Unable to Divorce After Signing the Marriage Contract Chapter 15.2

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Gently Wiping His Lips (2)

Mr Lu's attitude was so serious that he can't help suspecting there were hidden cameras filming them inside the car right now.

In fact, Lin Yu He had already discovered that Mr. Lu was a very responsible man, and he wasn't as cold as he was rumored to be. If someone who really liked him can be with him, they would probably live a very happy life.

He thought so, but did not have much self-awareness that the person he married was himself.

Lu Nan asked, "What happened between you and her in the morning?"

Lin Yu He told him everything without reservation.

He was very detailed with his explanation. After all, Mr Fang still holds a lot of shares in Tai Ping, and Lin Yu He didn't want to give Mr Lu trouble because of his own affairs.

However, he didn't expect Lu Nan's first question after listening was, "She added you on WeChat?"

Why did it felt like Mr. Lu was paying attention to the wrong thing?" Lin Yu He thought to himself. However, he still nodded, "She asked for my WeChat ID."

The man's expression was somewhat unreadable as he asked, "Then have you added her?"

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Lin Yu He was not sure if the man wanted him to add that girl or not, so he said truthfully, "I haven't had time to look at my phone, so I'll check later."

Lu Nan: "...... Oh."

He didn't say anything else, but his expression became unfathomable.

Soon, the car arrived at Yan University. The visitor license plate was only valid for a single visit, so the car stopped at the entrance of the university.

On the way here, Lu Nan had already received two phone calls. Right when he was about to get out of the car, his phone rang again. Lin Yu He understood how busy this man was, thus he insisted to go inside on his own.

Lu Nan didn't say anything, and simply gave him his coat.

The long coat reached down to his calf when worn, more than enough to wrap him up in a neat bundle. There was still a faint woody scent on the coat, that smelled good to him.

Most people find woody scents to be astringent, but Lin Yu He likes it very much.

This smell makes him feel at ease.

Lu Nan watched the boy obediently wore the coat and couldn't help himself from reaching out again. Ultimately, he managed to restrain himself and only lifted his hand to help the younger male straighten his collar

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"Send me a message once you reached the dorm."

This is also a kind of paternalistic admonition.

Lin Yu He nodded: "Okay."

The wind at night was cool, but the dormitory was not far from the campus gate. In addition, with a coat to protect him, Lin Yu He remained warm all the way until he returned to the dormitory.

Everyone was already at the dorm and was busy talking about the examination results. Lin Yu He chatted with them and sat down on a chair to text Lu Nan.

"He He," Shen Hui Xi called him, "There's an extreme sports league coming up in Beijing next month, do you want to go?"

Zhu Bo has live broadcast on weekends, and Zhen Ling has acrophobia, so Shen Hui Xi usually only invite Lin Yu He for these kind of things.

Lin Yu He's eyes lit up when he heard that, "I want to go!"

Although his physical activities are limited by his asthma, Lin Yu He has always been interested in extreme sports. He had even been to the rock climbing club and skateboarding club to observe them.

Shen Hui Xi walked over: "Then follow this account. I have a friend who is sponsoring this competition, I'll ask them to send you an electronic ticket."

Lin Yu He complied and opened his WeChat. He was just about to search for the account Shen Hui Xi mentioned when a notification alert popped up on the screen.

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It was a friend request.

Shen Hui Xi, who was standing beside him, casually glanced at the pop-up: "Who is it, Fang Zishu?"

"Well, she said she wanted to add me today." Lin Yu He said and clicked into the friend request tab. However, he was confused with what he saw, "Huh? Why are there two friend requests here?"

When he looked at the other request, he was completely stunned.

The screen showed: "I'm Lu Nan."

Shen Hui Xi: "......?"

Lin Yu He: "......???"

Mr. Lu?! When did he send this friend request?!

Shen Hui Xi was curious, "What's going on here? You didn't add Mr. Lu on WeChat?"

"No ......"

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Lin Yu He's head was in a mess and his voice turned weak.

He remembered seeing this friend request badge a couple of times, but he had always thought it was an automated new friend suggestion from the phone's address book, and shrugged it off.

Lin Yu He gulped and started panicking.

All the notifications from the previous times...... Did Mr. Lu send the invites personally?

The more he thought about it, the more alarmed he was. How long had he ignored this request?

Lin Yu He's discourse was caught in Shen Hui Xi's eyes, but the understanding of the situation seemed to have taken a wrong turn.

After seeing Lu Nan's attitude towards Lin Yu He at the engagement party, Shen Hui Xi had long changed his previous thoughts. He coughed lightly and asked, "Erm...... Did you guys fight and then you deleted him?"

He had a constipated expression, as if he was holding back a laugh, "I've always thought Mr. Lu was a serious person, I never thought he'll also be blocked by his partner, and had to take the initiative to add him again."

Lin Yu He: "......"

No, it's not like that. Listen to my explanation!!!

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