023 – It’s Good I’m Betrayed (First Part – John POV)

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AN: John San is a person who cannot be frank but he is still an honest fellow.

As I walked into William Sama’s room, apart from the thick table that exuded a composed and dignified aura, the whole room felt bright and airy.

” Ah, Mary San, thank you. ”

William Sama gave his thanks for the tea brought by a woman who seems to be a maid. For the time being, he was as expected, a polite and level-headed person.

” ……. ”
” ………. ”

But I am troubled.
Even if this is my wish, I cannot seem to find any words to start a conversation. Besides, I find myself much more nervous then I thought that I frozd.

It should be me, the elder one, to break the ice. And even if I had thought of various things, my mind went blank even since I came in.

” …Erm… ”

William Sama asked, timidly.

What a disgrace, showing such (frozen) face. Perhaps, I may be seen as glaring at him.

” Ah, I am sorry. ”

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Embarrassed, I coughed.
This time, I made sure to focus on William Sama before I opened my mouth.

….Relax, relax.


” I unknowingly got nervous. As you know, I am John Veltor, and I will be working as your tutor from today onward. ”

Trying to avoid a scary impression, I carefully paid attention to my words as I introduced myself. And then, William Sama returned with a graceful greeting.

” Yes, I will be in your care. I am Williams Beryl, please call me Will. ”

At the birthday debut, I did thought about the possibility that he had memorized that speech. I still find it difficult to believe that a 3 year old can talk like that.

But, once I came here, I was convicted.
Yes, it was William Sama who prepared that speech. It was too shocking.

” Erm, what should I call Veltor Sama? ”

As I was called out, my attention snapped back.
This is getting interesting, I cannot help but to give in to my mischievous side.

” You can call me however you prefer. Only… ”

Well then, how will this young genius react to this? As I was thinking about that, I instinctively smiled.

” ..not Veltor please. ”

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I had threw my family name away.
Since I, who was born into the problematic Veltor house, was to undertake the position of an education role, I wanted to at least relay this Williams Sama and of course, Gian Sama.

And above all, how will he react upon understanding my words. I do feel sorry for testing him but most of all, I am amused.

William Sama immediately gave a smile and replied.

” Then, John Sensei! Would that be all right? ”

The reply that was more than what my expectation was made me slightly slack-jaw.

…..I can only say that he is indeed a genius.
It was a reply that understand that I am uninterested in power, house name or currying favor just by my words alone.

” Yes please, I look forward to working with you. ”

In no relations with my family, he narrowed the relation down to a personal level by simply using my name and attaching ‘Sensei’ to it. Wonderful. It is wonderful how he exceeded my expectations.

To be able to teach this person, I am glad I left my house. I might be a fortunate person.

Unconsciously, I begin talking, being in a good mood.

” By the way, Will Sama. ”

With that, Will showed a displeased face.

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” John Sensei, please stop with the ‘Sama’. ”

What a humble attitude.

To tell the truth, although Beryl and Veltor family sounds alike, they cannot even be compared against.

Veltor being a Viscount house, Beryl being a Duke house.

In addition, the name of Veltor house is at the bottom. In comparison, Beryl house, in addition to Gian Sama activities and his good ruling with the reputation of being the best in the country, they are also a family have had a long standing history. Really, towards that person….I only have admiration.

In the end, the relationship with me is not of noble standing but instead, a pure student and teacher one.


” Then… Will San ”
” Will alone is fine. ”
” …Eh…That is a bit… ”
” It’s okay because you are my Sensei! ”

As I thought.

It was difficult to suppress my instinct to smile. Even if I try to resist, he had insisted to call him Will with a compelling attitude. This, makes it very clear that we are a teacher and student.


” Ah yes Sensei, what is the matter? ”

Will said, as he remembered that I wanted to say something.

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” Ah. It’s just..If you don’t mind me asking, it is a little early for a 3 years old to have a tutor. I was wondering if you made this request or was it Sir Gion’s idea? ”

Really, how did Gion Sama educate? I really cannot imagine.

But, Will smiled bitterly and answered.

” No, it was me who requested. ”

Ah, really, today no matter how many hearts I have would not be enough.

” It’s Will’s…? But why? I don’t mean to be rude but boys at your age usually only think about having fun. ”
” I don’t know anything. I am proud seeing Father so needed (busy) but as for me, I can’t help with anything… ”

I remembered that I was shocked by the mischievous tone Will had used.

” …And I am frustrated with that. ”

Really…..This person.

Is a genius to the extend that you will be amazed.

And I wonder if this is fate. I kept feeling that it was.

” So that is why.. ”

I had became the tutor of this person.
With the ability I have, I wonder if it will be enough.

” Well then, let’s study hard as soon as possible, shall we, Will? ”

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