Unable to Divorce After Signing the Marriage Contract Chapter 16.3

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Listen to Only Me (3) - unedited

Lin Yu He had no interest in gossip and rumors previously, and now all the more so uninterested in the private lives of these wealthy clans. He only wished to fulfill and end this contract as soon as possible. Once some time has passed after the divorce, his life will return to normal soon enough.

Once she finished reiterating all those complicated rules, Wu Xin began introducing everyone in the Lu Family.

The Wu's had a better standing than the Lin's, and they had the opportunity to get in touch with the Lu's once. This time, Wu Xin had asked her contacts in Hong Kong for a favor and collected very detailed information about the Lu Family. All these files were neatly placed in front of Lin Yu He.

"The head of the family, Lu Guang Ze started his business with real estate. He had a total of five wives, four sons, three grandsons, and one granddaughter." She listed out.

Among these people listed, Lin Yu He knew nothing of them besides Lu Nan. He'll have to begin by remembering their names.

While Wu Xin was introducing these people to Lin Yu He, the main door was opened once again.

The one who just came inside was Wu Xiao Han. She was clad in an all-leather outfit, matched with studded leather Martens boots on her feet. She had very thick makeup on her face and had probably just returned home after partying somewhere.

She walked inside directly and threw her clutch on the sofa. When she heard what Wu Xin was explaining to Lin Yu He, she let out a laugh-filled mockery. "There's even a need to tell you how many people there are in the Lu Family? How can you not know these?"

Wu Xiao Han only had two types of reactions towards Lin Yu He, either she pretended he never existed, or she would mock him and treat him badly. However, Lin Yu He had never once had a shift of tone whenever he spoke to Wu Xiao Han.

He said, "I've never thought of entering the Lu Family in the first place, so I never tried to get to know them."

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His father who had just come out to welcome Wu Xiao Han home heard Lin Yu He and frowned.

The conversation between the two youngsters coincidentally hit his sore spot. Originally, Lin Yu He did not need to learn these things. He should've had his own life, and not 'sold' off to Lu Nan this way.

Lin's father had a rare moment where he gave Wu Xiao Han a stern look, "Xiao Han, how can you speak to your older brother this way?"

He usually had a good temperament and loved his children a lot. So it was rare for him to be angry at them, and thus this admonition was already something quite serious.

Wu Xiao Han rolled her eyes and let out a "tsk", her attitude was nowhere polite.

On the other hand, Wu Xin was very pleased with Lin Yu He's answer. She felt that he didn't have much ambition, and thus will be very easy to control.

She told Wu Xiao Han, "Alright, that's enough. We still have important matters to deal with, go back to your room first."

Wu Xiao Han grabbed her handbag and left the living room.

Wu Xin called out after her back view, "Remember to clean your face thoroughly!"

The response that came from her daughter was the sound of the door slamming shut.

After Wu Xiao Han left, Wu Xin continued to tell Lin Yu He about the Lu Family. She had already compiled their family tree and profiles and urged Lin Yu He to memorize every one of their identities and interests.

Besides these, Wu Xin also repeatedly reminded him about the importance of the rules and formalities.

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After she finished explaining all these, it was already 10 p.m.

Lin Yu He picked up his coat and prepared to leave when he spotted his father coming out of the room.

"Done?" He continued, "It's already so late, just stay here for the night, Xiao He."

Lin Yu He wore his coat and said, "No need, Dad. I still have class tomorrow morning."

Lin's father could only relent and turned around to grab his coat, "Then you wait outside, I'll drive you home."

Wu Xin called her husband immediately, "Didn't you say you'll help me massage tonight? My shoulders are all stiff from sitting here for over two hours."

Lin Yu He said, "It's fine, Dad. I can go back alone, there's enough time to get onto the subway train."

Lin's father halted in his steps. He hesitated for a while and had yet to make a decision when a fully dressed Lin Yu He opened the door and walked out.

It was already late autumn and winter was slowly approaching. The wind at night in Yan City was very cold in this season, as though the coldness sliced past the skin and penetrated deep into the bones.

After coming out from the subway station at the university's entrance, there was still some distance to cover to return to his dormitory. By the time Lin Yu He reached the dorm, he was already frozen stiff.

He already wore a mask, yet it was insufficient to block off the cold wind from his nostrils and throat. His nostrils and throat were chilled and his chest also started to feel stuffy.

However, he didn't stay in the heated dorm room upon returning. Instead, he went upstairs alone to the rooftop.

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Compared to an enclosed space within his room, he still felt more at ease in a high location.

He stood at the edge of the railings and had a wide view of the surroundings. The street lamps on the campus roads were all lit up, yet they cannot drive off the ink-like darkness of the night and seemed as though they would be swallowed by the darkness instead.

After he stared at the view for some time, Lin Yu He's mood finally calmed down.

He inhaled through a layer of the mask he's wearing, and suddenly thought of the last time he came up to the rooftop alone.

That night was the night before the engagement ceremony. He had just returned from his stepmother's place and had a rather foul mood. While he was looking off the rooftop, he received a phone call from Mr. Lu.

While Lin Yu He was reminiscing, his phone inside his pocket started vibrating.

His reaction was a beat slow but still fished the device out from his pocket to look at the screen.

The name flashing on the screen read: "Ge Ge"

How coincidental.

The two times he felt down, that man would always call on time.

Lin Yu He picked up the call, "Hello?"

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The low, magnetic voice belonging to Lu Nan sounded in his ears, annexing the wind, "What are you doing?" Lu Nan continued, "I sent you a text earlier but you never replied. Were you still busy doing assignments late at night?"

"No, I just came back to the dorm from home." Lin Yu He replied, "I'm probably traveling just now, so I didn't pay attention to the messages."

These days, the two of them would exchange texts on WeChat from time to time. Lin Yu He was initially surprised but he got used to it over time. Now, he treated it as part of the agreement and did not give it much thought.

Lu Nan asked, "What did you do back there?"

Lin Yu He sniffled and said, "Aunty prepared some information on your family, asking me to remember all of them and learn about the rules."

There was silence on the other side of the phone for a while before Lu Nan's calm voice came, "No need to learn."

"Huh?" Lin Yu He froze.

Didn't the Lu family have a lot of rules? Just now stepmother said a lot, including which foot to take the first step through the door to show respect.

"There's no need to learn those rules." Lu Nan repeated.

His tone was cold, comparable to cold steel in this cold night that held up a shelter to defend against the wind and rain.

"You don't have to listen to what others say."

Calm and concise, each word fell into Lin Yu He's ears.

"Listen to only me."

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