to avoid or not was another thing.

The Ogre began to use his sword to execute all kinds of attacks, which were extremely hard to guard against. And once the sword qi passes by his body, He would feel extreme Heat, like standing close to a Fire.

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After that he stretched his left land and aimed at Ogre, suddenly cackles of Lightning chakra appeared on the fingertips of his left hand <Chidori>

"Peng", "peng", "peng"...…. sound of weapons colliding rang out. As he blocked with the War Fan and attacked with hands.

Unfortunately, all his attacks that managed to touch the skin of the Ogre seemed useless.

"This is...…" Seeing the thickness of The Ogre's skin, Haru was surprised, but in this current circumstance, he didn't have the time to be surprised because the Ogre suddenly stomped the ground and the Shockwave began pushing towards him.

Haru heavily stepped on the ground with his right foot, and immediately tried to open a small distance between them. At this moment, he suddenly got a memory or some kind of vision and felt like it was Madera's, He Then performed hand seals with this right hand and only one thought in his mind.

<Katon: Gouka mekkyaku!!>

He then spat out a Huge Fire storm that Pushed back the Wave all the way to the Ogre while Burning everything on it's path. But because it was his first time using this Jutsu, He had pumped in a lot of Chakra almost depleting his Chakra. Now everywhere looked like a purgatory but The completely Blackened Ogre was now standing up once more, even Haru's breath was now raggedy with sweat trickling down his forehead.

Not wanting to give the Ogre any chance, He charged at it before it could pick up it's fallen sword but he was too late as the Ogre still managed to pick up the sword and block on Time. along with 'dang', 'dang'...…several parrying sound, Both parties were knocked back.




After that calming down their breath, The Ogre tightly held his Sword with his right hand while still trying to stand on his feet, and looked directly at Haru before saying [I can see, we both can't last much I shall bet everything on this one move]

Along with the yell of the Ogre, the aura of his body suddenly changed, as if the gates of Hell opened up. Blood red flames emerged out from his body, and under his control, these Aura immediately gathered together on His sword, and this huge sword swept towards Haru with an irresistible force. This was the final attack .


Looking at the incoming Blood sword, Hadu couldn't help but frown "I can't use Kamui, as it is not an option, Anymore strain on my mental health would leave me unconscious. And passing out in a Forest is precisely not a good choice."

After thinking this, another memory kicked in as He saw Madara pull out his "Gunbai Uchiwa" and reflected an attack, So he followed the same Motion and infusing chakra into it just before the BLOOD WAVE arrived.


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