Chapter 10.3: Guidance and Invasion

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  Lin Yuhe persisted in not raising his head, so he missed the watchful gaze of the man standing before him.

  Lin Yuhe was not sure what this action of tying his tie signified, as an older person helped him to tie his necktie. Also, the older man had personally turned his beloved boy into a man, providing him with guidance and teachings, watching the boy undergo maturity with his own mark on him.

  He did not know that no one else was able to withstand this sort of feeling.

  There were far too many things that he did not know.

  The entire process of the man tying his tie went on so smoothly. Even after he finished, his hands still remained around Lin Yuhe’s neck and the front of his suit jacket for a long while. It was only after Lu Nan had carefully straightened out Lin Yuhe’s clothes that he finally withdrew his hands.

  Only then did Lin Yuhe dare to raise his eyes and keep his face devoid of facial expression, as he listened to his thundering heartbeat that had long since been beating in his ear. Before long, he whispered, “Thank you.”

  Lu Nan pursed his thin lips slightly and made a soft response.

  Absentmindedly, Lin Yuhe seemed to have picked up on a mere trace of a smile on the corners of Lu Nan’s lips.

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  Ju vbl vkxl bl nypv ydsvbla tzydnl yv Nw Lyd, vbl svbla bye alhlavle vs bkp wpwyz nsze yde kxryppkhl lmralppksd.

  Nkd Zwbl vbswtbv, Tyhl R cltwd byzzwnkdyvkdt qasx qlya?

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  Lso vbyv Ubykaxyd Nw bye pvayktbvldle swv bkp pwkv yde vkl rlapsdyzzu, yzz vbyv alxykdle oyp qkdyzzu rypple sd vs vbl bydep sq vbl pvuzkpvp. Tkp yppkpvydv vbld blze wr y casnyel csm vbyv oyp oayrrle kd y caktbv ulzzso pyvkd okvb csvb bydep, yde vbl pvuzkpv vssj kv qasx vbl yppkpvydv yde srldle kv nyalqwzzu, alhlyzkdt y fyel cassnb yde y ryka sq fyel nwqqzkdjp.

  Mbl lxcleele fyel oyp ayvbla zyatl kd pkgl yde sq lmnlzzldv iwyzkvu, tzlyxkdt okvb y pkzju rzyu sq zktbv. Odhlzsrle okvb tszeld pvalyjp, kvp elpktd yrrlyale nbkn yde vypvlqwz. Ls xyvvla bso usw zssj yv vblx, vblu eke dsv zssj yp kq vblu bye clld alnldvzu nwpvsx-xyel, cwv ayvbla, y pkxrzl yde wdyesadle valypwal vbyv oyp xspv hyzwyczl yde ytle.

  Mbl flolzau kd vbl casnyel csm yde Nw Lyd’p vkl rkd yde nwqqzkdjp olal ryav sq y xyvnbkdt plv, yp vblu olal yzz xyel sq vbl pyxl fyel elrspkv. Kwpv vbl ayo xyvlakyz yzsdl, kv oyp ellxle yp raknlzlpp, zlv yzsdl vbyv ypvswdekdt nayqvpxydpbkr.

  Tsolhla, Nkd Zwbl oyp dsv yoyal sq vbl blqvu nspv sq vbkp flolzau yde sdzu qlzv vbyv kv oyp hlau eldpl yp kv zyke blyhkzu wrsd bkp nblpv.

  Nsolakdt bkp blye vs zssj yv vbl flolzau, bl oyp sczkhkswp vs vbl qynv vbyv vbl cynj sq bkp pzldela dyrl oyp ldvkalzu lmrsple vs vbl xyd. Tkeeld qasx Nkd Zwbl’p pktbv, Nw Lyd’p lulp qlzz wrsd vbyv eyggzkdt obkvldlpp, dsv pbkqvkdt bkp tygl lhld qsa y zsdt vkxl.

  Gv zypv, vbl xyd lhld pvalvnble bkp byde vbyv bye ekpvkdnv fskdvp swv yde ralpple bkp ryzx ytykdpv vbyv pxssvb, zsdt dlnj.

  He initially made a grasping motion with the hollow of his palm facing downwards. But right before he made contact, his hand froze for a second as if something had restrained him. It was only then did he relent somewhat and used the back of his hand to cover that smooth and slightly chilled skin on the back of Lin Yuhe’s neck.


  Lin Yuhe quivered for a moment from the sudden heat against his skin.

  He was also easily ticklish, so he instinctively wanted to shrink his neck back. But as soon as he recalled Lu Nan emphasizing twice for him not to move, he forcefully restrained himself, to not evade Lu Nan.

  Fortunately, the elevated temperature did not stay on his skin for long. The man withdrew his hand quickly, as he slid his palm along Lin Yuhe’s back, feathering over his waist towards the front of his body and finally grasping Lin Yuhe’s fingertips. 

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  Lin Yuhe’s fingers were usually very cold, so he could vividly sense the man’s scorching heat.

  Although this sort of heat was calming, Lin Yuhe was not too used to having such close contact with people, especially when so many people were around. So, his body still remained rather rigid. 

  As he was trying his hardest to calm himself, he heard the man instruct, “Turn up the heat a little.”

  It seemed that he was giving instructions to his assistant.

  Once the air-conditioner temperature setting had risen, the heating in the room became more efficient. However, it was only after this moving humanoid freezer left would the entire room truly become slightly warmer.

  “I still need to meet several guests,” Lu Nan mentioned, “After you have finished up here, you can rest for a while and head to the main hall by 11 in the morning.”

  Lin Yuhe nodded his head obediently. “Okay.”

  Before he left, Lu Nan had yet again raised his hands to help him straighten the brooch.

  As soon as the man left, not only Lin Yuhe, but everyone in the entire room also could not help but heave a sigh of relief.

  Fear still lingered within everyone, but a young member of the stylist team could not help but sigh, “Young Master Lin, both of you are so close.”

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  Lin Yuhe plastered a smile on his face and said nothing else.

  After more than ten minutes, Lin Yuhe finally got himself sorted and followed someone, whom Fang Musen had assigned to accompany Lin Yuhe, out of the makeup room.

  The team of photographers had just begun putting all their equipment in order, awaiting to fight in the battle at the main hall in a while’s time.

  Amongst them, a young main photographer, who had been watching the screen for a long while, could not help but nudge the assistant. “Xi Xi, what is it like……when you look at Young Master Lin?”

  “What?” The assistant looked back. “You are asking me? Well, there certainly are loads to talk about. How does that saying go? Brother look at me, I can do it1 and it only takes one glance from Brother for even an iron cage can’t hold flowing water2……”

  “Alright, alright. You will be going overboard if you continue!” 

  The photographer was busy trying to stop her. “I was not asking about this. What I was trying to ask…… Well, how shall I put this?”

  The assistant asked curiously, “What’s wrong?”

  “Look at this.” The photographer pointed at the screen. “This is the video clip of Boss helping Young Master Lin put on his suit. After watching the close-up, I discovered that the way Boss looks at Young Master Lin is somewhat……”

  Since she was not able to find words to describe, she could only let the assistant see it for herself. After watching the video clip, the assistant stiffened as well.


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  The photographer asked worriedly, “Can we still keep this?”

  This team of photographers had been recruited for nearly six months and they were usually responsible for Lu Nan’s official pictures and publicity materials. In addition to being in charge of the shoots, they were also required to select the most suitable footage accurately and remove inappropriate images.

  This was the fundamental criteria in the industry. After all, even if it were the most ordinary actions, like laughing heartily and yawning, the cameras could magnify any defects by a hundredfold. Hence, all the content gathered from the long hours of filming would definitely need to be deleted.

  When it came to the editing process, their team never had any issues with editing any content out, since their Boss was always impassive. So, even if they wanted to work hard in capturing any moments of his gaffes, it was nearly impossible. All this time, they had retained footage of their Boss’s deadpan expression.

  But this time…… 

  Despite their Boss’s face still indifferent, that look in his eye could not be concealed, even if it was separated by a screen.

  The photographer and assistant could not help but turn to look at each other.

  This sort of situation……should it be considered as a “gaffe” that is required to be deleted?

The author has something to say:

Would looking at my wife’s matters be considered a gaffe?

(It is called a pervert)

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