Chapter 2.2: Mr. Lu is Here, So Let’s Meet

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  Once she was done briefing him, Wu Xin no longer wasted any more time and remarked, “That is all I have to say, so go ahead and have your meal.”

  Her eyes then swept over her watch. “I still have work to deal with, so I will be heading back first. If there are any problems, I will contact you again.”

  Lin Yuhe said softly, “Please take care.”

  It was only after Wu Xin left that the food was being served one after another. Judging on how sumptuous dinner was, as well as the grade of this hotel, it must have amounted to a hefty cost.

  Even so, the Wu family possessed a far more substantial amount of wealth than the Lin family did. When it came to money, Wu Xin would not condescend and be hard on Lin Yuhe.

  In front of outsiders, she would never let anyone get a hold on any information to create any disputes or misunderstandings.

  Dishes after dishes of expensive food were laid out closely next to each other, to the point where the entire table filled with so much food, all the more bringing out the emptiness surrounding the tables and chairs.

  Without touching any of the food, Lin Yuhe called a waiter over and had him wrap up all the food on the table.

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  Jayhkdt vbaswtb vbl qaktke twpvp sq okde, obknb oyp xwnb nszela vbyd obld bl oyp blyekdt swv lyazkla, bl qkdyzzu alvwadle vs vbl esax. Ju vbyv vkxl, csvb Hbld Nkdt yde Flnsde Jas olal yzalyeu cynj yde olal ekpnwppkdt oblvbla vs saela psxl vyjlyoyu.

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  Flnsde Jas’p dyxl oyp Hbw Js. Gnnsaekdt vs bkx, bl oyp tkhld vbkp dyxl clnywpl bkp qyxkzu oydvle bkx vs pvweu qsa y Vb.P. Tsolhla, clqsal bl lhld pvyavle pvweukdt qsa bkp Vb.P., Hbw Js clnyxl y zkhl-pvalyxla, sa ayvbla vbl psav sq qyxswp zkhl-pvalyxla vbyv bye xkzzksdp sq qydp.

  Mseyu, bl oyp alnstdkgle cu psxl sq bkp qydp yqvla pnbssz, ps bl oldv vs vbl nyqlvlaky zyvl yde bye vs xyjl es okvb obyv bl nswze qkde qsa ekddla. Gqvla alvwadkdt vs vbl esax, bl vbld vbswtbv sq saelakdt psxl pwrrla.

  Nkd Zwbl alhlyzle vbl vyjlyoyu csmlp kd bkp bydep. “Zsw es dsv dlle vs saela vyjlyoyu yduxsal. R byhl caswtbv cynj pwrrla, ps zlv’p lyv vstlvbla.”

  Hbld Nkdt blzrle vs plv vbl vyjlyoyu csmlp sdl cu sdl, alxshkdt vbl zkep yv vbl pyxl vkxl. Nssjkdt yv yzz vbl qsse Nkd Zwbl caswtbv cynj, Hbld Nkdt’p lulp zkv wr. “Eso, bykau naycp! Eso, Ganvkn pwaq nzyxp!”

  Nkd Zwbl, obs oyp dwxc okvb nsze vbaswtbswv vbl ldvkal dktbv, qkdyzzu qlzv psxl pldpyvksdp sq bwdtla kd bkp pvsxynb obld bl oyp kxxlaple kd vblpl qyxkzkya pswdep sq xlaakxldv.

  Gp pssd yp vbl cwdnb sq vyjlyoyu csmlp oyp yzz plv wr rasrlazu, Fbld Twkmk ldvlale vbl esax assx okvb y ryka sq dlozu nzlydle vaykdlap kd bkp bydep.

  “Tlbl kp cynj yzalyeu? R oyp fwpv ycswv vs ypj usw obld usw okzz cl alvwadkdt pkdnl kv kp yzalyeu 10 rx. Psd’v qsatlv vs nbyatl uswa bsv oyvla csvvzl ytykd.”

  Having been reminded, Lin Yuhe said, “Oh yes, I will go charge it now.”

  It would be some time before the central heating system of the dorm would be officially switched on. At the moment, Lin Yuhe was entirely dependent on his hot water bottle to survive through the night.

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  He called Shen Huixi to have supper together. After stepping onto the bed ladder to plug his hot water bottle into the socket, he also moved a chair and sat with them.

  The moment they began eating, the fresh food in takeaway boxes, which were assembled on a short table, finally revealed its deliciousness. Despite having lost some distinct flavors as they had been packed to be taken home, they still tasted far better than having them in the freezing restaurant.

  Zhen Ling even managed to find several bottles of coke that they had received when they ordered takeaway previously. Having them with supper, it was definitely an experience that was far more delightful than having expensive wine served in high-end restaurants.

  As the four of them were eating while chatting, Zhen Ling asked, “We will only be going for an internship at the hospital next term, right? I know of a student next door and they will be starting their internship this term.”

  The university next to Peking University was Tsinghua University. The hospital, which they had partnered with to deliver internship placements for their students, was the well-renowned Union Medical College Hospital.

  “In the past two days, it seemed that the Union Medical’s ICU had received a big shot, and even begun to inspect these interns’ credentials strictly.”

  While shelling the lobster, Zhu Bo asked, “What big shot?”

  Zhen Ling shook his head. “I am not sure either. The interns did not have a chance to work in the ICU. In the past two days, they were not even allowed to get near it.”

  Shen Huixi commented, “It has already come to the point where they are about to enter the ICU, so perhaps they will be releasing some news in two days.”

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  Since the person was a big shot, it might be possible that he was someone who was required to notify the whole country.

  After chatting a little longer, they finished their supper and were getting ready to get some rest. Before washing up, Lin Yuhe made it a point to touch his hot water bottle.

  It had already heated up.

  It was just that no matter how warm the hot water bottle became, it could only warm-up a small area. Once Lin Yuhe lay down properly on his bed, he would still be unable to escape the cold clutches of winter.

  He was born with low body temperature, so it was useless to add several layers of blanket on him. Even wrapping himself up in them the whole night through, his temperature would remain very low as if his entire body, from inside out, had been completely frozen.

  Previously, everyone in the dorm room went for a vacation together, and the four of them made their beds on a wooden floor. When Zhen Ling slept, he tended to move so much that he ended up all over his bed. Once when he was turning over, he accidentally touched Lin Yuhe’s leg, and it was so cold that he literally jolted awake. 

  He even thought someone had placed ice cubes on his body.

  At that time, Zhen Ling stated that Hehe urgently needed a cutie, who could help to warm up his bed.

  This year, the menacingly cold air mass and the sharp drop in temperature caused the days to be all the more torturous. At least Lin Yuhe was already used to the dreary and endless winter days. Nevertheless, he continued to toss and turn for an awfully long time, before he became drowsy, amid the coldness that was hard to disperse, then gradually fell asleep.

  When he woke up the next day, his hands and feet, just like before, were still cold to the touch, to the extent where his fingertips felt slightly numb.

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  Dressed in layers, Lin Yuhe made sure he kept himself all wrapped up, before walking softly to the window and drew the curtains. 

  The dim light of the early dawn passed through the misty glass, allowing him to see the dusky sky outside.

  It was yet another dreary sunless day.

  His mobile phone on the table vibrated twice, and the screen lit up, indicating that there were new messages.

  Lin Yuhe had yet to recover from the coldness of waking up in the early morning. However, the moment he saw the two messages on his phone, it made it even more difficult for him to warm up.

  [Wu Xin: Make sure you free up next Tuesday]

  [Wu Xin: Mr. Lu will be coming to Yong’an and so you will be meeting him then.]

The author has something to say:

Uncle Lu, your wife feels cold on the bed. Understand?

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