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Xavier Duren's POV

Xavier was the Butler of the Van Family, He was an old Man Who had been taking care of three generations of the Van's Family.

In fact, he was in Charge of the Present Count when Lord Van was a kid and this was why the lord personally requested that he becomes the Guardian for his granddaughter Maya.

Barely 16 years old She ran away with a few guards, Just because of the conversation she overheard about the her being betrothed. The young Lad is Known as Mora Lopic, The Only Son of Duke Wilson Lopic, An A ranked Genius Who possesses an astounding amount of Warrior Qi that people were envious of.

However, Despite all this, Nothing could ever be so flawless, because of his upbringing as the Son of a Duke, Mora was Arrogant and Spoiled.

In the Lopican Dukedom built from a foundation of knights, Mora was a well Known class 5 Flame Warrior, who was once believed to possess the honorable knight's mindset but all his misdeeds were soon exposed which led to their present predicament.

He had a Blonde hair with pair of blue eyes, full of vitality that causes a great portion of the girls to fall into captivation, to the point of him even Appearing in their Dreams.

A few days ago, The Case that exposed him for his true colors was that Mora had raped a peasant Girl and was caught by a war God priest in the process, added to his long list of offenses. People of the War God temple are known for their unyielding nature, So the whole thing blew up, soon rumors spread of his other secret acts and the young miss who had definitely heard the whole story, now comes home to find that her family was discussing how to betroth her to the fiend.

I Rode on horseback leading a 100 man cavalry team through the Dirt road in search of the young miss. thinking about how the whole situation got to this point, I couldn't help but Smile Wryly, I looked at my Men, from their bedraggled and injured state, it was obvious to any onlooker that we had just experienced a battle not too long ago. The Amount of Cultivators that ran into So far was getting ridiculous, "Could it be that they discovered a treasure nearby?" I thought.

But, from our manner and the way that we held our heads up high while joking around, you could easily tell how the battle ended.

[The Compass is leading us Closer To our young Miss he he, Right! Thanks again, we were able to Show those Hawk Bastards who's Boss this time, all because of you, Sir Xavier] Joe Has been thanking me from the bottom of his heart since the battle, I wanted to tell him that even without me taking action, that person could solve everything but before I could respond, I spotted a Lone Masked Man just ahead of our Party.

He wore a Black robe with Red clouds around it that gave a feeling of Mysteriousness, He had several Piercings on his ears and His Orange Colored Mask with a Single Hole Matched the Hair on his head.

As he walked ahead Rhythmically without letting out a sound, it seemed like he was there but also not there. I was Astonished, He obviously had no Cultivation but it looked like he melded with most elements.

Shaking My head, I looked at him once more and everything returned to Normal like it was a Lie.

Only now did I Notice that He had a drooling Human on his back, Upon a closer look, They were able to make out the facial features of the Girl..

[Sir Xavier isn't that the young miss??]

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Upon Hearing this, The Black haired Man Whom the Count invited turned towards Me, he seemed to be at my every move since the beginning of this journey. "Jethro Freeman", His grey white Sideburns were a contrast with his black hair and goatee, He had a face full of arrogance and Contempt.

Apparently he was now Mora's Teacher, A Class 6 Flaming Berserker, Obviously he wasn't happy with the present Scene, So I decided to take action.


I Bellowed.

Hearing the loud ruckus behind him, the Orange haired masked man immediately looked My way almost Lazily and at the same time the young miss Woke up due to The Noise as she stared with wide eyes .

[Grand Pa Xavier!!] Maya Squeals as She Jumped off The masked man's back in a Startled Manner.

The Masked man tilted his head as he Stared at Maya before he Teased [It Seems you're healed, since you can jump.] but to my Surprise the young miss merely blushed before nodding with a Mild [Mmm...]

I approached them slowly with my Horse as the exchange continued.

As though she had gathered enough Courage, She stared intently through one eyed space of the Masked man, She then asked with a bit of a stutter as she blushed profusely [Wil...will I see you again?].


I couldn't believe my eyes and ears, the Guards were shocked as well, Since when has the young miss been so Cute?, She always had the airs of an independent lady ever since the death of her Mother. But here she was behaving like a wife who was about to send off her husband to war!!.

The Masked man Silently watched Maya like he was in deep thought before he suddenly turned towards the bamboo forest As his robes fluttered in the wind, [If fate allows it...]


[No!!] Maya screamed.

A black Shadow flashed forward while Swinging his Axe in a Wild manner only to hit Nothing. The Masked man Disappeared from our Sight and left a Burning Talisman in his place.



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[Tch...] Using his Massive Axe to Block the attack while clicking his Tongue but he still got Pushed back by 4m before stopping.

It was at this time everyone noticed the Masked man was still walking away like nothing happened.

-What Just Happened??

-sssh Sir Jethro will kill you...

Discussions broke out amongst the whole Party.

[Little Bastard!, Don't think you can leave here without giving me an explanation!!!.] Jethro yelled but I could notice the Caution in his Voice.

The Masked man kept walking Silently until he suddenly disappeared from every ones sight like a lie.

[[[[[WHAT????!!!!]]]] There was an Uproar!.

"Space Magic??".

Jethro's face contorted as he gnashed his teeth before turning towards me, [XAVIER!!!! what is the meaning of this!!!.]


That same morning, Haru woke up quite early and organized his ninja backpack, it was only palm sized, but capable of holding several shuriken, kunai and scrolls and still had room left.

It had a quite similar effect as those spatial storage rings in most Light novels he read.

After arranging everything, he was ready to leave the Canyon and begin his Adventure.

Suddenly he remembers the last Shadow clone and immediately cancelled it, receiving its memories, He couldn't help but Chuckle at the earlier situation. " So that's where the System points from earlier came from, my Clone was 'acting'".

He then took out a scroll, quickly drew the picture of an Crow on it and quickly formed the hand seals.

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"Ninja Art: Super Beast Scroll." After completing his jutsu, a black coloured ink eagle flew out from the scroll. He immediately jumped on its back, ordered the eagle to fly into the sky and flew away.

The sight he saw when he flew into the sky could only be described as Amazing. Although he spent the first few minutes screaming but soon Calmed Down.

He could only see a long trail of Water as it flowed through the Canyon like a Sword cutting through a huge Rock, The Variety of things that made this Canyon were laid bare to His Mangekyo Sharingan and all he could think was "Beautiful!."

After admiring the Scenery, he opened the System Map and thought "perhaps I should go deeper to grind for points?? or Do I head to the nearest town for now??."

As he was thinking he was startled by "Ding!!"

{Main Quest(Continuous): Find the Priest of Zoldevi in the Town of Primux. (Quest grade E-)

Rewards: 600 System points and 2 gold coins, 1.5% Chakra.}

He felt Excited as he yelled, [MY FIRST QUEST!!!BABY!!!]

After Calming down, he ordered the ink eagle to fly towards the direction his Clone had been led through by the young Girl.

The ink eagle quickly flew towards the direction in which Haru wanted. After flying about 5 and a half hours.

"Ha ha, finally I'm leaving this place." Seeing the Bamboo forest, he happily laughed in the sky. He had spent 2 months plus in the Canyon without contacting another human, and living his life almost like a primitive savage.

He removed his Super Beast Scroll, immediately the Crow which was under him turned into a mass of ink.

His body made a beautiful arc in the sky and accurately landed on the tip of a Bamboo, which he used as a Spring Board to pick up speed.


He Dashed towards the exit of the Bamboo forest jumping from one Tip to another.

Very quickly he saw other human beings, all of them were from a different mercenary groups also There is no lack of parties and solo mercenaries. They all came to the Canyon hoping to obtain a fortuitous encounter.

Everyday many of the mercenaries are forever buried inside this Canyon.

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Also countless people would come here because they could earn their livelihood by hunting these magical beasts and also had the dream to earn fortune here and live without any worries for the rest of their lives. All these people are living their life on the edge of the knife.

Before long these mercenaries discovered this youth with strange clothing, this youth had a kind of special charm on l people, but after they looked at this youth carefully, they found out that this youth standing before them had no Cultivation at his age.

immediately disdain appeared in their face as these mercenaries ignored him.

But in a blink of an eye he disappeared from the eyes of these people, leaving only a dust cloud behind.

"what!!?" The mercenary standing next to his neighbor, could only stare in awe and ask stammeringly.


Primux Town, It was one of the towns 'presently' under the Terra Empire. keyword being 'Presently' as this land constantly Changes hands between Blue Moon and Eternal Gale Kingdom, No one had ever retained control over this town for more than a decade for at least 1,000 years. This town was surrounded by huge Concrete walls, and it had several empty spaces on the Wall but funny enough, the population of the Town is insane because it was the first place merchant goods arrived at before they are somehow spread into the Empire.

Presently, The Count running this place was at a King class cultivation realm, So no one dared to have an idea to come and attack this town so Randomly.

Haru, who was presently looking at the towns status screen blocking his path,

{Primux Town(Lv 5 Business town) (S-)

Lord: Count Ríd Van(Gale King)

population: 482,609


Haru was immediately filled with strong shock when he saw this town's status which looked like something you'd see in an RPG. Now Haru felt very Confused, and unexpectedly he soon lumped it together with the Idea of the System.

This was a town which was still standing erect even after it had experienced countless battle. This town's power could directly shock people if they could see its stats, it is a freaking lower S grade. This made Haru's mind wander about its secrets.

This town had gone through countless battles and countless strong experts hide inside this town.

"isn't this a bit too strange? what could this place have in Store for me, hmmm." Haru Thought as he Strolled towards the Gates in his Shinji harada outfit and a Bamboo hat with a Mischievous smile playing at his lips.

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