001 – Prologue The View is Better From The Top…?

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Posted on June 10, 2016 by crazypumkin

That day. A stunning sunny day even though it is the rainy season, puts me in a good mood since morning.

The train. Changed once, away from the city, the slightly worn station that can be said to be in a rural area that is only crowded in the mornings and evenings.

Due to school commuting.

Most of the state schools are situated here as the land is cheap.
Luckily even though I belongs to one of the schools here, the distance is not that I would need to take a bus to from the nearest station.

I will die if I am forced to exercise this much in the morning.
[TN: It’s just taking a bus…]

Come to think of it I won’t even choose that kind of school in the first place. Right.

Ah..But the weather is so good today. So good that I feel like skipping. The little sweat I had tells me that summer will soon be coming makes me happy. Thinking about this as I walk, someone tap me from behind.

” Shou, good morning! ”
” Ohh! Morning Terao. ”

Ehh..Why is it not a girl from my class..No, it is not that I am thinking about that kind of stuff. I am not thinking about it! This guy too.
My best friend. I only came to know him when I entered high school but due to our personality being similar, we got close fast.

” What’s with that face? You must be thinking about something rude like ah, why is it Terao, right? ”
” Ah. I was exposed. ”

I laughed but reality is cruel.
Terao is popular. He is what they call an ‘Ikemen’. [TN: Handsome]
I am a troublesome guy? Can’t be helped, that is the kind of guy I am.

” Ah… I am jealous of your looks. ”

Compared to the sunny sky my heart is drizzling a bit.

” What’s that? Really…you allllllways say that kind of stuff, I’m so tired of hearing it. ”

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Terao said with a serious face. The daily conversation that is almost a template for us. To the fact that you can call this as our greeting to each other. Not discriminating to anyone, friendly, yet not frivolous and kind… That is Terao.

And there is me.

I don’t want to admit it but I seems to be hated by the ladies.

[TN: The following paragraph was edited as I misunderstood the meaning.]
Every time I greet them, they would say something in a tiny voice before turning red and running away. If I ever wanted to chat with them in the classroom, someone will come over and drag them away somewhere. The former must be that they are angry with me. The latter must be ” Don’t get close to someone like that! “. Damn it.

What is so different about me and that guy!?

…The world is unfair.

Oh. While ranting in my heart, Terao is looking at me with a strange look.

” It..It’s nothing. ”

Saying that so suddenly is just like admitting that there is something! But Terao just said ” Okay. ” with a smile. I see. What a gentlemanly response. Let’s learn it. As I am nodding that the fact I have a good example by my side…

A vase fell.

…hm? Eh?

The vase hit my head directly.

The world started spinning in slow-motion.
The vase touched the top of my head, and as pressure was felt, the skull cracked.

I died…!

As I am thinking that, my eyes open to a field of flowers all around me. What is happening? That’s right. I was hit on the head by a vase. And I woke up in a field of flowers.

Right. I don’t want to admit it but I have to. I died because of a vase. And this is heaven?

Wait. But. What about the wheel of reincarnation or King Enma or the last judgement? [TN: I like the name Enma so I’m not gonna use Hades.]
Dying is surprising boring.

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But because I died by a vase, I don’t really want to wake up amidst a field of flowers. Why is everything flowers? Don’t tell me this is a hint about my entire life? My head is not full of flowers!
And I started a meaningless retorts with myself. While I am doing that, the field of flowers disappears, leaving behind a white space all around.

” I am really so sorry!! ” [TN: He’s doing old man speak]

And suddenly someone jumped and kneel in front of me…An old man.
[TN: He is doing dogesa]
Erm… What is with this situation?

” Erm, what is happening? Please raise your head. ”

For now, just accept the situation and even though I have no idea what I should do, I would really like an explanation first. To understand the situation.

” You forgive me? ”

With my words that holds such thoughts, the old man raises his head, eyes sparkling.
I am not feeling happy despite I am in heaven. The fields of flowers, this kneeling old man, is this harassment? Are you making fun of me?

The subtle unpleasantness continues. Then a thought pops up that makes me pale. Nothing good is happening, and everything unpleasant keeps on happening… Don’t tell me this is hell….?

” Here is neither heaven or hell. ”

As my thoughts progresses, the kneeling old man stood up saying. Have you stop apologizing? Although I have no idea why you are apologizing, seeing how desperate you are means something really bad happened. Your attitude sure changes fast.

I looked at the old man. Touching my lips, it seems like I did not absent-mindedly spoke my thoughts out loud. Which means this old man is reading my thoughts?

” I am not a human but a god. ”

…For real?

My jaw dropped. And I began looking around the room. All I can see is white, white, white. A white space. Like how snowing countries got attacked by a snow storm and renders everything white. This is not a space that can be man-made.

Ah…This is for real…
I sigh at the space that confirmed the old man’s words.

” Please don’t tell me…that I died because ”

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That’s what happened in the web novel that I was hooked up with reading. It cannot be that right, I laugh bitterly.

” Yes, it is my fault. ”

For some reason he puffed out his chest.
…This guy…..He is definitely not regretting about this!

” Would you like to hear the reason? ”

It is like the audio channel is different or something but I can’t make a sound. [TN: I have no idea what this means in japanese. Help?]
I sigh.

” Eh… Ah, my beard caught onto the plants with my knowing.. ”

……His beard.

The reason for my death is his beard, that long beard of his.
If god is involve with a death doesn’t it usually means that there is some special reason?!
And it turns out to be his beard! Isn’t this too half-assed? Oi! That was a bit too much.

“…..And? What should I do? ”

I hug my head, giving up.

” ….You accept that pretty fast. ”

God said, shocked as he looked at me with eyes peeking from underneath his long eyebrows.

” Ah..It’s meaningless. I can’t smile and forgive you for me being killed as I am angry. I mean, if I make a ruckus then are you going to send me back? ”

At that, God looked at me, still shocked. I mean, a being that is God knelt and apologized to me. If he can send me back then he would have done so in the first place.

” Even so, normally one would still fight against this fact. ”

Ah. Is that right.
It must be because I am a lonely existence.

My sigh got seen by God.

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” And, what’s gonna happen to me? ”
” Even though it was my mistake which killed you, I cannot bring you back to life. It would be either to reincarnate or disappear. Do you know anything about the wheel of reincarnation? ”
” I’ve heard about it… ”

Souls of the dead is guided by the wheel of reincarnation and return to the world with a different life, that kind of stuff. In short, a new life.

God, who is looking at me, nod with satisfaction. He must have read my mind and know that my knowledge is correct. I am surprised that reincarnation really exist but hey, sure.
…But I am not disappearing! That’s horrible!
Against reincarnation you made the other choice to be disappearance.. You are really… There is no choice in the beginning isn’t it!

” ….. I’ll reincarnate. ”

At that answer, God nodded deeply and said ” This time really… “. I did not pay attention to most of it but it ends with ” To truly apologize, I will grant you any of your wishes. ”

Isn’t this the famous [Cheat] around the net? Magic cheat, strength cheat, different kinds of cheat floats around my head but there is not one that really appeals to me. Plus, all the main characters who possess these talents often get lead into troublesome situations.

And it is not that I yearn to be unparalleled. If you asked me what I want, I wanted to be liked, to be loved. Is that aim too high..? Right..hmm.. at least I don’t want to be hated like I am now..

There are things in life where I did wrong and failed. Should I make use of my experience?

” I want to have all of my memories of this former life. ”
” Is that all? ”
” If I ask too much it’s scary. ”

I laugh bitterly.
Tongue-Cut Sparrow is the biggest trauma from my childhood.
[TM: It’s a folktale, search it up.]

” I see. ”

God smiles gently upon hearing that.

” And so. Let’s be on your way. ”

At that, my body is wrapped in a warm glow.

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