Ultimate Teacher

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 - It's Better To Escape Than Beaten Everyday!

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[T/N: Hi~ I am picking this up because it seems like the link was no longer working and there are so many MTL version out there which isn't as accurate. Shall give this novel a try. If the respond is good, I will continue... If not, I may drop it.]
The cool breeze is bleak and the atmosphere is chilling.

In the classical and solemn Fang Residence martial arts hall, the two factions stood opposite each other.

A young girl in black sturdy outfit stood in the middle of the hall. She was holding her proud head, and staring coldly at a group of men, women and children in front of her, saying, "Where is Fang Yan? Ask Fang Yan come out to fight."

"My son is washing up and dressing up now. He will come out very soon." A good looking middle-aged man replied, his brows furrowed. He seemed very unhappy with the imposing attitude of the girl in front of him.

He was the descendant of Fang Taiji. Because he liked poetry and painting, he didn't seem to have the arrogance of the martial arts people, but rather a bit of a gentle and elegant Chinese scholar.

Ye Wen Rou sneered and said, "Washing up and dressing up? Is he afraid that is why he dare not come out?"

"You are too much!" Fang Yi Xing's expression was very ugly. It's a pity that he did not inherit Fang Family's nature of loving martial arts. He's a scholar and it was impossible for him to scold a girl to death. His chest was very uncomfortable from keeping the anger inside.

"Brother Fang Yan will come out very soon. He will definitely defeat you." A little boy with a dignified and strong look said as he waved his fist around.

The little boy’s voice just fell, and a group of people laughed.

"When have Fan Yan ever beaten Ye Wen Rou? Ye and Fang families compete every year. Ever since the first competition ten years ago, Fan Yan had never win our Wen Rou?"

"Exactly. The first time he was beaten, he couldn’t get out of bed for ten days. Wen Rou is a martial arts genius that Ye Family has had in a hundred years."

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"The second time, his left leg was broken. The third time, his two front teeth was knocked out. For the latest one, he was beaten so badly by our Wen Rou that he had to pretend to be dead. Aiyo... That ridiculous look...."

"Loose tongue kid." Fang Yi Xing's expression was very bad. He pointed towards the man from Ye Family who was ridiculing his son. He scolded, "Loose tongue kid."

This time, he wanted to argue a few words for his son, but ----- but what everyone said was true.

Ye Wen Rou simply waved her hands and said, "There is no point in saying more. Ask Fang Yan come out to compete.  He is not loose tongue kid, then ask him to show me his true skill."

Fang Yi Xing turned to look at his wife and said, "Go and call Fang Yan. The man of our family would rather die than bear such humiliation."

"Master, not good, not good -" a young little disciple ran over in a hurry.

"What's the matter? Just say out properly." Fang Yi Xing did not like his family and servants to be flustered.

"The young master ran away. The young master ran away." The young disciple said with a sad face.

"Run away?" Fang Yi Xing was stunned. "How did he run away? Where did he run to?"

"I don't know." said the young disciple. "The young master only left a letter."

"Open it quickly."

"The letter is not for master. It is for Miss Ye."

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"..." Fang Yi Xing felt that his whole person was a little bad. Is this his biological son?

"Coward mouse." Ye Wen Rou stunned for a while and then laughed coldly, "Give me the letter."

The young disciple did not dare to disobey the words of this violent woman. He quickly handed over the letter in his hand.

Ye Wen Rou opened the letter and found that there was only one message, 'Stinky woman, a good man doesn't fight with women, a good dog do not block the way. I am gone. Good bye forever!!!'

"Fang Yan."

Ye Wen Rou's eyes were full of murderous air. Her two palms were pressed together, and the elegant letter paper turned into a blue smoke.

"Even if you escape to the ends of the earth, I will also smash you up."

Zhu Que Middle School. The best private high school in Flower City.

Fang Yan stood at the main entrance of the school and looked at the young girls who wore white shirts and plaid skirts, full of youthfulness. He took a deep breath of fragrant air and was intoxicated. He said to himself, "I firmly believed that the student girls wearing a white translucent shirt, with black bra inside is the sexiest goddess."

"It's better to escape than beaten every year." Fang Yan's handsome face showed hideous look. "Ye Wen Rou, you this bitch, shrew witch, I am afraid you will never think that I will go to a school to be a teacher? Want to beat me? No way. Am I the kind of weak and undignified guy that will let people hit me casually?"

After asking this question that didn't need anyone to answer, Fang Yan was inexplicably sad.

At least - every year, he must let Ye Wen Rou, the barbaric woman, beat once. Just like a cat eating a fish, a dog eating a meat, Altman wants to hit a little monster, this is the rule.

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After tidying the neckline of his white shirt, he took out a black-rimmed glasses from his left pocket. Next. he took out a small mirror from his right pocket to take care of his facial features and hairstyles. After ensuring that there were no weird object at the corner of his eyes, he couldn't help to praise him, "One talented and handsome guy."

An obese middle-aged man ran passed the side of Fang Yan. He returned quickly like a ball. He looked at Fang Yan with a puzzled look and asked, "Are you teacher Fang Yan?"

"Yes, I am." Fang Yan nodded his head.

"You are really Fang Yan?" Zheng Jing's face flashed with an unbelievable look. Wasn't it to let him pick up a new teacher? How come was this - young and somewhat over-the-top guy?

If he stood on the podium and gave lectures, how embarrassing would it be for the students who were sitting below the stage and looked slightly older?

"You are older than the teacher." Will this sentence become the most vicious language attack in Zhu Que Middle School?

"It's the real one." Fang Yan said with a smile.

"I am the head of the principal's office, Zheng Jing." Zheng Jing once again looked up and down seriously, and really looked at Fang Yan. After excluding this possibility of a mischief, he raised a heavy head and said, "The principal is expecting you."

Vice-Principal Office.

Fang Yan looked at this bright and spacious but elegantly decorated office, and decided two things in his mind: First, Zhu Que Middle School was very wealthy, and the teacher's welfare was very good. Second, the vice president in charge of personnel establishment was a woman.

The vice-president was absent, and the obese man who brought him in, helped him to pour a cup of tea and then hurried away, leaving him alone.

Fang Yan waited for a long time. The hot water cooled, the tea fragrance dissipated, and the vice president who wanted to see him was still missing.

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He stood up and stretched. Then walked around the office to reckon.

Soon, his gaze was drawn by a tall vase in the corner.

The streamlined Eucalyptus echoed the sky, and the bright yellow gerberas were slouched in a staggered state, which looks very beautiful.

"Stairs to heaven?" Fang Yan was instantly amazed. He did not expect to see the difficult flower arrangement technique of 'Stairs to heaven' here.

He knelt down and carefully appreciated, then shook his head gently, "There is not enough fire."

He wanted to turn and leave, but he stopped.

After hesitating again and again, he finally couldn't help but pick up the scissors from the window ledge and 'Ka-cha' ' Ka-cha' away.

Open wide and close, his method was very fierce. It looked like he had lots of hatred for this pot of flower.


Lu Chao Ge pushed open the office door and saw a strange man kneeling at the corner, waving the scissors to destroy her most beloved flower arrangement. The broken branches and leaves on the ground were a mess.

She had a feeling of blood rushing to her head and felt like fainting. Her face paled, eyes rounded, and shouted, "What are you doing?"

Fang Yan was so engrossed in his work. When he heard this explosive voice, he replied, "Nothing."

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